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IP: Article on national broadband strategy by Karen Kornbluh

From: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 13:33:07 -0400

Los Angeles Times, Commentary
June 13, 2002

Fill Potholes on America's Info Highway
Karen Kornbluh
Fellow, New America Foundation
Former Director, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, FCC

The Bush administration has largely ignored the nation's $700-billion
telecommunications industry's free fall, a costly mistake for the U.S.
economy. Stock prices are down 75%, and telecom companies are expected
to reduce their capital spending for the second year in a row.

President Bush should use today's White House high-tech industry forum
to announce a national broadband strategy.

U.S. broadband usage--the number of households that use high-speed
Internet connections--is stalled at less than 10%. This delays the
productivity-enhancing new applications that require faster
connections and puts us well behind South Korea, where more than 50%
of households use broadband. The administration has yet to develop a
broadband strategy and has slowly unraveled rules granting
entrepreneurs access to the network. A House-passed bill would do more
of the same. Democratic congressional leaders and some Republicans are
calling for universal broadband; Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.)
has asked the president to submit a plan to Congress.

The U.S. government took a leading role in such productivity-enhancing
infrastructure technologies as canals, railroads, highways,
electricity and telephone service. Now it should create the conditions
for the private sector to innovate and invest in this new highway.
Here's how:

* Bush can create a more favorable investment climate by announcing a
national goal--much as President Kennedy focused on getting a man to
the moon--of universal, affordable broadband access by 2005 and
extra-high-speed access by 2010. He should restore the government's
commitment to competition and regulatory certainty by announcing his
administration will enforce rather than dismantle current rules. Bush
also should announce that he will bring together the various
industries to resolve issues such as how to handle intellectual
property to benefit consumers--and warn that the government will step
in if they can't solve the problems on their own.

* State and local governments should be required to get out of the
habit of protecting existing businesses by imposing fees and permits
on newcomers. Michigan Gov. John Engler took the lead in overriding
anti-competitive local measures. Federal standards must move quickly
to sweep away such rules around the country.

* Regulators need to free the spectrum. During the last decade,
investment in wireless skyrocketed and prices declined as competition
thrived. This happened because in the mid-1990s, the Clinton-Gore
administration auctioned off parts of the spectrum that established
companies were warehousing to competitors eager to invest in new

Today, entrepreneurs have found new ways to provide wireless,
broadband connections at minimal cost by sharing airwaves--but no
spectrum is available for their new services. Broadcasters hold, for
free, twice as much spectrum as they need because the transition to
digital television is stalled. The president must insist on a hard
deadline for the broadcasters to go digital. A chunk of the freed
spectrum should be set aside for the new shared technology and the
rest auctioned off to new entrants.

* The Bush administration should lead by example. Think of the
difference that could have been made a year ago by an automated system
that used artificial intelligence to follow up on FBI agents' hunches
by checking flight school rosters. Intel Chairman Andy Grove once said
that there are two kinds of companies: those that use e-mail and those
that will. Government needs to move from the second category to the
first. The sooner it starts using information technology in innovative
ways, the sooner spillover benefits will begin.

* Government should issue high-tech vouchers. Today's system is
anything but market-based; regulatory artifacts of the old Ma Bell
system of big monopoly-big bureaucracy distort prices and hinder broad
access. Far better would be a pro-competition broadband voucher for
low-income users or those in sparsely populated regions of the

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