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From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 06:44:02 +0100

Dear Alexander,

thanks for your review of the MSF, it will be helpful for the community.

btw, i don't really understand your main goal in all your recent mails...
Do you actually want to completely test all modules of the actual 
version of the msf? (if so, -good luck-, and remember that a new version 
is coming... remember also that a specific application is now open to 
report bugs )
Do you test exploits with the msf for learning purposes? (if so, i would 
recommend to spend more time with quite recent sploits than with 
"jurassic" ones. furthermore, you should try to use your ruby skills to 
edit the modules and use the documentation to have a better 
understanding of things)

Sorry to, actually, don't help you much with your specific problem.
Did you trace the things with wireshark or so?...

Best regards
/JA - Independant

Alexander Sotirov a ?crit :
In MS04-031 Microsoft says:

"After the NetDDE services are started, any anonymous user who could deliver a
specially crafted message to the affected system could attempt to remotely
exploit this vulnerability"

This seems to imply that no authentication is necessary, but the exploit doesn't
work with an anonymous connection. When I run ms04_031_netdde I get:

Exploit failed: The server responded with error: STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

If I set SMBUSER and SMBPASS, the exploit works, but these two options are not
listed in the exploit info message. Are they really needed, or is there
something I am missing?



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