Metasploit mailing list archives

[patch] typo: documentation/users_guide.tex

From: gapz at (gapz at
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:04:49 +0100


"msf > " instead of "msf? "

Index: documentation/users_guide.tex
--- documentation/users_guide.tex       (r?vision 5798)
+++ documentation/users_guide.tex       (copie de travail)
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 \texttt{msfconsole} user interface. If you are using Windows, start the \texttt{msfgui}
 interface and access the \texttt{Console} link from the Window menu.
 The console should display an ASCII art logo, print the current version, some module
-counts, and drop to a "msf> " prompt. From this prompt, type \texttt{help} to get a list of
+counts, and drop to a "msf \texttt{>} " prompt. From this prompt, type \texttt{help} to get a list of
 valid commands. You are currently in the "main" mode; this allows you to list
 exploits, list payloads, and configure global options.  To list all available
 exploits, type \texttt{show exploits}. To obtain more information about a given

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