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IP: All the News That Fits; How the media color their coverage.

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 03:47:02 -0500

Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 22:13:12 -0800
To: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
From: Einar Stefferud <stef () nma com> Opinion Journal - Wednesday, December 12, 2001 12:01 a.m.


All the News That Fits   -   BY PETE DU PONT

     How the media color their coverage.

What you are about to read will disturb you. It should, because it is
additional evidence that the information which Americans use to form
conclusions is being slanted and sometimes distorted to meet the
requirements of political correctness.

Suppose you are the managing editor of a leading newspaper with regional or
national coverage. Would you:

* Delete from your news story the race of a rape and sodomy suspect who was
still at large, so as not to encourage stereotyping in the minds of your

* Approve the continued use of inaccurate data regarding partial-birth
abortions after it had been shown to be false?

* Use the news stories in your paper to advocate the defeat of a ballot
proposition you disagree with, and tell your staff that "the real job of the
paper is to defeat this thing?"

* Order that photos of five black police officers arrested for narcotics
trafficking not be published because it would be devastating to the
"commanding need" for black role models in your community?

* Require that reporters meet specific numerical goals for the number of
women and minorities quoted in stories and used as sources, and pay your
editors in part based on meeting these quotas?

Or would you agree with the seemingly quaint, politically incorrect view
expressed in the current issue of Playboy that "reporters are bound by the
truth. Journalists aren't supposed to push [an issue]. They must present all

- - - - - - - - - - - -

In his new book "Coloring the News," William McGowan details these (and a
great many more) actual examples of "diversity" in action in the American
news media, which he says are the consequences of the press' incessant
support of the "transmogrification of liberalism from a race-neutral to a
race-central philosophy."

The book is a disturbing account of how in the name of diversity the purpose
of reporting events has changed from informing readers of the facts to
advancing the newspapers' chosen causes and attempting to alter the readers
perception of reality.

Two examples illustrate the point. The horrific murder of Matthew Shepard, a
homosexual, by two thugs who lured him out of a bar and into the Wyoming
snow, severely beat and left him tied to a fence to die was quite properly a
major news story. A search of news stories about the killing the month after
turned up 3,007; the New York Times alone ran 195 stories on the case. A
year later a male Arkansas teenager was drugged, repeatedly raped over the
course of hours and then suffocated by two gay neighbors. In the month after
this murder only 46 stories were written, none by the New York Times, nor
was there any coverage on the four major television networks of the case or
the subsequent trial and conviction.

So strong is the national media's internal bias in favor of homosexual
rights that collectively it cannot bring itself to report that there is
horrific violence on both sides of the divide. To editorialize in favor of
homosexual rights is any papers right; to selectively avoid reporting
serious crimes that contradict the papers agenda is a policy that ill serves

The second example provides a panoply of media thinking about race, and
makes Mr. McGowan's point that "well-intentioned efforts to make news
organizations more sensitive and inclusive can also make them forbidding
places to discuss the . . . morally complex aspects of ethnicity, race, and

In a 1993 public forum on racism in Burlington, Vermont, a young white woman
attempting to speak was cut off by a black moderator, saying that the forum
had been designed for "people of color." A local reporter's next-day story
on the incident brought angry charges from the moderator (an aid to the
Mayor of Burlington) that the story had "inflamed racial tensions"; he
threatened a minority protest march on the paper and a demand that the
reporter be fired immediately. The Burlington Free Press' editor fired him
that evening, in a two-minute meeting without a hearing.

The subsequent trial (and out of court settlement in the reporter's favor)
was a nightmare for the Free Press and Gannett, its owner. A videotape of
the forum showed it to be militantly anti-white in its rhetoric--the
reporter in fact had gone easy in his story. The Free Press turned out to
have all kinds of diversity quotas: "at least one column in four should be
about a minority or address a diversity issue"; one op-ed in ten must be by
a non-white; one of six faces in a regular photo series must be a person of
color. And embarrassing quotes were discovered in which the forum moderator
stated that all European-Americans were racists.

So the media's devotion to political correctness dramatically set back the
cause of racial understanding in a city in which it had been pretty good to
start with.

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Mr. McGowan's concludes that all this focus on diversity has filled
newsrooms with activists for various racial, gender and sexuality causes,
leading to self-censorship of information that might contradict politically
correct viewpoints. That has led to public distrust of the print and
television media.

"An ideological press whose reporting and analysis is distorted by double
standards, intellectual dishonesty and fashionable cant favoring certain
groups over others only poisons the national well," Mr. McGowan writes.
Instead of raising the quality and tone of public discussion of issues, "the
diversity ethos has dumbed it down, blunting the public's faculties for
reasoned argument just when the edge has never had to be sharper."

Mr. du Pont, a former governor of Delaware, is policy chairman of the
Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis. His column appears

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