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IP: Bin Laden's nuclear secrets found

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 15:58:52 -0500

Lots of hot air but maybe some facts. djf,,2001390014-2001395995,00.html


Bin Laden's nuclear secrets found


Times reporter finds blueprint for 'Nagasaki bomb'

Singed files left by fleeing terrorists

OSAMA BIN LADEN'S al-Qaeda network held detailed plans for nuclear devices
and other terrorist bombs in one of its Kabul headquarters.
The Times discovered the partly burnt documents in a hastily abandoned safe
house in the Karta Parwan quarter of the city. Written in Arabic, German,
Urdu and English, the notes give detailed designs for missiles, bombs and
nuclear weapons. There are descriptions of how the detonation of TNT
compresses plutonium into a critical mass, sparking a chain reaction, and
ultimately a thermonuclear reaction.

Both President Bush and British ministers are convinced that bin Laden has
access to nuclear material and Mr Bush said earlier this month that al-Qaeda
was "seeking chemical, biological and nuclear weapons".

The discovery of the detailed bomb-making instructions, along with studies
into chemical and nuclear devices, confirms the West's worst fears and
raises the spectre of plans for an attack that would far exceed the
September 11 atrocities in scale and gravity.

Nuclear experts say the design suggests that bin Laden may be working on a
fission device, similar to Fat Man, the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. However,
they emphasised that it was extremely difficult to build a viable warhead.

While the terrorists may not yet have the capability to build such weapons,
their hopes of doing so are clear. One set of notes, written on headed
notepaper from the Hotel Grand in Peshawar and dated April 26, 1998, says:
"Naturally the explosive liquid has a very high mechanical energy which is
translated into destructive force. But it can be tamed, controlled and can
be used as a useful propulsive fuel if certain methods are applied to it. A
supersonic moving missile has a shock wave. That shock wave can be used to c
ontain an external combustion behind the missile . . ."

The document was one of many found in two of four al-Qaeda houses which had
been used by Arabs and Pakistanis and even reportedly by bin Laden himself.
The houses - two in the Karta Parwan district and the others further to the
east - were abandoned on Monday as Taleban units and their allies fled the

Attempts had been made to burn the evidence, but many documents still
remained. They included studies into the development of a kinetic energy
supergun capable of firing chemical or nuclear warheads, external propulsion
missiles, preliminary research on the creation of a thermonuclear device, as
well as a multitude of instructions for making smaller bombs.

There were also studies into Western special forces' hostage rescue
techniques, phone numbers for industrial chemical and synthetic producers,
flight manuals, aerodynamic research, and advanced physics and chemistry

The houses were identified by local people. Looters had concentrated on more
appetising objects, ignoring foreign language documents that were of no use
to them.

Bin Laden sees it as his "religious duty" to obtain a nuclear bomb. In an
interview with a Pakistani journalist last week, he threatened: "If America
used chemical or nuclear weapons against us then we may retort with chemical
and nuclear weapons as deterrent."

Intelligence agencies already have indirect evidence from defectors,
middlemen and scientists of bin Laden's obsession with obtaining or
producing a nuclear device.

Al-Qaeda agents are known to have spent more than £1 million trying to
obtain enough fissile material to make a "dirty bomb" that, if detonated
with TNT in a populous area, could kill thousands and contaminate it for

Intelligence sources told The Times last month that bin Laden and al-Qaeda
had acquired nuclear materials illegally from Pakistan. And at least ten
Pakistani nuclear scientists have been contacted by agents for the Taleban
and al-Qaeda in the past two years, according to reports.

Fears that bin Laden has components for a nuclear weapon is believed to lie
behind the warnings from President Bush and Tony Blair that he would commit
worse atrocities than the suicide assaults in America if he could.The Prime
Minister's spokesman said: "Bin Laden would have killed 600,000 people on
September 11 if he could have done. This underlines again why he has to be
stopped. "

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