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Guess what will be in 3.1 for Windows...

From: grutz at (Kurt Grutzmacher)
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 09:15:50 -0500

The ralink USB devices do perform packet injection with the KisMac
modified usb-driver. I haven't had any time to work on getting
lorcon to work in OSX because I don't do a lot of wireless work
anymore and Parallels+Linux is much more convenient.

On Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 08:07:33PM +0000, Mr Gabriel wrote:
If you want injection capabilities on osx you have to run linux in a virtual machine and then connect the usb to it

-----Original Message-----
From: H D Moore <hdm at>

Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 14:06:20 
To:framework at
Subject: Re: [framework] Guess what will be in 3.1 for Windows...

AFAIK, there are no injection-capable drivers for OS X (and the only 
Windows one is the Tx/Ex). Hurray for Linux :-)

On Tuesday 09 October 2007 13:55, Ryan Lindfield wrote:
The idea would be to use the onboard airport card in passive mode and ??
external for injection.

                 ..:[ grutz at jingojango dot net ]:..
     GPG fingerprint: 5FD6 A27D 63DB 3319 140F  B3FB EC95 2A03 8CB3 ECB4
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