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IP: You decide who to believe djf: more on Oden

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 15:34:10 -0500

Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 13:53:08 -0500
To: Farber () cis upenn edu
From: Kelley <kwalker2 () gte net>
Subject: more on Oden


An editor from the Chico Examiner investigated the Oden case a little further.


[from PEN-L - the original article is still on the Counterpunch site]

Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 10:07:49 -0800 (PST)
From: Tim Bousquet <chicoexaminer () yahoo com>
Tim Bousquet
Chico Examiner


This is article is irresponsible-- I too received it
about twenty times now through various email lists and
individual emails, and was outraged by it, so did some
elementary research. The article first appeared on
Indy Media, here is my post to that web site:

I contacted Jeff Russel, who is with airport security
at Bangor International Airport, and asked him about
this article. Here is his response:


"Thank you for writing. Ms. Oden's version of events,
while certainly exciting, are far removed from
reality. We are unaware of any role Ms. Oden's status
as a Green may have played. The passenger in question
was asked to undergo additional screening (i.e. a hand
wand examination) because the manner in which she
purchased the ticket triggered a concern under the new
Federal screening guidelines post September, 11. She
refused to cooperate. It is illegal for an airline to
fly an unscreened passenger. Accordingly, the airline
denied her boarding. She never got near a plane. She
never went through security. No screen, no fly--it is
as simple as that. The situation was entirely of her
own making. What's sad is that she refuses to admit to
and take responsibility for her own inappropriate
behavior, looking only for somebody else to blame for
her own inability to cooperate with reasonable
expectations under the circumstances. 99.9% of people
selected are very understanding and cooperative and
the process only takes an extra minute.

"Again, thanks for writing to express your concerns
and we appreciate your efforts to objectively view the

Luis Lingg (the author of the article) really has done
a dis-service to Indy Media, which can be a wonderful
resource. A fundamental tenet of responsible
journalism holds that at least an attempt to contact
the subject of an article should be made. It took me
less than thirty seconds' worth of a Google search to
find Bangor Airport's contact info, and thirty more
seconds to fire off an e-mail asking about the
allegations. They responded about ten minutes later. I
don't think it's asking too much for somebody writing
an article with such allegations to at least make the
same effort.

As good as Indy Media can be, the two stories that
stay in my mind are this one and the story that CNN
film footage of Palestinians celebrating in the
streets after the World Trade Center attacks was in
reality old footage from some previous year. The
Palestinian story was as false as the Bangor Airport
story, and had the same flaw: the author did not even
attempt to contact any one at CNN for comment.

This is Journalism 101, and until submitters to Indy
Media start abiding by basic ethical standards, the
entire Indy effort will be discredited.

In the meanwhile, we readers will have to act as
editors, responding to mistakes when we find them.

There has been some discussion on the site to the
effect of the cops are lying, or whatever, but from my
vantage point, the very fact that nobody sought to ask
the cops in the first place discredits the article,
regardless. And the fact that the Green Party is
continuing to distribute this article, without doing
any followup, without asking the feds about any
alleged political hit list, without trying to find any
eyewitnesses of the incident, and so forth-- well, the
whole thing is just propaganda, and the truth be

I don't know-- maybe the incident occurred exactly as
Odin says it did, but certainly nobody has made any
indepedent attempt to objectively report on this.

And, now that I'm emailing this response to everyone
who sends it to me, I have little doubt that not one
of the people who sent the piece to me in the first
place will forward this response to the people they
got it from. It's a sad day for Progressives when they
have to resort to this sort of behavior.

Tim Bousquet
Chico Examiner

Kelley Walker
Interpact, Inc.

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