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MS08-067 added to SVN trunk (3.2-testing)

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 13:13:46 +0100


could you please send me the results of the following command:
./msfpescan -j esi AcGenral.dll

and/or download this little script:
Edit OPCODES_LIST.BAT to add AcGenral.dll
Run it and then send me the results (OPCODES_LIST.TXT)

I will then add the results of various locales to MSF-XB opcodes
database, and identify the "international" opcodes if any.
(Note that you can also use MSF-XB to list the opcodes using a


Giorgio Casali a ?crit :
The addressess I've used for a XP SP2 ITA that don't work are:

0x596bf727 ---> Ret
0x596c16e2 --> Disable NX address

It would be great If someone can test them and give a working ones.


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