Metasploit mailing list archives

How would I add a Metasploit Module to my Framework?

From: natron at (natron)
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 08:03:56 -0500

The *nix version of Windows' %APPDATA% location is
~/.msf3/path/to/your/module.  You want the folder structure to be the
same as the real msf directory.  This is the 'official' location
you're supposed to put custom msf modules, but you're correct in that
you can stuff them in the regular directory and it'll work as well.

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 2:32 AM, Patrick Webster <patrick at> wrote:
In the trunk versions of Metasploit3 (3.3-dev), just copy any module
style .rb file into %appdata%\msf3\modules\exploits\windows , linux
etc, or msf3\modules\auxiliary\ ... and start metasploit.

It will load the module, or otherwise print a load error to the console.


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