Metasploit mailing list archives

Feature requests? Bugs? Annoyances?

From: list at (Garrett Gee)
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:28:09 -0700

I would love to have NTLMv2 suport in the smb_relay and smb_sniffer 


H D Moore wrote:
Hello everyone,

I am starting to work on the 3.1 checklist and would like some input from 
user community before finalizing it. Right now, the plan is:
 * Fix as many known bugs as possible.
 * Simplify msfweb installation requirements.
 * Integrate all of the exploits folks have sent in.
 * Finish the SMB/CIFS work demo'd at black hat

We have a few projects going right now, these include:
 * Integrating the excellent METASM backend
 * Expanding the ruby-lorcon module to access new Lorcon features
 * Provide an quality-feedback plugin for tracking exploit success
 * Providing a "feed" system for module developers
 * Starting an exploit developer mailing list
 * Updates to the web site, blog, etc

So, what am I missing? Which of these projects would you find the most 
useful? Any general suggestions? Thanks!


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