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Metasploit Framework v3.0 Alpha

From: dunceor at (Dunceor .)
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 11:28:36 +0200

On Apr 4, 2005 4:01 AM, ExploiT <exploit1001 at> wrote:
so all of that awesome stuff is not true? or just the instant worm thing?

I think we can say that pretty much all of it is not true :)
Read it through with a skeptical eye and you'll see that most of is
just for pure fun.
" + Native Windows GUI,  nobody uses unix so we do not support it"
" + New version of the AntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiSniff stealth recon module"
" + New nop generator modules use artificial intelligence techniques"

Alot of cool features but I doubt we are gonna see any of it soon :P
Only thing that I felt could be true was the Python stuff but I doubt it :)

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