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Defense Against the Dark Arts

From: William Knowles <wk () c4i org>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 02:35:33 -0500 (CDT)

June 2001

JOHN NOLAN, A FORMER U.S. intelligence officer, took the call on a hot
sticky day in July. It was from the CEO of a major consumer
electronics company in California. He told Nolan that his company was
working on a mysterious new technology that once launched, would
change the face of his industry and double the company's revenue base.
The CEO said he had taken "extraordinary security measures" to make
sure no competitors found out about the new product. But just to make
sure, he wanted Nolan, who had founded his own intelligence agency
after retiring from the Department of Defense, to penetrate his
company's fortifications and find out what his R&D group was working
on, how much money was being invested and when the new product would
be rolled outall in 30 days or less.

It took Nolan's crew about three hours of working the phones to find
out that one of the company's senior managers had been out of the
office for the past three months. So they staked out the executive's
home and early one morning, tailed him as he drove to a nondescript
building about 15 miles from the company's headquarters. An armed
guard let the executive through. Nolan's people made no attempt to
follow. Instead, they took down the license plate numbers of every car
in the parking lot and ran those numbers against Web databases until
they had the identities and after more digging, the work titles of
every person who had driven to the facility that day.

Posing first as pollsters and later as headhunters, Nolan and his crew
covertly interviewed almost all of the key engineers involved in the
project. They not only discovered what the top secret technology was,
how much it cost to develop and when it would be launched. They
alsoand well within the 30-day deadlinegave the shocked CEO the names
and contributions of six strategic partners in the project.

Nolan, whose Huntsville, Ala.-based Phoenix Consulting Group is one of
the best-known competitive intelligence (CI) firms in the business,
says he only does the James Bond stuff to show companies their
vulnerabilities. But according to Nolan and others in the field, a
growing number of intelligence gatherers regularly transgress ethical
and even legal boundaries on behalf of corporate clients both here and

Such spooksmany of them former government spies who migrated to the
civilian sector after the Cold War endedwill resort to every dirty
trick in the book. They'll lie, misrepresent themselves, steal phone
records and do anything they can to wiggle their way into your
confidence. Perhaps even now they are shopping their specialized
talents to your competitors. So, listen up and remember that
forewarned is forearmed.

The Espionage Price Tag

Earlier this year, in a report to the European Parliament, a British
investigator asserted that both U.S. and European companies routinely
engage in corporate espionage. And many foreign corporations regularly
receive help from intelligence-gathering networks in their own
governments, which use the latest in information monitoring technology
to keep abreast of supposedly private Web communiqus. According to the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, corporate espionage costs U.S. shareholders
at least $25 billion a year in intellectual property losses.

"The Internet has made it so much easier to gain access to
information. It has actually made people and companies more open,"
Nolan says. "It's getting harder and harder to protect your assets
from the bad guys."

Consider, for example, the recent unpublicized case of a California
biotech CEO who got a call from someone claiming to be a reporter from
a foreign television company. The "reporter" wanted to interview him,
and the CEO was happy to oblige. "One of his crew had a shoulder video
camera, and they walked with the CEO around his R&D lab with the
camera running," says Alan Brill, a senior managing director at
investigative firm Kroll Associates who is familiar with this case.
"They were able to steal a number of secrets by videotaping the
equipment, the settings on the equipment, and papers and notebooks
that were lying around. And this CEO was so busy trying to be a star
that he never noticed what they were doing or validated who they

Some companies, like the biotech CEO's, are at a competitive
disadvantage because they are simply unaware of the spies among them.
Others know what's going on but are afraid to take the steps necessary
to protect themselves. "Most companies don't like to get embarrassed,
and they don't want to risk the bad press that comes from doing the
James Bond stuff," says Nolan, who worked for the Defense Department's
intelligence agency for 22 years. "We can't even use the term
counterintelligence with the business community; they think of torture
and assassination when we use that term. So we call it competitive

Competitive assurance may not involve torture. But it does sometimes
involve lying or misrepresentation. There's the old headhunter trick,
for instance, or the potential investor who just has to know a
company's R&D plans. The ruses are endlessly varied (see "A Ruse by
Any Other Name," right), and what many executives may not realize is
that they are perfectly legal. Lying to obtain information is not even
cause for a successful trade secret lawsuitunless the imposter has
signed a nondisclosure agreement. Ironically, the only party who can
legitimately be charged with a trade secret violation is, in many
cases, the employee who unwittingly shared the crown jewels. "It's not
illegal to misrepresent yourself," says R. Mark Halligan, an expert on
trade secret law and a principal with the Chicago law firm Welsh &
Katz. "And the pretext itself is not actionable."

Making matters worse, many corporate executives have a faulty
understanding of just how to go about doing the kind of intelligent
intelligence gathering that will keep them one step ahead of the
competition. While corporate CI units need to know the arsenal of
dirty tricks competitors might use against them, specialists say they
should also understand that good competitive intelligence can often be
accomplished without resorting to such shenanigans. If you know what
you're doing, they say, the information you seek about your
competitor's plans can usually be obtained by legitimate "open source"

"You don't have to do the Mickey Mouse stuff to get proprietary
information," Nolan says. "We get that kind of thing all the time just
by calling the right people, going through public records and putting
the pieces of the puzzle together."

That doesn't mean, however, that there aren't bad guys out there. CI
insiders say that certain Fortune 500 companies regularly rely on
subcontractors to do their dirty work. "The fact of the matter is
there are independent contract relationships," says Halligan,
referring to what happens when a CI firm turns around and hires a
subcontractor to do the work they don't want to get caught doing. The
subcontractor "comes back with a report, and [the contractor] doesn't
really inquire how you got the results of that report. You can call
that plausible deniability; the fact is the corporation's relationship
is with the first person, not with any subcontractor he may have

Interview with the Vampire

Marc Barry is one of the bad guys. He says so himself. A cocky fellow
from Dorchester, a working-class section of Boston, Barry won't say
how he learned to do intelligence work or which agencies he may or may
not have worked for in the past. "I basically developed my skills
working undercover for years against Asian organized crime networks
that were manufacturing counterfeit stuff" is all Barry will
acknowledge in a long phone interview from his office in New York
City. But he readily confesses that people who do the kind of work he
does have to be "highly manipulative" and "borderline sociopathic."
(Barry is also quite friendly. After two brief preinterview phone
conversations, he invited this reporter, a perfect stranger, to his
loft in Manhattan to see his priceless collection of modern

Barry, who is a founder and president of a CI firmC3I Analyticsin New
York City, says he regularly uses false pretenses to get information
on his clients' competitors. And he knows a lot of other intelligence
gatherers who do likewise. "The Society for Competitive Intelligence
Professionals [SCIP] claims that all of their members abide by ethical
rules, that they do everything by open source," says Barry. "You know,
information you can pull down from a company's 10K, patent searches,
Internet searches, pollution permits, that sort of thing. But that's
simply not true. And the reason I know this is because I have been
hired by SCIP members to engage in some very dubious activity on their

Barry claims he once (illegally) obtained the phone records of a West
Coast defense contractor at the request of a prominent CI firm whose
founder is on the SCIP's board of directors. "We do as much
open-source stuff as anyone elseand if you know where to look, you can
get a wealth of information without resorting to deception and
trickery," he notes. "But when it comes to things like profiling a
competitor's R&Dlike finding out Pfizer's formula for a drug it's
developing for arthritisyou're not going to get that without deception
or trickery."

A Cereal Killing

Consider, for example, the job that Barry undertook on behalf of a
cereal manufacturer that directly competes with the Quaker Oats Co.
His assignment was to uncover Quaker Oats's R&D strategy. The first
thing Barry and his crew did was conduct a thorough Internet scrub
(search) of people and institutions affiliated with the cereal
company. In this way, they discovered the names of several prominent
professors whose research Quaker Oats was funding. At which point the
games began.

"We would pose as just about everything," says Barry. "[We'd act as]
grad students writing papers; we'd set up front companies and talk to
these professors about the possibility of also funding their research.
It's all a matter of knowing how to get the guy to open up to you."

Barry and his minions were also able to penetrate a supposedly secure
facility in Chicago where Quaker Oats scientists were doing all kinds
of genetic research. "We posed as journalists from an agriculture
magazine interested in developments in genetics as it related to crop
production, and we were able to meet with key researchers and
interview others over the phone."

How did they carry off the deception? "The first thing we did was set
up a bogus voice mail box and fax-forwarding line and e-mail address.
And the phone lines all had the corresponding area code; so when the
[target] called back," Barry proudly explains, "they would think we
were in the area when, in actuality, we were talking to them from New
York City."

Barry's investigators also canvassed job sites such as and, punching in "Quaker Oats R&D," to find people with
that credential on their posted rsums. "Half of these people were
still working at Quaker Oats and looking for a job, or had recently
left," Barry says. "So we interviewed them." The interviews were done
under false pretenses, or the sources were hired as consultants and
paid for the information they provided, he says.

His company was soon able to report back that the main focus of Quaker
Oats's R&D was to introduce the genetic material from corn into oats
to improve crop yield, among other things. The information proved
quite valuable to Barry's client. "By honing their own R&D to
replicate what Quaker had already done, they were able to bypass
millions of dollars in research," he says.

To this day, Barry says, "Quaker Oats doesn't know what happened. It's
what we call a clean extraction." Barry insists that none of the
techniques his company used in the Quaker Oats job were illegal or
cause for a successful lawsuit. "I know exactly where the line is," he
brags. "I can dance on the line, but if I get caught behind the line,
that's when I get in trouble."

Barrywho recently coauthored the controversial book Spooked: Espionage
in Corporate America, in which he elaborates on these tricks of the
tradesays his clients span the spectrum of Fortune 500 companies. And
as a result of publicity from the book, he adds, "I've picked up some
new clients."

Working with Raytheon, Barry is trying to land $12 million in funding
to create a new intelligence-gathering "war room" facility to be known
as Intelogix. According to Michael Davis, who now works for Raytheon
and formerly worked for the National Security Agency, Intelogix will
help American corporations use online and offline means to go after
counterfeiting operations that market fake products such as ersatz
Gucci bags and Rolex watches. The venture, for which Davis holds the
title of vice president of business development, will also provide
companies with real-time monitoring of information on the Web so that
they can stay up to speed on what's being spread about them or their

"Let's say, for example, a rumor starts in a chat room that one of [a
company's] products has been tampered with or is defective," Davis
says. Company sales have already been hurt by such false rumors,
"which spread at the speed of light on the Web. This is a way for
companies to see what's being said in real-time and counter it
immediatelybefore it has a major impact on their stock price or market

Intelogix, of course, won't be the first to use sophisticated
technologies to help companies protect themselves. Investigative firms
such as Kroll Associates already offer this service, and a number of
vendors sell surveillance software, including "sniffers" designed to
ferret out unwanted visitors to a particular company's website and
divert them to a look-alike site that contains only superficial

Raytheon is also marketing to the civilian sector a covert monitoring
software package that it developed for national security agencies.
Nicknamed Silent Runner, the software monitors ingoing and outgoing
e-mail in real-time as well as whatever websites employees are or have
been surfing. "It's like Carnivore [the controversial FBI e-mail
filtering technology]," says one CI expert. "It monitors the traffic
on a company's network so trade secrets don't go bopping out on
e-mail. And it can be programmed to intercept sensitive e-mail."

Despite the barrage of new electronic tools and the well-publicized
threat from hackers, intelligence experts say that so far electronic
break-ins have been far less frequent and damaging than the more
traditional means of securing information through human intelligence.
"In four out of five situations, we have found that the compromise
occurred by word of mouth, as opposed to sophisticated
cyberpenetration," says Alden Taylor, a managing director and practice
head of the business intelligence service at Kroll Associates.

The same holds true for corporate efforts to gather competitive
intelligence. Dozens of vendors sell software packages that purport to
help companies collect and analyze data about their competitors. But
according to a recent study by Fuld & Co., a leading CI outfit based
in Cambridge, Mass., these technological tools are only one part of
the answer. (See "Most CI Software Flunks the Fuld Test," right.)
"Technology alone is not the solution to intelligence gathering," says
Leonard Fuld, the company's founder. In other words, the old gumshoe
approach still prevails.

Doing It on the Up-and-Up

Located on an industrial backstreet in Cambridge, Fuld & Co. is hard
to find, tucked between a larger brick edifice and a
mysterious-looking research facility that is surrounded by a
barbed-wire fence. But penetrating the yellow brick building that
contains the headquarters of Fuld & Co. is as easy as walking through
one glass door and pressing a button that automatically opens another
glass door. The founder of Fuld & Co. is similarly unimposing, a
graying middle-aged man sporting a frumpy tweed jacket and a friendly,
puppylike demeanor. But appearances can be deceiving; when it comes to
gathering information, knowledgeable people in the field say that Fuld
and his team are seasoned pros. In the past 22 years, the CI company
has done more than 3,000 investigative assignments for companies here
and abroad, and Fuld insists that most of it has been done on the

"We're not angels, and we're not nave. But there are ways to do this
very honestly and ethically," says Fuld, who bikes the few miles from
Brookline to work when the weather permits. "And we encourage our
corporate clients to stay within legal and ethical boundaries."

Consider the case that Fuld took on a few years ago on behalf of a
U.S. food manufacturer. The company was losing market share to a
rival, and executives were suspicious that the rival was a
money-laundering front for the Mafia. So Fuld's company did what any
good CI outfit does first: The staff searched the Net for any and all
news articles about the rival company and also checked various
computerized databases that make supposedly private information
available for a price. "We saw from a credit report that the rival had
paid their bills on time, which indicated that they were not starving
for cash and were in fact making money," Fuld recalls. Then, his crew
went to the planning department at the local town hall and obtained a
floor plan of the rival's factorypublic information for anyone who
knows where to find it.

They showed the floor plan to an engineering expert in the food
industry and soon figured out that the rival had five production lines
up and running, compared with their client's two. They also talked to
the rival's equipment suppliers, who helped them unravel the company's
production process.

"There was no putting on false names or glasses, or whatever," Fuld
says. "We identified ourselves as a consulting firm. Not everyone
talked to us, mind you. But this is a business where you have to do
more with less."

They quickly discovered that the rival manufacturer was simply doing a
more efficient job than Fuld's client of producing the same basic
product. That was why they could sell it at a lower price. "There was
no money laundering going on," he says.

Fuld is openly contemptuous of investigators like Barry who routinely
cross the ethical divide. "We can find the same information this guy
says he finds, but we can do it legitimately," he insists. "Most
professionals in this business don't have to lie, cheat and steal" to
serve their clients.

They may not have to, but there are a growing number of investigators
who do. And if it made the difference between winning a lucrative
contract or protecting your company's assets, wouldn't you?

Senior Editor Alison Bass won't answer the phone anymore. But you can
reach her at abass () darwinmag com.

"Communications without intelligence is noise;  Intelligence
without communications is irrelevant." Gen Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
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