Interesting People mailing list archives

Re Our Addiction to Trump

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 11 May 2018 17:28:35 -0400

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jonathan Levine <jonathan.canuck.levine () gmail com>
Date: May 11, 2018 at 4:02:57 PM EDT
To: Charles Pinneo <cpinneo () me com>
Cc: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
Subject: Re: [IP] Re Our Addiction to Trump

Dave:  This is ranging out quite a bit, but you're welcome to forward
it if you wish.

To Jonathan in Canada who has wise advice

We are addicted to Trump news because tomorrow may bring the blockbuster
scandal that will put Trump away. I hear your compassion—you are obviously
more objective about our plight since you are safely across the border. You
are so lucky to live in Canada while the US is circling the drain.


Thanks for your kind words, and I hope all of you living this nightmare
appreciate how profoundly we empathize with you.  I spent nearly
a decade commuting in and out of the Bay Area while working with a
SF performance art group, and have a lot of close friends all over the
States as a result.  You've got a pretty good country (even when it
isn't firing on all eight) and more than your share of the world's really
great people.

By accidents of history, geography, and language, and regardless
of the incessant worry-bead twiddling of those obsessed with the
survival and maintenance of "Canadian culture", we are to a great
extent a cultural suburb of America.  So we largely share your
"daily news cycle" fixations, inevitably choosing sides just as do
you, and tuning in every day in breathless anticipation of the moment
that this amazingly-still-airborne flaming wreck hits the ground.

But it's not all just voyeurism, because we're tied together in so
many meaningful ways.  The old expression is "America sneezes,
we get the cold", and it's true in a lot of respects.  There are special
cases, like the dual citizens living in Canada who have been taking
it in the neck for some years from the IRS.  But more generally,
SCROTUS's arrogant and ignorant meddling with immigration has
led to a wave of thousands of refugees heading north rather than
risk being sent back to the war zones they escaped from.  Perhaps
you saw Trevor Noah's piece on it last night.  He, of course, plays
it for laughs, but there's nothing funny about the African men who
lost all their fingers to frostbite fleeing over the border into Manitoba
in the middle of winter (there have been a number of them, and even
so they say they're glad they did it).

God-knows-what is going to happen to NAFTA thanks to his
narcissistic it-must-be-a-bad-deal-because-I-didn't-make-it attitude.
Not that NAFTA was a prize to start with, but everyone's tooled up
for it over the last 30 years and punching out now is going to bring
chaos he's incapable of comprehending.

The same attitude is fueling his pullout of the Iran nuclear agreement
(not the best agreement, but better than all the other Iran nuclear
agreements), and the ridiculous rod-length-check contest he's had
running with North Korea - the one in which *Kim* has now become
the sane and rational party.  I haven't confirmed, but I'm fairly certain
that we (Calgary) are the nearest large (>1M) city nearest your biggest
ICBM site at Malmstrom AFB.  So it's not even about Pax Americana
anymore; when you're the only remaining superpower and rogue
states want to start flexing their muscles, we have to think about
how close to the bullseyes we are.

But getting back to the media addiction...  I don't think there's an
American who hasn't been surprised to find at least one friend
previously thought to be somewhere in the sane and rational range
of political views who finds merit in this monster, but you may be
surprised to hear that we've experienced exactly the same thing.
There's just something about this first truly punk-rock anarchist
president that brings out the irrational reactionaries, regardless of

One more thought:  Drug addiction is one metaphor for our present
state, but I'm now wondering whether there might be others, such
as a symbiotic parasitism.  I think there may be something in that
one, but haven't yet found the parallel in it to the term limit - I'll work
on that a little.

In closing, a word from H.L. Mencken:  Democracy is the theory
that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get
it good and hard.


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