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“I'm a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.”

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 16:35:47 -0500

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From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Date: November 30, 2017 at 3:36:47 PM EST
To: Multiple recipients of Dewayne-Net <dewayne-net () warpspeed com>
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] I'm a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.
Reply-To: dewayne-net () warpspeed com

I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.
Republicans are again sprinting toward an economic cliff.
By Robert S. McElvaine
Nov 30 2017

“There are two ideas of government,” William Jennings Bryan declared in his 1896 “Cross of Gold” speech. “There are 
those who believe that if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous their prosperity will leak 
through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous 
their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them.”

That was more than three decades before the collapse of the economy in 1929. The crash followed a decade of 
Republican control of the federal government during which trickle-down policies, including massive tax cuts for the 
rich, produced the greatest concentration of income in the accounts of the richest 0.01 percent at any time between 
World War I and 2007 (when trickle-down economics, tax cuts for the hyper-rich, and deregulation again resulted in 
another economic collapse).

Yet the plain fact that the trickle-down approach has never worked leaves Republicans unfazed. The GOP has been 
singing from the Market-is-God hymnal for well over a century, telling us that deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, 
and the concentration of ever more wealth in the bloated accounts of the richest people will result in prosperity for 
the rest of us. The party is now trying to pass a scam that throws a few crumbs to the middle class (temporarily — 
millions of middle-class Americans will soon see a tax hike if the bill is enacted) while heaping benefits on the 
super-rich, multiplying the national debt and endangering the American economy.

As a historian of the Great Depression, I can say: I’ve seen this show before.

Fact Check: Would the GOP tax plan cost Trump money?

In short, no. The president would benefit mightily from either version of the GOP tax bill. (Meg Kelly/The Washington 

In 1926, Calvin Coolidge’s treasury secretary, Andrew Mellon, one of the world’s richest men, pushed through a 
massive tax cut that would substantially contribute to the causes of the Great Depression. Republican Sen. George 
Norris of Nebraska said that Mellon himself would reap from the tax bill “a larger personal reduction [in taxes] than 
the aggregate of practically all the taxpayers in the state of Nebraska.” The same is true now of Donald Trump, the 
Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson and other fabulously rich people.

During the 1920s, Republicans almost literally worshiped business. “The business of America,” Coolidge proclaimed, 
“is business.” Coolidge also remarked that, “The man who builds a factory builds a temple,” and “the man who works 
there worships there.” That faith in the Market as God has been the Republican religion ever since. A few months 
after he became president in 1981, Ronald Reagan praised Coolidge for cutting “taxes four times” and said “we had 
probably the greatest growth in prosperity that we’ve ever known.” Reagan said nothing about what happened to 
“Coolidge Prosperity” a few months after he left office.

In 1932, in the depths of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt called for “bold, persistent experimentation” 
and said: “It is common sense to take a method and try it; if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above 
all, try something.” The contrasting position of Republicans then and now is: Take the method and try it. If it 
fails, deny its failure and try it again. And again. And again.

When Bill Clinton proposed a modest increase in the top marginal tax rate in his 1993 budget, every Republican voted 
against it. Trickle-down economists proclaimed that it would lead to economic disaster. But the tax increase on the 
wealthy was followed by one of the greatest periods of prosperity in American history and resulted in a budget 
surplus. When the Republicans came back into power in 2001, the administration of George W. Bush pushed the opposite 
policies, which had invariably produced calamity in the past. Predictably, that happened again in 2008.


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