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query on exploit/windows/browser/apple_quicktime_rtsp

From: morning_wood at (Donnie Werner)
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 11:05:45 -0800

 I would really like to help, but I cant stop thinking how much you remind 
me of my experience in India and the ethical hacking classes I developed.

While the students ( you ) knew much about computers and networking, and are 
very eager to learn, just do not possess the capacity to learn outside of a 
defined "book" of lessons. By the nature of your questions, you have given 
us the level of your capacity, and the level of your knowledge in the most 
basic of exploitation techniques.

 Failue of your education system is to blame, as all of my students 
complained that they could not follow the tasks because they had no 
"practicals", or in other words, the teachers/school never "taught" you 
anything other than reading a book. ( out of my students I had 4 BS in 
computing and even a CISSP! [ who said my class taught him more in 2 weeks 
than all of his paid certificate classes ])

 To be honest, it is very frustrating trying to help someone with 0 
knowledge, but claims to "know" the topic.


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