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Ashcroft Faces GOP Criticism

From: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 04:16:47 -0400

Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 22:29:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Joseph Lorenzo Hall <jhall () SIMS Berkeley EDU>
Subject: Ashcroft Faces GOP Criticism
To: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>


Ashcroft Taking Fire From GOP Stalwarts; More Wish to Curb
Anti-Terrorism Powers

By Dan Eggen and Jim VandeHei
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, August 29, 2003; Page A01

BOISE, Idaho -- Even here, in a bedrock Republican state in the heart
of the conservative Mountain West, a lot of people think Attorney
General John D. Ashcroft has gone too far.

One of this state's most prominent politicians, Rep. C.L. "Butch"
Otter (R), is leading an effort in Congress to curtail the centerpiece
of Ashcroft's anti-terrorism strategy, the USA Patriot Act. Sen. Larry
E. Craig (R-Idaho), who used to croon alongside Ashcroft in a
senatorial quartet, said this month that Congress may have to consider
scaling back parts of the law. And in a state with an all-GOP
congressional delegation, several city councils and the legislature
are considering resolutions condemning Ashcroft's tactics in the war
on terrorism.

"Ashcroft wants more power," said state Rep. Charles Eberle (R-Post
Falls), who has drafted a resolution critical of the Patriot Act.
"What a lot of us in Idaho are saying is, 'Let's not get rid of the
checks and balances.' . . . People out here in the West are used to
taking care of themselves. We don't like the government intruding on
our constitutional rights."

Ashcroft has always been one of the Bush administration's most
controversial figures, particularly among liberals and Democrats who
fiercely opposed his nomination. But now the attorney general finds
himself at odds with some fellow Republicans from Idaho to Capitol
Hill who are troubled by the extent of his anti-terrorism tactics and
angered by his unwillingness to compromise.

The rise of opposition within his own party could threaten Ashcroft's
bid to secure even greater powers for the Justice Department's war on

New Harris Poll numbers released this week also show Ashcroft's
overall popularity slipping below 50 percent for the first time this
year, while the percentage of those who disapprove of his performance
has climbed to nearly 40 percent.

The tumult has made Ashcroft a central issue in the Democratic
presidential campaign, where candidates are turning to him and his
terrorism policies as a sure-fire way to rally the party faithful.
Democrats also hope that focusing on Ashcroft will raise doubts among
undecided voters about the Bush administration's tactics in the
national security arena.

During a campaign stop in New Hampshire last week, former Vermont
governor Howard Dean went so far as to summon the ghosts of Watergate,
calling Ashcroft perhaps the worst attorney general in history --
worse, he said, than President Richard M. Nixon's attorney general,
John N. Mitchell.

"And he was a criminal," Dean told supporters.

Amid the growing controversy, Ashcroft traveled this week to Boise and
two other GOP-friendly cities, Salt Lake City and Las Vegas, as part
of a month-long tour to drum up support for the Patriot Act. "Make no
mistake: Our strategies and tactics are working," he said. "Our tools
are effective. We are winning the war on terror."

The former Missouri senator and governor, who once flirted with a
presidential bid as a candidate of the religious right, says he is
untroubled by the increased focus on his anti-terrorism policies, and
has shown no sign of tempering his rhetoric. In his address Monday to
police and prosecutors here, Ashcroft called the war on terrorism "the
cause of our times" and, in a thinly veiled jab at Otter, warned that
those who want to restrict the law "would tip off the terrorists that
we're on to them."

In an interview after the Boise speech, Ashcroft said he pays little
attention to criticism from the American Civil Liberties Union and
other groups. He said he believes that the Otter amendment approved
309 to 118 by the House in July, which would cut off funding for
"sneak-and-peek" warrants, "was a mistake," and that many members did
not know what they were voting for.

"I don't take things personally," Ashcroft said. "Debate about civil
liberties is a good thing. In no way do I want to silence debate. I
want to participate in the debate, to help people understand the truth
of what we're doing and how we are defending Americans against

But Otter, who was one of only three Republicans to vote against the
original Patriot legislation, said Ashcroft and the Bush
administration are making a mistake by continuing to ignore objections
to the Patriot Act and by implying that those with concerns are aiding
terrorists. The measure, approved just weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001,
attacks, dramatically expanded the ability of the government to
monitor and search the belongings of people targeted in terrorism
investigations. It includes provisions that allow FBI agents to
conduct secret searches and to seize records from banks, libraries and
other businesses without disclosing that they have done so.

"It's pretty reckless to say that 309 members of Congress want to tip
off terrorists," said Otter, who noted that more than a third of the
votes cast for his amendment came from Republicans. "Instead of
hitting the campaign trail, the attorney general should be listening
to the concerns that many Americans have about some portions of the

Ashcroft has often commented on the bumpiness of his life in politics,
which included the embarrassment of losing his Senate seat in 2000 to
a Democrat, Mel Carnahan, who remained on the Missouri ballot after he
died in a plane crash. Less than three months later, Ashcroft won
confirmation as President Bush's attorney general by a 58-42 margin,
the narrowest in recent times. As Ashcroft wrote in an autobiography
about his political career, "for every crucifixion, a resurrection is
waiting to follow."

Since taking office, Ashcroft has drawn the left's ire for the reach
of the government's war on terrorism; for overruling local prosecutors
in death penalty cases; for altering the government's decades-old
interpretation of the Second Amendment's right to bear arms; and for
overseeing continued raids on facilities that provide marijuana for
medical purposes. Now some conservatives, concerned that the war on
terrorism has eroded civil liberties, are joining the criticism of
Ashcroft's policies for the first time.

David Israelite, a longtime aide who serves as Ashcroft's deputy chief
of staff, said that "being criticized is nothing new for someone who's
been a senator or governor. He's more concerned about the judgment of
history than the judgment of how he's portrayed in the press or by
opportunists on either side."

But many civil liberties advocates and some lawmakers still bristle at
Ashcroft's sharply worded testimony before the Senate Judiciary
Committee in December 2001, in which he suggested that critics were
aiding terrorists and endangering the safety of U.S. citizens.

ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero, whose group has helped
organize many of the anti-Patriot Act resolutions approved in recent
months by more than 150 municipalities and states, said Ashcroft is
now "clearly on the defensive. He and the Justice Department have
finally understood that there are large portions of the public raising
questions about their policies on terrorism and the Patriot Act. The
opposition is springing up all across the country."

Yet it is still unclear whether bashing Ashcroft will be a political
winner in 2004. As Ashcroft and his aides point out, most Americans
and lawmakers supported the Patriot Act when it was approved in
October 2001, and few voters mention it as a top concern when
questioned by pollsters. Rep. Richard A. Gephardt (Mo.) and Sens. John
F. Kerry (Mass.), John Edwards (N.C.) and Joseph I. Lieberman (Conn.)
-- all of whom are Democrats running for president and criticizing
Ashcroft -- were among those who voted for the act.

Ed Gillespie, chairman of the Republican National Committee, said
Democrats have little to gain politically from targeting the attorney
general because his tactics are favored by most of the electorate.

"The Democrats who are attacking John Ashcroft and his policies to
appeal to the hard-core component of the Democratic primary electorate
are likely to find themselves on the opposite side of a vast majority
of Americans, who are concerned about the threat of terrorist attacks
in the aftermath of September 11," he said.

Ashcroft and the White House point to a July 31 Fox News/Opinion
Dynamics poll showing that 91 percent of registered voters said the
act had not affected their civil liberties, while 56 percent said the
law is good for the country. Moreover, the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks
appear to have changed U.S. attitudes over how much latitude the
federal government needs and should be given to fight terrorism,
pollsters from both parties said.

At the very least, Democrats believe their attacks on Ashcroft and the
Patriot Act will help rally the party's base. They also aim to win
over what they see as a big pool of potential voters who have deep
concerns about government intrusion into their lives.

Even some Republicans are troubled by Ashcroft's visits to 18 cities
in 16 states, questioning whether the tour will do more harm than good
by focusing attention on the civil liberties issue. Larry D. Thompson,
the departing deputy attorney general, and key White House officials
reached out to several conservatives in recent weeks to enlist their
help, only to hear of deep concerns about the act from some allies,
sources familiar with the effort said.

One Republican who has discussed the matter with White House officials
said that, at the very least, Ashcroft is taking the heat instead of
Bush. "This gives Bush some distance, because this is an issue with
liabilities," he said. The White House may be "sending [Ashcroft] out
to see if it works, to test the waters, to see how mad people are," he

Researcher Madonna Lebling contributed to this report. VandeHei
reported from Washington and New Hampshire.

(c) 2003 The Washington Post Company

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research and
educational purposes.)

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Graduate Student              

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