Metasploit mailing list archives

Metasploit on Windows

From: elite_netbios at (Hamid . K)
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 23:13:23 -0800 (PST)

Is it me expecting it before stable release ,
or msf-console auto-complete implementation will not
be changed much ? currently tab will list ALL modules
and not auto-complete while typing . legacy msfconsole
was much better in this case :)
New msfconsole though , fixed delay before loading and
listing modules , but tab auto-complete is really missing !
And yes, I`ve checked new and handy 'search' in console.
thanks for implementing this .

And about GUI , although search option is more than enough
for making GUI easier to user , but I think it would be nice
to categorize exploit modules based on platform and OS ,
right like current state in directory structure. 

trying to run 'irb' in msfconsole make cpu to reach 100% and
MSF hangs. rubyw.exe is the bad process here . 

more to come.


----- Original Message ----
From: H D Moore <hdm at>
To: framework at
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 5:02:58 AM
Subject: Re: [framework] Metasploit on Windows

If you downloaded the new windows installer, keep updating it every
days or so. The MSFGUI interface now has a fancy splash screen and a 
bunch of little bug fixes. More changes coming soon.


On Saturday 29 December 2007, H D Moore wrote:
I put together a new installer for the Windows platform. If any
users have some free time and would like to help test it, please
download and install it from the URL below. This is not the final
version of 3.1 and there are likely to be tons of bugs.

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