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IP: In a Forceful Speech, Gore Criticizes Administration

From: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 18:15:46 -0400

In a Forceful Speech, Gore Criticizes Administration

April 14, 2002 



ORLANDO, Fla., April 13 - Declaring that "here in America,
patriotism does not mean keeping quiet," former Vice
President Al Gore re-emerged today at the scene of the 2000
electoral crisis, forcefully - and noisily - taking on
President Bush on tax cuts, the environment and other

"I'm tired of this right-wing sidewind," Mr. Gore said to
the 2,500 partisans here for the Florida Democratic
Convention. "I've had it. America's economy is suffering
unnecessarily. Important American values are being
trampled. Special interests are calling the shots."

On the environment, the economy and values, he said, "this
administration is following the same pattern: selling out
America's future in return for short-term political gains."

Mr. Gore even dared to do what many Democrats had said he
was afraid of doing in the 2000 campaign: embrace President
Bill Clinton. 

"I think Bill Clinton and I did a damn good job," Mr. Gore
said, practically shouting.

While Mr. Gore has spoken numerous times in the 16 months
since the acrimonious 36-day standoff over the counting of
votes in Florida - and offered sharp criticism of Mr. Bush
at a meeting of Democrats in Tennessee, his home state, in
February - his address here carried particular weight
because this was the first political event he has attended
with other Democrats who have designs on the White House.

It was also a crucial first test of whether Democratic
loyalists here would stand behind him in a rematch with Mr.
Bush in 2004. His certainly received a hero's welcome, with
delegates often jumping from their feet and waving placards
proclaiming, "Still Gore Country!" over an outline of the
state of Florida. 

While he did not declare that he was running, Mr. Gore
seemed very much the candidate today. He drew some of his
biggest cheers when he scolded Mr. Bush for not sharing
information with Congress and the public. "America's
policies should be decided in the open and not in secret
back room meetings where average citizens get the door
slammed in their face while polluters get the welcome mat,"
he said. "Let's have a little Florida sunshine."

And Mr. Gore could not resist analogies with the nearby
Walt Disney World. "They're the party of Fantasy Land;
we're the party of Tomorrow Land," he said. "We're the
party of Main Street U.S.A.; they're the party of Pirates
of Enron." 

Though Mr. Gore insists he has made no decision, Terry
McAuliffe, the Democratic national chairman, who exercised
with the former vice president this morning, said: "I think
he will run. That's my personal opinion."

If he does run, Mr. Gore would face a knotty political
situation in this state. Some Democrats showed their
continued loyalty. Yet even some who proudly wore Gore
stickers were not ready to sign up again with their
standard-bearer from 2000. Others are embittered, blaming
him for losing the White House, and say they are ready to
switch loyalties. 

Mr. Gore inspired mixed sentiments late Friday night when
he and his wife, Tipper, strolled into the lobby of the
Wyndham Palace hotel and were greeted by a clutch of
wide-eyed supporters.

"I want you to vigorously pursue the nomination," said Fred
Rader, 54, a delegate from Homestead, Fla.

Mr. Gore smiled and replied: "Thanks for the encouragement.
I appreciate it." 

Another delegate, after shaking Mr. Gore's hand, exclaimed,
"Oh man, goose bumps!"

But others, like Representative Corrine Brown, a Democrat
from Jacksonville, were not so enamored - or forgiving - of
the candidate who won the popular vote in 2000. She said
she was not sure she would back Mr. Gore again.

"It depends on him," she said. "He has to be hungry."
Asserting that Mr. Gore did not aggressively battle the
Republicans during the recount, Ms. Brown added: "They sent
in the lions. And he let them take it away from us."

Several White House hopefuls seized on the convention this
weekend to begin convincing Florida Democrats of their
political appeal. They competed with one another in holding
private receptions and in wooing reporters. Senator John
Kerry of Massachusetts, for one, invited several reporters
to dinner on Saturday night. Presumably not to be outdone,
Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, Mr. Gore's
running mate in 2000, invited many of those same reporters
for cocktails beforehand. Mr. Gore and Mr. Lieberman and
their wives reunited over breakfast here this morning.

Other Democrats who appeared here were Senators John
Edwards of North Carolina and Christopher J. Dodd of

The spectacle of so many presidential possibilities was
evidence that Democrats were wasting no time in their quest
to topple President Bush.

"This is the first pitch of spring training," said Senator
Bob Graham of Florida. "The Yankees have gone from Tampa to
the Bronx. The presidential candidates have just opened
spring training in Florida."

In his speech this morning, Mr. Edwards told the delegates,
"It's because of you we're going to win the White House in

Despite the parade of contenders, the politician whom
everyone is watching most closely - and who has the most at
stake - is Mr. Gore.

Many Democrats in recent months have accused him of
squandering opportunities to take on Mr. Bush. But Mr. Gore
has also been mindful that if he is too strident in
criticizing the president in wartime, he risks appearing
like a sore loser and, worse yet, unpatriotic.

As evidence of the touchy spot Mr. Gore finds himself in, 8
in 10 Democrats nationwide said he should say nothing
critical of Mr. Bush, according to a USA Today-CNN-Gallup
poll released on Friday. Forty-three percent of the
Democrats said they would back another candidacy by Mr.
Gore; that is down from 65 percent last August.

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