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IP: FCC expected to dereg. Cable Net service

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 00:53:58 -0500

Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 18:11:21 -0500
To: farber () cis upenn edu
From: Jeff Chester <jeff () democraticmedia org>

Cable Expects Favorable Data Order

Multichannel News

   Cable lobbyists are all but certain that the Federal Communications
Commission is no more than a month or two away from handing the industry a
victory over proponents of mandatory access to cable's high-speed Internet

But the win could lead to legal challenges and numerous skirmishes with local

Over the past few years, the cable industry has vigorously campaigned against
government-imposed access, and that effort is apparently close to paying off
with an FCC ruling that would keep cable-modem service unregulated.

According to various sources, the FCC is planning to conclude that after
studying the issue formally since September 2000, data-over-cable is an
information service rather than a cable service or a telecommunications
service. Under FCC policies adopted since the 1960s, information service
providers are not regulated.

Several cable-industry sources and others who track the issue said recent
conversations with FCC staff indicate that a consensus had emerged on
classifying data-over-cable as an information service.

An FCC spokeswoman declined to comment. Aides to commissioners Kathleen
Abernathy, Michael Copps and Kevin Martin last week said they had not seen
any Cable Services Bureau recommendation on cable-modem classification.

The cable industry lobbied for Internet access to be classified as a cable
service, a move that would bar any government entity from imposing terms.
Cable's fallback position was a classification as an information-service

In no circumstance did cable want to be labeled as a
telecommunications-service provider and shoulder the open-access requirements
imposed on local phone companies.

Officially, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association wasn't
prepared to declare victory.

"It would be premature to comment on an FCC decision that has yet to happen,"
said NCTA spokesman Marc Osgoode Smith.

Andrew Jay Schwartzman, president of the Media Access Project — a
public-interest law firm that advocates open access to cable systems — said
he believed the FCC would adopt the information-service classification.

"The glimmerings that we get are consistent with that. Conversations with
staff and so forth certainly have suggested that," Schwartzman said.

The classification decision is the FCC's first move. At about the same time
as it plans to announce its classification decision, the commission is
expected to release a notice of proposed rulemaking seeking public comment on
the regulatory implications of declaring data-over-cable to be an information

Several sources said the FCC's decision to classify data-over-cable as an
information service would not sound the official death knell for the
open-access debate. That won't occur until the FCC wraps up the planned

But cable-industry lawyers said it was unlikely the FCC would classify
cable-modem offerings as an information service, and then give serious
thought to imposing open-access requirements on information-service providers
for the first time.

If the FCC planned to make such a move, the lawyers said, the agency could
have skipped the new rulemaking by classifying data-over-cable as a
telecommunications service in the first instance.

Far from insulating cable from hostile government action, the FCC's decision
to call cable an information service could spark a new tug of war between
cable operators that offer high-speed Internet access and cities that issue
local cable franchises.

AT&T Broadband and other cable operators are concerned that because some of
their franchise agreements permit the offering of cable services, but not
information services, they might be required to obtain a new or a second

Local regulators said an FCC move to define high-speed data as an information
service would cause a flurry of franchise activity. Most local contracts are
written to allow governments to regulate cable operators' use of local

"For some time, cable will have no legal authority to operate [in the public
rights-of-way]. Cable will have to be prepared to deal with that," said Bill
Marticorena, an attorney with Ruttan & Tucker and adviser to several southern
California cities.

Companies can't use rights-of-way without some form of local approval. To do
so would represent an illegal gift of public resources for which elected and
appointed officials could be sued, Marticorena explained.

Franchise fees are another concern. Cable operators aren't sure whether local
governments may impose a franchise fee on information services provided by a
cable operator. And if they oppose such levies, they don't know whether a 5
percent cap on gross revenues would apply to revenue derived from cable-modem

Cable-industry lawyers are reviewing the recently extended Internet Tax
Freedom Act to determine whether that law prohibits the collection of
franchise fees on information-service revenues.

Under a deal cable struck with local governments in 1998, when the law was
first passed, cable-modem franchise fees were exempt from the moratorium on
Internet taxation.

Refunds could also complicate matters. Assuming local governments may not
collect franchise fees on information services, some cable operators might be
inclined to seek refunds from local governments to recover previous
franchise-fee payments on Internet-access revenue.

"That money's been paid and spent. A request for a refund is a pill that will
not go down easily," Marticorena said. "Cities will be very, very reluctant
to give anything back. If they want communities to get aggressive, this will
do it."

Nick Miller, a Washington attorney who has represented dozens of cities at
the FCC, said the agencies could avoid setting up a clash between cable
operators and cities by classifying cable's Internet-access product as both a
cable service and an information service. Miller recently met with FCC
officials to advocate that position.

"If the FCC reads the comments of the local governments carefully, I think
the local governments would be content to have the commission declare these
are information services, provided they didn't preclude the simultaneous
treatment of them as cable services," Miller said.

Those issues aside, the FCC's move to segregate cable from a forced-access
regime would represent a clear victory that some said was largely
attributable to the deregulatory philosophy of FCC chairman Michael Powell.

"Cable dodged a bullet when [President] Bush was elected and Powell became
chairman. [Powell] is not going to regulate cable on his watch," said
Precursor Group telecom and media analyst Scott Cleland.

By classifying data-over-cable as an unregulated information service, the FCC
is effectively requiring unaffiliated Internet-service providers to negotiate
private carriage deals with cable MSOs.

EarthLink Inc., the 4.8-million subscriber Atlanta-based ISP, had urged the
FCC to classify cable Internet as a telecommunications service, which would
have cable operators sharing their high-speed-data lines at regulated rates.

"The conduit has to be open, said EarthLink vice president of law and public
policy David Baker. "There has never been any question of that on the
telecommunications side. Some folks at the FCC are bending over backwards to
avoid calling cable transport a telecommunications service."

EarthLink, which has about 500,000 broadband subscribers, reaches some
cable-modem subscribers under a carriage deal it reached with Time Warner
Cable in 2000. That deal was struck as Time Warner Inc. was planning to merge
with America Online Inc.

Consumer advocates also called on the FCC to open cable's broadband pipe to
multiple ISPs to provide consumers with a range of options aside from an
MSO-affiliated ISP. Multiple ISPs, they added, would allow consumers to
switch providers were there a service interruption to the cable system's
affiliated ISP.

"If [the FCC] goes this route, it appears to be a clear effort to find some
unregulated space to protect cable's monopoly Internet service. It's just
outrageous for the commission to perpetuate that abuse of consumers by
artificially placing this service in an unregulated box," said Gene
Kimmelman, Washington office co-director of Consumers Union.

FCC action favoring cable is certain to spark litigation. Although Baker
declined to say whether EarthLink would sue, Schwartzman indicated his group
was ready for a court battle.

"I have no doubt that any decision the commission makes will wind up in
court. Clearly, this is not the end of it," he said.

Cable-industry lawyers predicted that MSOs would not legally challenge the
FCC's decision to classify data-over-cable as an information service. They
also indicated the FCC would postpone a decision on cable-modem
classification until after the Supreme Court handed down its decision in the
pending pole-attachment case.

Under a lower court decision, cable operators that provide Internet access
are not entitled to pay FCC-mandated rates to attach their wires to utility
poles and conduits. The lower court said regulated rates covered cable
services and telecommunications services, but not information services.

In theory, if the FCC rules that data-over-cable is an information service
and the Supreme Court then affirms the lower court's decision, cable
operators offering Internet access would have to negotiate pole fees with
utilities in 32 states where the FCC has jurisdiction.

The cable industry believes the FCC could reverse a Supreme Court setback by
classifying data-over-cable as a cable service, thus maintaining
pole-attachment rate protections for cable's Internet providers.

But in the past, FCC officials have said that the agency was not planning to
time its decision on the status of cable-modem service to the release of the
Supreme Court's ruling in the pole case.

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