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scruby on openwrt

From: dninja at (Robin Wood)
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 01:22:39 +0000

I'm trying to get scruby running under openwrt on my fon. After a lot
of battles I've managed to get all the dependencies installed but any
attempt at sniffing results in this error:

Pcap: can't open device 'eth0' (uninitialized constant Scruby::Pcap)

eth0 is up and tcpdump can happily sniff packets.

Before I go digging through the source to find out about Pcap can
anyone suggest any quick fixes?

In case it makes a difference, this is the script I'm testing with
which works fine on my desktop

#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'scruby'
scruby =

And adding a p scruby gives this output so I know that at least the
object is being created correctly

#<ScrubyBasic:0x2af5caa8 @conf=#<Scruby::Conf:0x2af5ca18
@promisc=true, @gateway_hwaddr="00:00:00:00:00:00", @iface="eth0">>


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