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show: undefined method

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2006 13:22:28 +0200

aaaaa bbbbb a ?crit :
Thanks for answering to my question, i think i will use framework 3.0, but it seems have some problems maybe i didn't 
installed all packages witch need for framework, also searched on google for this error but no results.


With framework 2.6 everything is fine.

first, i think you have to know and remember that the version 3 of the 
MSF is still in beta stage
then, there is a dedicated beta mailinglist for it
additionnaly, please be sure to run msfupdate "every time" before you 
will run the MSF

i don't know more about your error, but i don't have this problem 
personnaly with the last updated version of the MSF3

PS: be also sure to provide more information about your platform 
(Windows or GNU/Linux...), SP, etc

good luck

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