Metasploit mailing list archives

MSF Exploit writing little tutorial

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 10:28:31 +0100


*giving* *back* to *Caesar* *what* belongs to *Caesar:*
all credits should be given to Cyberheb, not me

since i'm not an expert of exploit writing, you would be able to find a 
lot of tutorials around the web
a reference to consider is the book "Shellcoder Handbook"
for online tutorials and papers, here is some links:

it should be some nice reading there (before HD, skape and other folks 
of the msf-team wrote one :-) ...? but maybe they are too busy working 
on a MSF version 4 for christmas... ^_^)

Cheers and hacky new year

Ty Miller a ?crit :
Hi Jerome,

Nice work. The article is really good.

I have been a pen tester for a while and have been meaning to get into
exploit development over the past few months, but haven't managed to find a
descent exploit tutorial - especially using Metasploit.

If anyone has any suggestions as to what I should do or read to get myself
up to speed in exploit development, it would be appreciated if you could
pass on your handy hints.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerome Athias [mailto:jerome.athias at] 
Sent: Tuesday, 19 December 2006 9:21 PM
To: framework at
Subject: [framework] MSF Exploit writing little tutorial

by: Cyberheb


    MERRY CHRISTMAS!              __ _ __ ___
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