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Re Building a new Tor that can resist next-generation state surveillance

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 11:48:06 -0500

Begin forwarded message:

From: Patrick Sinz <patrick_sinz () yahoo com>
Date: February 14, 2017 at 10:30:30 AM EST
To: "dave () farber net" <dave () farber net>, ip <ip () listbox com>
Subject: Re: [IP] Building a new Tor that can resist next-generation state surveillance
Reply-To: Patrick Sinz <patrick_sinz () yahoo com>

Building the next "personal" privacy platform is a fascinating endeavor, intellectually satisfying.
It is also a mostly "wrong" solution, looking at life in authoritarian regimes what really happens is that a
"happy few" group has a rather "free" life, using prestige, financial influence, and privacy tools to avoid most
of the negative interactions with their state, and the rest can go on being oppressed.
In reality it is a way to extract the very people who might push for reforms from the global pool of potential 
As long as the majority of people are actually fine with state interference, no technical tool will solve the social 
Tor is interesting and useful for some people, but it will never change the mind of an enforcer of religious morals 
nor of a scared voter who would like to have a strong man with "real" authority to fix the boggey man that under his 
bed that stops him from sleeping well.

nb: but I'm sure it is very interesting to write code that will randomly modify the 3D acceleration profile of web 
rendering  so that you can play WoW over Tor without being tracked, but it will not rally change the world.
  my 2 (euro)cents

From: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
To: ip <ip () listbox com> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 2:18 PM
Subject: [IP] Building a new Tor that can resist next-generation state surveillance

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From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Date: Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 7:52 AM
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] Building a new Tor that can resist next-generation state surveillance
To: Multiple recipients of Dewayne-Net <dewayne-net () warpspeed com>

[Note:  I thought it would be timely to post this article from back in Aug 2016 that I missed back then.  DLH]

Building a new Tor that can resist next-generation state surveillance
Tor is an imperfect privacy platform. Ars meets the researchers trying to replace it.
Aug 31 2016

Since Edward Snowden stepped into the limelight from a hotel room in Hong Kong three years ago, use of the Tor 
anonymity network has grown massively. Journalists and activists have embraced the anonymity the network provides as 
a way to evade the mass surveillance under which we all now live, while citizens in countries with restrictive 
Internet censorship, like Turkey or Saudi Arabia, have turned to Tor in order to circumvent national firewalls. Law 
enforcement has been less enthusiastic, worrying that online anonymity also enables criminal activity.

Tor's growth in users has not gone unnoticed, and today the network first dubbed "The Onion Router" is under constant 
strain from those wishing to identify anonymous Web users. The NSA and GCHQ have been studying Tor for a decade, 
looking for ways to penetrate online anonymity, at least according to these Snowden docs. In 2014, the US government 
paid Carnegie Mellon University to run a series of poisoned Tor relays to de-anonymise Tor users. A 2015 research 
paper outlined an attack effective, under certain circumstances, at decloaking Tor hidden services (now rebranded as 
"onion services"). Most recently, 110 poisoned Tor hidden service directories were discovered probing .onion sites 
for vulnerabilities, most likely in an attempt to de-anonymise both the servers and their visitors.

Cracks are beginning to show; a 2013 analysis by researchers at the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), who helped 
develop Tor in the first place, concluded that "80 percent of all types of users may be de-anonymised by a relatively 
moderate Tor-relay adversary within six months."

Despite this conclusion, the lead author of that research, Aaron Johnson of the NRL, tells Ars he would not describe 
Tor as broken—the issue is rather that it was never designed to be secure against the world’s most powerful 
adversaries in the first place.

"It may be that people's threat models have changed, and it's no longer appropriate for what they might have used it 
for years ago," he explains. "Tor hasn't changed, it's the world that's changed."

New threats

Tor's weakness to traffic analysis attacks is well-known. The original design documents highlight the system's 
vulnerability to a "global passive adversary" that can see all the traffic both entering and leaving the Tor network. 
Such an adversary could correlate that traffic and de-anonymise every user.
But as the Tor project's cofounder Nick Mathewson explains, the problem of "Tor-relay adversaries" running poisoned 
nodes means that a theoretical adversary of this kind is not the network's greatest threat.

"No adversary is truly global, but no adversary needs to be truly global," he says. "Eavesdropping on the entire 
Internet is a several-billion-dollar problem. Running a few computers to eavesdrop on a lot of traffic, a selective 
denial of service attack to drive traffic to your computers, that's like a tens-of-thousands-of-dollars problem."

At the most basic level, an attacker who runs two poisoned Tor nodes—one entry, one exit—is able to analyse traffic 
and thereby identify the tiny, unlucky percentage of users whose circuit happened to cross both of those nodes. At 
present the Tor network offers, out of a total of around 7,000 relays, around 2,000 guard (entry) nodes and around 
1,000 exit nodes. So the odds of such an event happening are one in two million (1/2000 x 1/1000), give or take.

But, as Bryan Ford, professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), who leads the 
Decentralised/Distributed Systems (DeDiS) Lab, explains: "If the attacker can add enough entry and exit relays to 
represent, say, 10 percent of Tor's total entry-relay and exit-relay bandwidth respectively, then suddenly the 
attacker is able to de-anonymise about one percent of all Tor circuits via this kind of traffic analysis (10 percent 
x 10 percent).”

"Given that normal Web-browsing activity tends to open many Tor circuits concurrently (to different remote websites 
and HTTP servers) and over time (as you browse many different sites)," he adds, "this means that if you do any 
significant amount of Web browsing activity over Tor, and eventually open hundreds of different circuits over time, 
you can be virtually certain that such a poisoned-relay attacker will trivially be able to de-anonymise at least one 
of your Tor circuits."

For a dissident or journalist worried about a visit from the secret police, de-anonymisation could mean arrest, 
torture, or death.

As a result, these known weaknesses have prompted academic research into how Tor could be strengthened or even 
replaced by some new anonymity system. The priority for most researchers has been to find better ways to prevent 
traffic analysis. While a new anonymity system might be equally vulnerable to adversaries running poisoned nodes, 
better defences against traffic analysis would make those compromised relays much less useful and significantly raise 
the cost of de-anonymising users.

The biggest hurdle? Despite the caveats mentioned here, Tor remains one of the better solutions for online anonymity, 
supported and maintained by a strong community of developers and volunteers. Deploying and scaling something better 
than Tor in a real-world, non-academic environment is no small feat.


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