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Secure Passwords Keep You Safer

From: InfoSec News <alerts () infosecnews org>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 00:02:42 -0600 (CST),72458-0.html

By Bruce Schneier
Jan, 11, 2007

Ever since I wrote about the 34,000 MySpace passwords I analyzed, people 
have been asking how to choose secure passwords.

My piece aside, there's been a lot written on this topic over the years 
-- both serious and humorous -- but most of it seems to be based on 
anecdotal suggestions rather than actual analytic evidence. What follows 
is some serious advice.

The attack I'm evaluating against is an offline password-guessing 
attack. This attack assumes that the attacker either has a copy of your 
encrypted document, or a server's encrypted password file, and can try 
passwords as fast as he can. There are instances where this attack 
doesn't make sense. ATM cards, for example, are secure even though they 
only have a four-digit PIN, because you can't do offline password 
guessing. And the police are more likely to get a warrant for your 
Hotmail account than to bother trying to crack your e-mail password. 
Your encryption program's key-escrow system is almost certainly more 
vulnerable than your password, as is any "secret question" you've set up 
in case you forget your password.

Offline password guessers have gotten both fast and smart. AccessData 
sells Password Recovery Toolkit, or PRTK. Depending on the software it's 
attacking, PRTK can test up to hundreds of thousands of passwords per 
second, and it tests more common passwords sooner than obscure ones.

So the security of your password depends on two things: any details of 
the software that slow down password guessing, and in what order 
programs like PRTK guess different passwords.

Some software includes routines deliberately designed to slow down 
password guessing. Good encryption software doesn't use your password as 
the encryption key; there's a process that converts your password into 
the encryption key. And the software can make this process as slow as it 

The results are all over the map. Microsoft Office, for example, has a 
simple password-to-key conversion, so PRTK can test 350,000 Microsoft 
Word passwords per second on a 3-GHz Pentium 4, which is a reasonably 
current benchmark computer. WinZip used to be even worse -- well over a 
million guesses per second for version 7.0 -- but with version 9.0, the 
cryptosystem's ramp-up function has been substantially increased: PRTK 
can only test 900 passwords per second. PGP also makes things 
deliberately hard for programs like PRTK, also only allowing about 900 
guesses per second.

When attacking programs with deliberately slow ramp-ups, it's important 
to make every guess count. A simple six-character lowercase exhaustive 
character attack, "aaaaaa" through "zzzzzz," has more than 308 million 
combinations. And it's generally unproductive, because the program 
spends most of its time testing improbable passwords like "pqzrwj."

According to Eric Thompson of AccessData, a typical password consists of 
a root plus an appendage. A root isn't necessarily a dictionary word, 
but it's something pronounceable. An appendage is either a suffix (90 
percent of the time) or a prefix (10 percent of the time).

So the first attack PRTK performs is to test a dictionary of about 1,000 
common passwords, things like "letmein," "password1," "123456" and so 
on. Then it tests them each with about 100 common suffix appendages: 
"1," "4u," "69," "abc," "!" and so on. Believe it or not, it recovers 
about 24 percent of all passwords with these 100,000 combinations.

Then, PRTK goes through a series of increasingly complex root 
dictionaries and appendage dictionaries. The root dictionaries include:

    * Common word dictionary: 5,000 entries
    * Names dictionary: 10,000 entries
    * Comprehensive dictionary: 100,000 entries
    * Phonetic pattern dictionary: 1/10,000 of an exhaustive character 

The phonetic pattern dictionary is interesting. It's not really a 
dictionary; it's a Markov-chain routine that generates pronounceable 
English-language strings of a given length. For example, PRTK can 
generate and test a dictionary of very pronounceable six-character 
strings, or just-barely pronounceable seven-character strings. They're 
working on generation routines for other languages.

PRTK also runs a four-character-string exhaustive search. It runs the 
dictionaries with lowercase (the most common), initial uppercase (the 
second most common), all uppercase and final uppercase. It runs the 
dictionaries with common substitutions: "$" for "s," "@" for "a," "1" 
for "l" and so on. Anything that's "leet speak" is included here, like 
"3" for "e."

The appendage dictionaries include things like:

    * All two-digit combinations
    * All dates from 1900 to 2006
    * All three-digit combinations
    * All single symbols
    * All single digit, plus single symbol
    * All two-symbol combinations

AccessData's secret sauce is the order in which it runs the various root 
and appendage dictionary combinations. The company's research indicates 
that the password sweet spot is a seven- to nine-character root plus a 
common appendage, and that it's much more likely for someone to choose a 
hard-to-guess root than an uncommon appendage.

Normally, PRTK runs on a network of computers. Password guessing is a 
trivially distributable task, and it can easily run in the background. A 
large organization like the Secret Service can easily have hundreds of 
computers chugging away at someone's password. A company called Tableau 
is building a specialized FPGA hardware add-on to speed up PRTK for slow 
programs like PGP and WinZip: roughly a 150- to 300-times performance 

How good is all of this? Eric Thompson estimates that with a couple of 
weeks' to a month's worth of time, his software breaks 55 percent to 65 
percent of all passwords. (This depends, of course, very heavily on the 
application.) Those results are good, but not great.

But that assumes no biographical data. Whenever it can, AccessData 
collects whatever personal information it can on the subject before 
beginning. If it can see other passwords, it can make guesses about what 
types of passwords the subject uses. How big a root is used? What kind 
of root? Does he put appendages at the end or the beginning? Does he use 
substitutions? ZIP codes are common appendages, so those go into the 
file. So do addresses, names from the address book, other passwords and 
any other personal information. This data ups PRTK's success rate a bit, 
but more importantly it reduces the time from weeks to days or even 

So if you want your password to be hard to guess, you should choose 
something not on any of the root or appendage lists. You should mix 
upper and lowercase in the middle of your root. You should add numbers 
and symbols in the middle of your root, not as common substitutions. Or 
drop your appendage in the middle of your root. Or use two roots with an 
appendage in the middle.

Even something lower down on PRTK's dictionary list -- the 
seven-character phonetic pattern dictionary -- together with an uncommon 
appendage, is not going to be guessed. Neither is a password made up of 
the first letters of a sentence, especially if you throw numbers and 
symbols in the mix. And yes, these passwords are going to be hard to 
remember, which is why you should use a program like the free and 
open-source Password Safe to store them all in. (PRTK can test only 900 
Password Safe 3.0 passwords per second.)

Even so, none of this might actually matter. AccessData sells another 
program, Forensic Toolkit, that, among other things, scans a hard drive 
for every printable character string. It looks in documents, in the 
Registry, in e-mail, in swap files, in deleted space on the hard drive 
... everywhere. And it creates a dictionary from that, and feeds it into 

And PRTK breaks more than 50 percent of passwords from this dictionary 

What's happening is that the Windows operating system's memory 
management leaves data all over the place in the normal course of 
operations. You'll type your password into a program, and it gets stored 
in memory somewhere. Windows swaps the page out to disk, and it becomes 
the tail end of some file. It gets moved to some far out portion of your 
hard drive, and there it'll sit forever. Linux and Mac OS aren't any 
better in this regard.

I should point out that none of this has anything to do with the 
encryption algorithm or the key length. A weak 40-bit algorithm doesn't 
make this attack easier, and a strong 256-bit algorithm doesn't make it 
harder. These attacks simulate the process of the user entering the 
password into the computer, so the size of the resultant key is never an 

For years, I have said that the easiest way to break a cryptographic 
product is almost never by breaking the algorithm, that almost 
invariably there is a programming error that allows you to bypass the 
mathematics and break the product. A similar thing is going on here. The 
easiest way to guess a password isn't to guess it at all, but to exploit 
the inherent insecurity in the underlying operating system.


Bruce Schneier is the CTO of BT Counterpane and the author of Beyond 
Fear: Thinking Sensibly About Security in an Uncertain World. You can 
contact him through his website.

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