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using Meterpreter , out of MSF // SQL Injection module

From: grutz at (Kurt Grutzmacher)
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 11:17:19 -0500

On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 02:10:24PM +0200, RaMatkal wrote:
I have written a perl script which i regularly use that exploits sites 
vulnerable to SQL injection running MSSQL....

It enumerates the database and is able to write the first 'x' rows of each 
table into .csv files....

Never thought about integrating it into metasploit though....

Let me know if anyone is interested in this...

Absinthe does this fairly well and for multiple databases. But it's not
a perl script... :)

                 ..:[ grutz at jingojango dot net ]:..
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