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Unexpected Results From a backtrack attack on DVL live CD

From: angelisonline at (Mr Gabriel)
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 17:58:55 +0100

2008/8/26 Juergen Fiedler <juergen.fiedler at>:
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Mr Gabriel <angelisonline at> wrote:
Dear All,
I downloaded DVL, under the assumptions that it is intentionally left
with vulnerable services for the purpose of teaching lessons on
vulnerabilities. I downloaded it, ran in, and then ran the autoown
script, assuming that the box would be FUBAR! in seconds, but alas, no
such luck. I updated metasploit via SVN, and again, not one single
session was opened.

I would be most happy, if someone was able to tell me that I am being
a complete and utter idiot, and have misunderstood the "how" when it
comes to exploiting a box to prove the existence of a vulnerability,
or if I completely missed the point, and have now embarrassed myself
by saying I failed to exploit a linux distro, that was designed to be
exploited :)

If I remember correctly, DVL does not in fact run vulnerable services
but puts emphasis on local exploits through software flaws. Basically,
its purpose is to teach people how to spot things like buffer
overflows in local software. Remote exploits are outside its scope.

Thus sayeth the guy who tried the very same thing, with the very same
results before taking a closer look at the distro :)

Good luck!

Thank you for this! At least I know I wasn't the only one! Well, it's
good to know that I misunderstood its purpose, but I have an original
windows XP install CD, I think we call that SP0 :) I think I'm spend
the evening rooting the CRAP out of it! Thank you to all who replied
in this thread.

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