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IP: How we miss things not in computerized databases

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 10:02:49 -0400

To: farber () central cis upenn edu
Subject: How we miss things not in computerized databases
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 09:00:02 -0400


The most interesting part of that story for me was the fact
that there was evidence from the 1950's which was ignored.  It
was a widespread problem in the American Civilization (my
minor) and History departments at Penn that, when databases
first became available, students no longer went to books when
they had to do research.  Of course, the faculty found this
completely unacceptable.   I know that by just using Medline
for my research that I have missed things from the 1950's as well.

Please let IP know about this, but please do not attach my name.


July 24, 2001

Agency Eases Research Ban at University


BALTIMORE, July 23 -- A federal agency investigating the death
of a volunteer in a research study at Johns Hopkins University
announced today that it was easing its four-day- old suspension
of research experiments involving human subjects at the

But because of strict conditions imposed by the agency, the
Office for Human Research Protections, most of the thousands of
studies that were suspended are unlikely to resume for weeks or
months as they undergo comprehensive new reviews by panels at
the university and officials at the agency.

Still, some studies involving either minimal risks to subjects or 
treatments of
gravely ill patients -- for example, those taking experimental cancer drugs —
may go forward almost immediately, the agency said.

Although some of those exemptions already existed, Hopkins officials
generally praised the decision.

"We're extremely glad this has been lifted," said Dr. Chi Van Dang, vice
dean for research at Hopkins.

University officials had excoriated the agency for imposing the suspension
last Thursday, calling that decision outrageous and excessive. Today, Dr.
Dang said he hoped that negotiations would succeed in further loosening the

"There should be additional dialogue," Dr. Dang said.

Despite the quick turnaround, Dr. Arthur Caplan, an ethicist at the University
of Pennsylvania, said that the episode at Johns Hopkins, which followed
recent suspensions of human research at Duke University, Penn and other
prestigious institutions, suggested that the problems were widespread.

"There are core problems with human subject protections in this country,"
Dr. Caplan said. "Having Hopkins, if you will, back online doesn't get at

In a visit to Johns Hopkins last week, agency officials determined that the
university panels that consider proposals for human research were
overburdened, understaffed and lacking in a detailed understanding of federal
regulations governing human research. The panels, called institutional review
boards, are usually composed of people and researchers inside and outside
the university.

In responding to those concerns, Johns Hopkins officials worked intensively
over the weekend with the Office for Human Research Protections on a plan
to improve the way in which the university assesses its scientists' 
proposals to
conduct research involving humans. The agency conveyed its decision to
ease the suspension in a letter to the officials that was dated July 22.

The Office for Human Research Protections "finds that your institutions have
developed a satisfactory corrective action plan to address all areas of
noncompliance and concerns," said the letter, which was signed by Dr.
Michael Carome, director of the division of compliance oversight at the

The letter said the reinstatement was immediate.

Gary Stephenson, a Hopkins spokesman, said about 2,400 trials involving
thousands of volunteers had been suspended by the earlier order. The
university believes that only several hundred of those trials will resume
without new review, Mr. Stephenson said..

In addition to their negotiations with the research protections office, 
officials found advocates in Maryland's two United States senators, Barbara
A. Mikulski and Paul S. Sarbanes, both Democrats. They sent Secretary of
Health and Human Services Tommy G. Thompson a letter urging him to
consider the university's concerns.

But today a spokesman for the health department, which is responsible for
the oversight agency, said that while Mr. Thompson had been kept informed
of the weekend deliberations, there had been "no political pressure
whatsoever" to lift the suspension.

"The secretary understands the importance of human subject protections,
and the importance of ensuring that institutions do all they can to protect
human subjects," said the spokesman, William Hall. "O.H.R.P. has been left
to do the job they do."

In a statement today, Senator Mikulski said her actions had been intended to
"ensure that the needs of the patients were being addressed and that they
were not left in limbo."

The case began when Ellen Roche, a young, healthy technician working at
the Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center, volunteered to take part in a
study to explore the causes of asthma that was being undertaken by Dr.
Alkis Togias, an associate professor of immunology at the university. Ms.
Roche, 24, did not work directly for Dr. Togias, but within a separate
research group there.

On May 4, as part of the study, Ms. Roche inhaled a gram of an unapproved
drug, hexamethonium, and within days developed a fever and flu-like
symptoms. After her lungs gradually deteriorated and her kidneys failed,
apparently because of the drug, she died on June 2. Hopkins announced her
death in mid-June.

Internal reviews at Hopkins found that Dr. Togias had made several missteps
in the project, including a failure to turn up literature from the 1950's
indicating that hexamethonium can be toxic to lungs and not informing the
university's review panels, called institutional review boards, that an 
subject in the same experiment had developed a cough and shortness of
breath. All of Dr. Togias's research remains suspended.

But last week, after its visit to Johns Hopkins, the agency determined that
there were widespread problems with the way the review boards conducted
their business, Mr. Hall said.

The agency, Mr. Hall said, "determined that because of these systemic
problems there are concerns about the potential risks to other potential

In essence, the agency determined that the review boards did not consider
each individual proposal carefully enough, that they were overburdened and
understaffed, and that review board members often did not understand the
federal regulations governing experiments involving humans.

Sunday's letter from the agency said the university had come up with a plan
to shore up all of those problems. For example, Mr. Hall said, Hopkins will
increase the number of review boards to four, from three, and consider each
application more carefully.

Research involving minimal risk to subjects -- procedures like saliva swabs
and urine tests -- can proceed almost immediately. Other projects, involving
the "best interests of the patient," like treatment for severe illnesses, 
can also
go ahead at the discretion of the university, he said.

All others must be reviewed again according to the new procedures, and
monthly progress reports must be sent to the agency.

"We would anticipate that it would take weeks if not months," Mr.
Stephenson said.

Meanwhile, the larger issue of protecting human subjects remains, said Dr.
Ernest D. Prentice, associate vice chancellor for academic affairs at the
University of Nebraska Medical Center and a consultant to the oversight

"We have a fair amount of evidence to indicate that there is probably a
systemic problem in the U.S. relative to the adequacy of human research
protection," Dr. Prentice said, "and that leading institutions are not 

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