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[defaced-commentary] currently defaced

From: InfoSec News <isn () c4i org>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 02:17:26 -0500 (CDT)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 21:01:56 -0600 (MDT)
From: security curmudgeon <jericho () attrition org>
To: defaced-commentary () attrition org
Subject: [defaced-commentary] currently defaced

[As this is posted, is currently
defaced. The text of the defacement is below. Despite being 
signed by Kim Schmitz, I doubt he has the skill or ambition 
for such a defacement. - jericho]

-- defacement text --

Hello, world! 

SECURITYNEWSPORTAL is temporarily down. We'd like to take this time to
talk to you about some things. 

There exists a cancer in the security community right now, and that cancer
exists in individuals and groups who could be classified as scenewhores. 
These parties attempt to profit off the security community, without
actually being a part of it. 

For instance, SECURITYNEWSPORTAL.COM. This site was
hacked/cracked/rooted/whatever with the ssh1/crc32 exploit. Sure, SNP
staff, call us scriptkids. We won't argue that. But, what does it make
you? Your server has been vulnerable to a bug that has been known of since
February. You've built a popular "security" site (although, the truth is
its complete garbage, but the masses don't realize that, hopefully they
will start to now). Maybe if this weren't a "security" site, they would
have an excuse for this compromise, but lets be realistic -- there is no
reason for anything "security" related to be compromised by an eight-month
old bug. And, especially after all the current discussion about the bug in
"security" forums. 

SECURITYNEWSPORTAL.COM makes money off their website. They encourage the
actions of scriptkids. They encourage defacements. Why shouldn't they? 
They make money off their actions. SECURITYNEWSPORTAL.COM is more about
insecurity than security; their business prospers. We are looking forward
to hearing them bitch about this incident. Hypocrites. 

Why do companies choose to advertise with an organization like
SECURITYNEWSPORTAL.COM? Advertising with them supports them, why do you
support them?  Are you aware of what you're supporting? The people who run
SNP are _NOT_ hackers, they do _NOT_ possess any knowledge pertinant to
computer security; why is your money with them? Why don't you donate to
organizations that do _REAL_ security research? Why not invest your money
somewhere better? 

The era of security scenewhores is about to end. Well, not all
scenewhores, just the ones who attempt to exploit the security scene for
their own personal profit. SNP staff -- instead of trying to refute the
claims against you, why don't you spend some time learning computer
security? That'd be the intelligent thing to do. You probably want to get
your capitalist machine up and running again though, don't you? 

Everyone, please think of what we have said here. To the public, please
take the time and ponder how "security minded" the staff of
SECURITYNEWSPORTAL.COM are. Remember, this site was comprimised by an
eight-month old bug. Sure, they'll bitch and moan about being the victim
of some scriptkid, but what are they really saying? "We're too lame to
understand the security advisories we mirror", or "We don't have the time
to maintain security on this machine; all our time is invested in running
this magnificent website", or even try to claim that it was a different
vulnerability? To all who are advertising here, can you _PLEASE_ at least
consider what you are supporting? You aren't supporting the security
industry, the traffic you recieve back is from a "kiddie"  population
(anyone who frequents this site and thinks its worthwhile is either
entirely ignorant of security matters, or a kiddie of some sort). It
shouldn't be too hard to find more profitable and worthwhile ventures. 

Incidently, if you're a real hacker, and looking to do some good for the
world, please come to and speak with us. We're always
looking to recruit new talent for our organization. 


Kim Schmitz (aka Kimble) 
YIHAT Founder / Chief Hacking Officer + 
+49 89 523520 

<Kimble> to all the flamers, yihat will have thousands of members in a few
month, be carefull! critics are ok, insults NOT!

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