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From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 08:53:41 -0600

The bash process refuses to run as admin (which is must do post-install to 
configure the framework directory):

c:\PROGRA~1\Metasploit\Framework2\bin\bash.exe (2584): *** couldn't 
allocate cygwin heap, Win32 error 0, base 0xA10000, top 0xA18000, 
reserve_size 32768, allocsize 32768, page_const 4096
24 [main] bash 3884 fork_parent: child 2584 died waiting for longjmp 
before initialization
bash: fork: No error

We might be able to solve this by update Cygwin and fixing up the 
post-installer, but I really really want to get away from Cygwin support.


On Wednesday 21 February 2007 08:43, Pusscat wrote:
I've been watching the claim fly by that cygwin doesn't work on vista
for awhile now, and I keep meaning to say something, but I haven't. 
I've been running cyg successfully on vista now for ages without an
issue.  I think it might be just ruby that doesn't work properly in

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