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Breaking down the NSA's announcement about 'about' searches | EFFector

From: "DAVID FARBER" <dfarber () me com>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 11:53:37 -0400

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kate Tummarello | EFF Activism Team <action () eff org>
Date: May 18, 2017 at 9:52:52 PM EDT
To: dfarber () me com
Subject: Breaking down the NSA's announcement about 'about' searches | EFFector
Reply-To: Kate Tummarello | EFF Activism Team <action () eff org>

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In our 718th issue:

What You Need to Know About 'About' Searches

In most issues of EFFector, we give an overview of all the work we’re doing at EFF. Today, we’re doing a deep dive 
into a single issue: the NSA's recent announcement that it will no longer conduct "about" searches as part of its 
Upstream surveillance.

You may have seen the NSA in the news lately announcing that it will no longer use one of its most controversial 
surveillance techniques.

This is a win for privacy protections, for groups like EFF fighting unlawful surveillance in the courts, and for 
anyone who pushed for surveillance reform by signing a petition, contacting their lawmakers, or otherwise voicing 
their concerns about warrantless spying. But it’s only a first step.

So what exactly did the NSA say it would stop doing?

Late in the day on a Friday in April, The New York Times reported—and the agency quickly confirmed—that the NSA will 
no longer conduct “about” searches of the full content of Internet communications.

“About” searches are searches of online communications—including to and from innocent Americans—that the NSA runs 
after it intercepts and copies communications directly from the high-capacity cables that carry Internet traffic as a 
part of its Upstream program. The U.S. government has claimed these warrantless searches of Americans’ email are 
allowed under Section 702, enacted as part of the FISA Amendments Act, which is set to expire at the end of the year.

While the NSA will continue to look through the “to” and “from” fields of communication to see if they contain any 
identifiers that the agency has determined are connected to foreign intelligence targets, they will no longer look 
through the body of those communications to see if they mention—or are “about”—these identifiers. Not only did the 
NSA stop these searches, the agency said it would delete the “vast majority” of the information it collected under 
Section 702 “to further protect the privacy of U.S. person communications.”

The NSA has long defended these “about” searches as both necessary for national security and impossible to avoid due 
to the technical limitations of the Upstream program. In the NSA’s own announcement, it acknowledged that losing 
“about” searches would cost it “some other important data.”

The NSA’s willingness to give up what it has described as a crucial tool as well as go back and delete communications 
it has already collected was a welcome but somewhat shocking development.

But, as the NSA admitted, this decision was a result of “inadvertent compliance incidents,” or violations of 
court-imposed restrictions. In other words, the court tasked with overseeing the NSA’s surveillance programs told the 
NSA it shouldn’t be doing these privacy-invasive searches of Americans’ communications.

And that’s an argument we’re familiar with. For nearly a decade, EFF has argued in court that “about” searches and 
other searches and seizures of Americans’ communications without a warrant are unconstitutional. In a case currently 
in federal court—Jewel v. NSA—EFF is suing the NSA over “about” searches and other privacy-invasive aspects of 
Upstream surveillance under Section 702.

Despite prolonged stalling from the U.S. government, we’re in the process of finally getting some answers about how 
the NSA’s surveillance actually works. At the end of this week, we’ll be back in court to figure out just what 
information the government has to hand over as part of our lawsuit.

In addition to continuing to fight in the courts, EFF is calling on lawmakers to stand up for the privacy of their 
constituents as Congress considers reauthorizing Section 702 before it expires at the end of this year. These changes 
should include codifying the NSA’s announced end of “about” searches.

The breadth of these “about” searches was one of the reasons the NSA swept up so many innocent Americans’ 
communications, so the announced end of “about” searches is good news for anyone who wants government surveillance to 
follow the law. But there’s much more to be done to rein in unconstitutional spying.

Tell your representatives in Congress to protect their constituents’ privacy and let warrantless Upstream 
surveillance lapse when Section 702 sunsets at the end of the year. And stay up to date on EFF’s fight in court to 
end the government’s unlawful invasion of your privacy.


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Editor: Kate Tummarello, Policy Analyst
editor () eff org

EFFector is a publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

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EFF at Maker Faire Bay Area 2017

Join EFF at the 12th Annual Maker Faire Bay Area! Part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely 
new, Maker Faire is an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, 
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