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msfd (tab-completion)

From: lex001 at (Dennis Günnewig)
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 21:06:58 +0100

Okay, in a bigger environment with more than a handful sensors, another way may be interesting:

o Offering a separate plugin which
        x offers different commands / changes different commands to control a msf-Daemon remotely
        x connects to sensors via a ssh-tunnel
        x sends normal msf-commands over the ssh-tunnel to control the sensor

o Adding another db_table with information about the MSF-Daemon of the sensors (id, name of the sensor, ip, port)

o Managing your whole MSF-Infrastructure whithin one msf-instance --> no change beetwen different msf-instances, no use 
of CTRL+Z or similar ways

o more complex

I think of the following scenario:

linux# ./msfconsole
msf > load mgt_sensors
msf > help

sensors_add             - add a new sensor to the list
sensors_del             - delete of an entry in the list
sensors_show            - show list of available sensors
sensors_connect         - connect to a sensor
back                    - saves the environment, connection stays open
exit                    - closes connection to the sensor

msf > sensors_show

id      sensor_name     sensor_ip       sensor_port
---     -----------     -------------   -----------
1       dmz      55554
2       lan       55554

msf > sensors_connect 1
Building up SSH-Tunnel, please wait
msf s:dmz > [...]
msf s:dmz > back #saves the environment, connection stays open
msf >
msf > sensors_connect 1
msf s:dmz > [...]
msf s:dmz > exit #closes connection to the sensor
SSH-Tunnel closing, please wait
msf >


H D Moore schrieb:
Tab completion isn't supported over the the msfd telnet console. If there 
is enough interest, this is something we can look into.


On Friday 09 February 2007 17:11, Dennis G?nnewig wrote:
i just try to use the msf-daemon (msfd). It works quite fine except of
missing tab-completion-support and missing support of the
special-function-keys - eg. up, down, left, right, back. It seems to
me, that the daemon is not able to interpret the keycodes (correctly).
What I've to do to get things working or is it up to somebody familiar
with ruby to change some sources of the framework?

If there any posts concerning this issue I've overseen, do not hesitate
to send me a link to this post(s). :-)

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