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The Thinning Line Between Commercial and Government Surveillance

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 13:44:16 -0400

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From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Date: May 19, 2017 at 1:26:47 PM EDT
To: Multiple recipients of Dewayne-Net <dewayne-net () warpspeed com>
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] The Thinning Line Between Commercial and Government Surveillance
Reply-To: dewayne-net () warpspeed com

The Thinning Line Between Commercial and Government Surveillance
Privacy doesn’t just benefit individuals. It’s crucial for a functioning democracy.
May 15 2017

Internet service providers have realized that they are sitting on a treasure chest of data about your online 
activities that they could be selling to advertisers.

Recognizing the privacy threat, the Federal Communications Commission adopted rules that would have stopped them from 
doing so without your consent, but Congress recently shot down the regulation.

This is a big deal.

As part of the Princeton Web Transparency and Accountability Project, we’ve been studying who tracks you online and 
how they do it. Here’s why we think the fight over browsing histories is vital to civil liberties and to a 
functioning democracy.

Privacy doesn’t merely benefit individuals; it fundamentally shapes how society functions. It is crucial for 
marginalized communities and for social movements, such as the fight for marriage equality and other once-stigmatized 
views. Privacy enables these groups to network, organize, and develop their ideas and platforms before challenging 
the status quo. But when people know they’re being tracked and surveilled, they change their behavior. This chilling 
effect hurts our intellectual freedoms and our capacity for social progress.

The data that tracks our behavior feeds into machine-learning algorithms that make judgments about us. When used for 
advertising, they can reproduce our own prejudiced behavior. Latanya Sweeney, the director of the Data Privacy Lab at 
Harvard University, found that Google searches for black-sounding names more often resulted in ads for arrest records 
compared to searches for white-sounding names, likely a result of the algorithm learning to predict what users are 
likely to click on.

Marketers can also use machine learning to figure out your unique quirks—do you respond better to words or to 
pictures? Do you make impulsive shopping decisions?—to target you with exactly the advertisement that will best 
persuade you.

When consequential decisions about employment or loans are made using this kind of data, the result can feel 
Kafkaesque, because these systems aren’t programmed to explain their decisions. There aren’t yet effective ways for 
humans to hold algorithms accountable for how they categorize us. And when algorithms learn what we like and feed us 
more of it, they amplify the notorious filter bubble and deepen political polarization.

Web tracking today is breathtaking in its scope and sophistication. There are hundreds of entities in the business of 
following you from site to site, and popular websites embed about 50 trackers on average that enable such tracking. 
We’ve also found that just about every new feature that’s introduced in web browsers gets abused in creative ways to 
“fingerprint” your computer or mobile device. Even identical looking devices tend to behave in subtly different ways, 
such as by supporting different sets of fonts. It’s as if each device has its own personality. This means that even 
if you clear your cookies or log out of a website, your device fingerprint can still give away who you are.

Worse, the distinction between commercial tracking and government surveillance is thin and getting thinner. The 
satirical website The Onion once ran a story with this headline: “CIA's ‘Facebook’ Program Dramatically Cut Agency's 
Costs.” Reality isn’t far off. The Snowden leaks revealed that the NSA piggybacks on advertising cookies, and in a 
technical paper we showed that this can be devastatingly effective. Hacks and data breaches of commercial systems 
have also become a major part of the strategies of nation-state actors.


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