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IP: Giving From the Heart

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Sat, 06 Oct 2001 21:06:45 -0400

Date: Sat, 06 Oct 2001 20:57:07 -0400
From: Adam Corson-Finnerty <corsonf () fund-online com>
To: David Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Subject: Giving From the Heart


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Giving From the Heart
By Adam Corson-Finnerty (Bio below)
Permission is given to reproduce or forward this article.


*The Story of One Girl*

In 1964 a group of Mississippi tenant farmers went on strike.  They
wanted to develop a new payment system that guaranteed them the minimum
wage, then about $1.25 an hour.  Modern readers may not know much about
the share-cropping system of the South, but in short it created a class
of workers who were constantly in debt to whoever owned the land.

The sharecroppers were black, the landowner was white.  After a few
weeks he evicted them from their homes, which he also owned.  The
strikers set up a "tent city" nearby and their cause began to receive
national publicity as a symbol of the Civil Rights struggle in the

One day a television station showed up to cover the strike.  The TV crew
focused on one young girl and her family.  The story was carried
nationwide, and soon a number of donations arrived from sympathetic
viewers throughout the country.  Many were earmarked for that single
girl and her family.

The girl's family wanted to keep the money.  The striking community felt
that she had just been an example of their common struggle, and that the
donations should be used for the good of everyone in Tent City.  Each
side felt the other side was being selfish and unfair.

I happen to know this tale because I was part of a student group that
helped build a community center in Tent City.  I heard the story when I
arrived.  Some of the resentments still festered. What was supposed to
be helpful ended up causing division in the community.

*September 11, 2001*

Following the events of September 11, the American public poured
hundreds of millions of dollars into emergency funds for the victims.
At  last count, nearly $700 million.  So much money that the New York
Times referred to it as a "glut of good will" (9/21/01) and in an
October 1 editorial worried aloud about duplication, waste and

Giving from the heart is not the same as giving from the head.  Yet it
is human nature to be touched by individual tales of suffering;
personalized victims who we can see and understand.  Empathy is the
wellspring of charity, and to empathize one needs to identify with those
who suffer.

I am writing about this because I worked for an international relief and
development agency for a number of years, the American Friends Service
Committee, a Quaker organization based in Philadelphia.  During my seven
years with the International Division of the AFSC, and my many
subsequent years as a volunteer member of its development committee, I
saw all too often the unintended cruelties of crisis giving.

I use the term cruelty advisedly.  No donor intends to be cruel, and yet
a form of injustice can result from imbalanced and unsophisticated
giving.  Refugees in one country receive an outpouring, while refugees
in another country are ignored.  Hunger in Ethiopia becomes a cause, yet
hunger in North Korea does not.  Resources pour in for hurricane victims
during one terrible season but not during another.

In the case of the September 11 tragedy, it was easy to see the
potential inequalities taking shape.  Millions were given for the
families of firefighters and police, even though those unionized
professions already have very generous survivor benefits. Window washers
and restaurant workers were not so fortunate.

Mercifully, the flood of money has been so great that every direct
victim is likely to receive substantial aid.  For indirect victims-those
who lost their jobs because their businesses were destroyed, people in
the airline and tourism industry, those who were laid off because the
economy took a strong hit-financial aid may be very meager.

And there is another element of inequality that I did not anticipate.
Prodded by the airlines, Congress passed a law to compensate the
families of the 6,000  who were killed along with those who were injured
(approximately 8,700).  An open-ended compensation fund has been
created, and a special master will be appointed whose task it will be to
get benefits to families as quickly as possible.  It is estimated that
families of those who died will receive at least $1 million, and perhaps
much more.  This will occur whether the victim was a mail clerk or a
bond trader.

This is a very generous and egalitarian response.  Far more generous
than was ever provided to the victims of the Oklahoma bombing, or the
embassy bombings in Africa.  More generous than what was done for the
victims of Flight 103.  As the New York Times reports, the families of
previous attacks have noticed the disparity.  "Now, seeing the details
of this new victims' compensation fund, these families find themselves
feeling forgotten and heartbroken all over [again]."

Asked to comment on these feelings of unfairness, U.S. Representative
Roy Blunt of Missouri lived up to his name by observing "Well, a lot of
things in life are not fair, and this may turn out to be one of them.
Some unlucky victims are more unlucky than others." *

*(All of the details of the compensation fund and the response are from
"Fund for Victims' Families Already Proves a Sore Point," by Diana B.
Henriques and David Barstow, New York Times, Monday October 1, 2001,
front page)

*More Unlucky Than Others*

Those of us who have worked in disaster and relief agencies know all too
well that some victims are more unlucky than others.  We have seen
terrible disasters pass unnoticed by our donors, while others grab the
heartstrings and open the purse-strings.  Often the difference has to do
with the media, and whether immediate and graphic coverage is offered.
Sometimes it has to do with the time of the year, or the location of the
disaster, or whether it is a slow news period.  Often victims who are
white and dress in western garb receive greater attention than those who
do not.

We know that there are unseen victims in many parts of the globe, and
that suffering that goes on for years does not have the compelling
quality that sudden, shocking, disaster does.  When I first began to
work in this charitable field, I was greatly disturbed by these
disparities in public response.  Over time I came to realize that such
vagaries are simply part of the human landscape, and occur for a variety
of reasons, including protecting our psyches from the trauma of dealing
with mass human misery on a daily basis.

The job of relief agencies is to take this fickleness into account.  The
Red Cross, the Salvation Army, CARE, Catholic Charities, the AFSC, all
know that emergency giving is unpredictable and rarely in proportion to
relative need.  That is why relief agencies do not wait for a crisis in
order to raise funds, but organize their fundraising on an every-day,
every-week basis.

These groups-and others like them--provide emergency relief to victims
whether their story makes the news or not.  They are there to help even
if the disaster doesn't generate an extra nickel for aid.

When a well-publicized disaster occurs, fundraising is comparatively
easy.  In fact, money often pours in to agencies whose identity is known
to the public.  With the ease of giving on the Web, that tendency is
further amplified.  But in most instances, fundraising requires a lot of
staff effort and volunteer energy.  I am talking about the more
commonplace forms of raising money:  direct mail fundraising, foundation
proposal-writing, walkathons, telethons, online appeals, and individual

*A Few Lessons*

I would like to offer a few of the lessons that can be learned from
observing the charitable response to the September 11th disasters.
These are my own observations, born from years of involvement as both a
paid professional and a volunteer fundraiser.  I direct them primarily
toward an audience of professional fundraisers, like myself, but also to
others who might find them of interest-including donors.

--Charitable agencies must take a long-term perspective to the regular
occurrences of  disasters.--  A key element of such a strategy is to
raise funds to meet tomorrow's crisis as well as today's.  The Red Cross
knows this, and has structured its disaster fund so that the current
outpouring can be used as needed for this disaster *or another
emergency.*  Donors who go to their website are told that their gifts
are going to the Red Cross National Disaster Relief Fund, and that "By
selecting a payment level below, your donation will help the Red Cross
respond to the needs of those directly and indirectly affected by this
nationwide emergency and other disasters."   (See

The United Way of New York has drawn a narrower band around their
"September 11 Fund," but still has given itself some maneuvering room.
In soliciting for funds, they say "Your contribution will be used to
help respond to the immediate and longer-term needs of the victims,
their families, and communities affected by the events of September
11."    I am certain that the United Way could not have anticipated that
this fund would garner over $300 million in less than four weeks.  In
retrospect, it is good that they included the phrase "and communities
affected" in their appeal.  With 8 million people in New York City, that
allows for a lot of possibilities.  (See:

The United Way, and its partner, the New York Community Trust, included
a promise that donors love to see, but which they may come to regret:
"Please note, 100% of your contribution will be used to support these
efforts.  United Way and The New York Community Trust are underwriting
all administrative costs."

The administrative costs of properly and efficiently channeling $300
million in aid are quite significant, and both organizations could be in
serious difficulty if they try to cover these costs in their current
budgets.  One hopes that a few sophisticated donors have come forward,
perhaps a foundation or a corporation, to assist with these needed and
reasonable costs.

--Emotional donors are not loyal donors.--  The Red Cross site indicates
that over 200,000 donors have made gifts online to their site alone.
The total number of crisis givers may well exceed a million or even
several million.  One might think that a significant percentage of these
donors would stand ready to give further assistance to the agencies who
were fully prepared to step in to meet this emergency.  But, if history
is any guide, this will not be the case.

One of the surprises that I received as a relief organization fundraiser
was the fact that donors who responded generously to a crisis were not
likely to make a second gift - *even to aid the victims they had been so
concerned about.*  They were not necessarily interested in other aspects
of our work, nor did they want to sign on as long-term supporters for
future disaster-response needs.  Their spontaneous gift in the first
hours of the crisis had met a psychological need to "do something."
That need quickly ebbs.

That is not a terrible thing-spontaneous acts of generosity are to be
commended-but it makes the task of relief agencies much harder.  We are
chartered to serve people in need, including the ones who are "more
unlucky" than others, and for whom large amounts of money are not-and
never will be--forthcoming.

This mandates an important duty on the part of disaster relief
organizations:  We must devote time and resources to developing
long-term constituencies for our work.  We cannot simply lurch from
high-profile disaster to high-profile disaster, opening and closing our
tents, securing and firing staff, offering and then withdrawing
assistance, all depending upon the flow of emotion-driven dollars.  We
need to educate the public about the nature of our work, and the
profiles of those who need our assistance.  We must find ways to help
our one-time or first-time donors realize that their philanthropy is
needed on a sustaining basis.  But the educational task is even greater,

--Emotional donors are not sophisticated donors.--  Emotional donors see
a starving child on the TV screen.  Behind the child they observe a sea
of misery, perhaps a refugee camp or a hospital ward or a
drought-stricken village.  They want to help those people *right now*
with food, medicine, and basic supplies.  And so they donate.

But, barring accidents and natural disasters, most situations of acute
and massive suffering have deeper causes.  The drought may have been
caused by ecologically destructive acts; the starvation may be the
result of civil war or a rapacious land-owning class; the illness may
come from polluted water.  Clearly, in those instances, money should be
given for immediate assistance *and for programs that address the deeper
causes of the suffering.*

That is why CARE does not just send "CARE packages" but also invests in
agricultural development and public health programs.  That is why the
American Friends Service Committee mounts programs of behind-the-scenes
peacemaking in the Middle East and the Koreas.  That is why the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation has devoted major resources to infectious
disease prevention.

Stay with that last example.  When Bill Gates first began to give money
away, he concentrated on gifts that brought computers to schools and
libraries in poor communities.  He was at that time an unsophisticated
donor, and he gave to support something that he knew and understood.  As
he and his wife became more involved in philanthropy, he began to
realize that there were many important things that could be accomplished
with his money, and that he had the responsibility to step in where
other, less sophisticated donors, would not.  Infectious diseases was
one of those areas.  As they note on their website:

**According to WHO, infectious diseases are the world's
biggest killer of children and young adults, accounting
for more than 13 million deaths a year, and half of all
deaths in developing countries. Yet most of these deaths
could be prevented with low-cost, highly-effective tools,
such as vaccines.**

As he studied the issue, Gates not only realized that the general public
would not come up with the millions and tens of millions needed for
these major needs, but that the private pharmaceutical industry also
could not be relied upon-since many of needed vaccines will never
produce a profit.

Gates has taken to chiding his fellow info-tech CEOs at trade gatherings
and conferences.  Many of them are still speaking as though bringing the
Internet to Africa will meet important social needs.  Gates asks such
techno-enthusiasts whether they are aware of the limited availability of
electricity in African villages, and have they thought about helping to
provide something more basic, like clean drinking water?

Let's go back then to the main point:  emotional donors are not
sophisticated donors.  Too often, when we see the tiny child in the
hospital bed, we don't think about the vaccine that could have prevented
her illness, we think "I have to help that child right now."  And as a
result, we make a donation for emergency aid.

To be perfectly blunt:  Americans ought to be more sophisticated
donors.  Whether we can give $10 or $10 million, we should try to make
our gift be as effective as possible.  We can give from the heart,
that's a good thing to do, but we then should engage our head.  If we
weep for that little girl in the hospital bed, if we care about her,
then we should care enough to find out how she got there in the first
place, and what can be done to make sure that her sisters and brothers
and other children like her do not have to suffer her fate.  That leads
to sophisticated giving.

I can say from experience that the men and women who work for disaster
and relief agencies are very sophisticated people.  It doesn't matter if
they have PhDs or high school educations.  It doesn't matter if they are
area specialists or farmers volunteering during the slow season with the
Mennonite Central Committee.  They are serving because they care-their
hearts are engaged-but they quickly see important things that need to be
done to prevent future disasters.  All of us can learn these lessons,
and it doesn't take a trip to Uganda to learn them.

Just as donors have an obligation to learn more about the causes of
human suffering, so do relief agencies have an obligation to educate
their supporters and the general public about these matters.  Public
education must be a key component of their service mission.

That obligation to educate the public is not always undertaken,
sometimes out of fear of addressing controversial subjects.  To take an
obvious example, the American public has been scrambling to try to
respond to, cope with, and understand the September 11th attacks.  Our
nation is girding up to answer this assault through military,
diplomatic, and other means.  As we seek to prevent future attacks we
find ourselves asking, what are the root causes of this disaster?  Who
are the perpetrators and what motivated them?  If they have received
tangible and intangible support from governments and citizens in other
lands, why did they get that support?  What could lead 19 adult men to
undertake such a suicide mission, and how can we prevent 19 or 1900 or
19,000 men from taking their place?

With these questions in mind, it is informative to visit the websites of
some of the humanitarian organizations that are responding to this

Such questions are not addressed on the Red Cross Website.  The Red
Cross does not include that kind of public education in its mission,
perhaps because they would soon wander into social and political
analysis, and such areas are minefields.  Rather, their public education
is focused on safer and more practical subjects, like "how to prepare
for disaster" and "what to say to children" about the September 11th

In contrast to this self-imposed limitation, readers might look at the
pages of Oxfam America, particularly their information about the
situation in Afghanistan
Oxfam is also a major provider of disaster relief services, yet it also
tries to share some background to the current crisis, and asks its
supporters to advocate a US response that does not worsen the suffering
of millions of Afghan people.

And CARE-a mainstream humanitarian organization-has mounted an
impressive array of information on its website, and prominently features
this very compelling statement:

**As a humanitarian organization with its roots in the United States,
and offices in Washington and New York, we vehemently deplore
this act of evil, and hope that the real perpetrators will be brought to
justice, swiftly and comprehensively.

**Tuesday's attack was an assault not only on the United States, but
also on humanity. The shock extends not only from coast to coast,
but around the world, bringing sadness to the hearts of all
peace-loving people. Americans should know that the vast majority
of people around the world -- including Afghans, Palestinians,
Sudanese, and many, many others -- strongly condemn what
happened on September 11.

**We are concerned that the United States take care not to avenge
these attacks with the indiscriminate killing of other innocent
people who may happen to share the same nationality, religion or
ethnicity as the alleged perpetrators. Reactions of fury and
vengeance are not the answer.

**Even as we seek justice for the terrorism of this week, we
recommit ourselves to building support to fight poverty around the
world. Ending poverty will ultimately be the best way to combat
divisiveness, oppression and terror at its roots.


(See also the websites of The American Friends Service Committee,
especially its  "No More Victims" campaign
(  And the Mennonite Central
Committee, which includes on its website a very thoughtful commentary by
John Paul Lederach, Professor of Sociology and Conflict Studies

Finally, I would like to share one other observation:

--Really, truly huge disasters require collective action through our
government, and must be paid for through our taxes.-

In recent years it has been fashionable to disparage our government,
especially our national government.  Government action is caricatured as
ineffective, wasteful, and self-aggrandizing.  Government employees are
described as slothful, surly, unimaginative, and altogether
second-rate.  Government is often contrasted with private enterprise,
which is portrayed as nimble, efficient, effective, creative and
customer-oriented.  Taxation is portrayed as rapacious and wasteful, and
tax-funded social services are assumed to be more costly and less
effective than charitably-funded services, perhaps even less effective
than profit-driven services.

I hope that this demeaning, unfair and socially-harmful prejudice has
been countered by the heroism of firemen, police, and emergency workers
who risked their lives and gave their lives to help the victims of the
September 11th attacks.  Until this tragedy, these public servants were
not profiled on the cover of Business Week or Time.  They were not held
up as sources of inspiration for ambitious young people.  After all,
they were not in line for stock options, nor did they get six-figure
bonuses at year-end.  Their creativity was limited to saving lives in
emergency situations, not launching high-profile dotcom companies.

Are my personal feelings about this apparent?  Perhaps it is because my
grandmother was a public servant-a school teacher.  So was my mother.
My aunt was a missionary who started a girl's school in a country that
cared little about its girls.  My uncle served out his career in the
Navy, my father in the Air Force.  Other close relatives and close
friends are social workers, day care workers, policemen, educators,
therapists, hospice workers, drug-abuse counselors, and civil servants.
*Why have rock stars, movie actors, and video game designers been our
heroes-rather than people like these?*

What has happened to us as a country?  How is it that we have become so
unwilling to utilize our most powerful collective institutions-our city,
state, and federal government-to help our fellow citizens and our fellow
humans on this planet?  How have we become so selfish that we begrudge
the use of our tax dollars to help others in need?

I have worked in the non-profit arena all my life, so I do not for a
minute disparage the contribution that private charity makes to our
common welfare.  I am an active member of my religious community, and I
support humanitarian programs that we undertake in the name of our

But look at what happened on September 11th.  The cost to New York City
alone has been estimated at $105 billion.  Of which $34 billion is
property damage, and the remainder is lost jobs, lost rents, and lost
revenues.  The private charitable contribution to this disaster is $700
million.  That's a wonderful outpouring, but it amounts to less than one
percent of the damage.  (The damage figure comes from "City Puts
Attack's Costs at up to $105 Billion," by Leslie Eaton, NY Times, Oct.
5, 2001, B10)

Clearly government action is needed in New York, in Washington, in our
national economy, and in our country as a whole.  Unemployment benefits
must be provided, workers must be retrained, health benefits must be
extended, the airline transportation system must be kept from imploding,
our counter-terrorism and intelligence systems must be expanded and
improved.  These things will not be accomplished through bake-sales and
equity funding.

My parents grew up in the Depression.  They saw how important the
federal government was in our national recovery and in forming a social
safety net through Social Security, Medicare, and other tax-funded
programs.  My generation saw the importance of the federal government is
bringing an end to the apartheid system in the South, and combating
hunger and poverty in our poorest communities.

Perhaps today's teens and twenty-somethings will learn about the
positive contribution of government and public servants as we seek to
recover from this recent tragedy.  That is the surmise of David Wessel,
writing in the October 4 Wall Street Journal:

**The importance of government was widely questioned before Sept. 11.
For a time, Washington was just plain boring to many.  ...The power of
markets to produce prosperity was self-evident; the potential to
privatize functions once reserved to government appeared unlimited.
There was debate, but there was no doubt which side was winning.

**Today, the centrality of government--particularly the one in
Washington--is unquestioned.  The government is criticized for not
forseeing or preventing the attacks, and for the adequacy and shape of
its military and economic response.  But no one is calling Washington
("A Pivot Point in American Life," by David Wessel, WSJ, Oct. 4, 2001,
front page)

Perhaps one benefit of the September 11 disaster will be that the
American people reflect on why we have a government in the first place.
The framers of the Constitution said it for us, and it still rings true:

**We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect
union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the
common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of
liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.**

This would be a good place to stop.  However, I would do this essay a
disservice if I did not take my argument up one more level.

When the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation decided to support a major
vaccine program they joined together with other key players to form the
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI).  They did not
proceed from the hubris of assuming that they could tackle this problem
alone, recognizing that "Since immunization is a global issue, it
requires a global solution."

The membership of the Global Alliance says it all: the International
Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA), public
health and research institutions, national governments, the Rockefeller
Foundation, UNICEF, the World Bank Group and the World Health
Organization (WHO).  Thus a big problem is being managed by big players,
many of whom work with public funds.

In the recent past, the American distaste for government has been even
sharper when it comes to global government and global institutions.  Yet
after the shock of September 11, the Bush administration began to work
through the United Nations.  We paid our back dues, and stepped up
multilateral food aid for Afghan refugees.  Nothing has yet been said
about the International Court of Justice at the Hague, but if it can try
Slobodan Milosevic, it can certainly handle Osama Bin Laden and his

Here again, we must face the fact that active US participation in and
support for global institutions is critical to our own security--not to
mention the well-being of our fellow travelers on this planet.

As an American, I have found it inspiring to witness and experience an
upsurge of patriotism and sense of all-being-in-the-same-boat.  It has
been a long time since we were brought together as a people in common
cause.  I hope that this new sense of community and caring will last
longer than a television season, and I pray that it will extend beyond
our borders to include the rest of our human family.


Adam Corson-Finnerty is a development officer and author.  His books
include "Fundraising and Friend-Raising on the Web" (ALA, 1998) and
"World Citizen" (Orbis, 1982).  He is a member of the Religious Society
of Friends (Quakers).  His recent writing can be found at:    Email:  corsonf () fund-online com

Permission is given to reproduce or forward this article.
Copyright October 2001.

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