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IP: U.S. to Pull Out of ABM Treaty, Clearing Path for Antimissile Tests

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:00:05 -0500


December 12, 2001

U.S. to Pull Out of ABM Treaty, Clearing Path for Antimissile Tests



ASHINGTON, Dec. 12 — President Bush is expected to announce before the weekend that Washington will withdraw from the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty in six months, the first time in modern history that the United States has renounced a major international accord.

Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the Democratic leader, said today that Mr. Bush had informed him and three other Congressional leaders of his decision at a breakfast meeting.

The White House spokesman, Ari Fleischer, noted today that "the president has said multiple times that he believes very strongly . . . the best way to promote the peace is to move beyond the A.B.M. treaty."

Mr. Fleischer offered no insight on the timing of an official announcement. "I expect you will hear from the president about that when the president is ready to say something," he said.

But he did nothing to discourage speculation that it is imminent, as other administration officials said on Tuesday.

The decision came after Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, visiting Moscow in recent days, was unable to bridge differences with Russia's president, Vladimir V. Putin, on how to deal with an arms control accord that Mr. Bush has called a "relic" of the cold war, and "dangerous." But Mr. Bush concluded last week that Secretary Powell's last effort would likely fail, and it appears that he gave warning of his intentions in a phone conversation with Mr. Putin on Friday.

The decision ends a raging debate within the administration over the wisdom of withdrawing from the treaty, and marks a major policy defeat for Secretary Powell. He has long maintained that it was still possible to negotiate an agreement with Russia that would allow the Pentagon to move forward with the kind of tests it insists are necessary to develop an antiballistic missile system initially capable of handling the launch of a handful of nuclear weapons at the United States.

At the same time, Mr. Bush's decision was a major victory for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, fresh from the success of the military campaign against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Mr. Rumsfeld has countered that there is no technologically satisfying way to amend the accord that President Richard M. Nixon signed with the former Soviet Union nearly three decades ago.

In the end, Mr. Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, sided with Mr. Rumsfeld, several administration and congressional officials said.

Mr. Bush made no mention of his decision when he gave a speech on the future of the American military on Tuesday at the the Citadel, the military college in Charleston, S.C. But he forcefully repeated his contention that the treaty is outdated, noting that last week the Pentagon conducted another "promising test" of missile defense technology.

"For the good of peace, we're moving forward with an active program to determine what works and what does not work," Mr. Bush told a cheering crowd of cadets. "In order to do so, we must move beyond the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty, a treaty that was written in a different era, for a different enemy."

The treaty allows either signatory to withdraw with six months' notice. If Mr. Bush goes ahead with his announcement this week, it would mean that the administration would be free to conduct any type of test it wants by mid-June. The Pentagon plans to start construction on silos and a missile defense command center at Fort Greely, Alaska, in late April or early May. The silos and center would initially be used for testing allowed by the treaty. But Russian officials note that part of the plan is for the "test bed" to become part of an operational missile-defense system. For that reason, some ABM experts contend that the work would violate the treaty.

Pentagon officials have also said they want to schedule tests in which ship-based radars track long-range missiles early next year. Such tests are not allowed under the treaty.

Aides say Mr. Bush hopes his announcement will prompt discussions with Russia on what kind of agreement should become the successor to the ABM treaty. Presumably that will be the focus of his expected trip to Moscow, his first, sometime next spring. Ms. Rice said after the last meeting between the two leaders, at Mr. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Tex., that the relationship between the two countries had been so strengthened that it could glide past the difference of opinion about the value of the treaty. "This is a smaller element of the U.S.-Russia relationship than it was several months ago and certainly than it was before Sept. 11," she said in Crawford.

At a meeting in Washington that preceded the Crawford summit by a day, Mr. Putin and his aides made it clear that while they were inclined to allow the United States to conduct antimissile tests despite the treaty, they wanted the right to approve each test of the system. "It was something we couldn't live with," a senior administration official said. "It would mean subjecting each test to separate scrutiny, and sooner or later they were going to say `no,' " one senior official said.

A senior administration official said on Tuesday that "the Russians won't like it, but the calculation is that they will learn to live with it, and they will quickly get beyond it. They've certainly known it's coming."

Another official later said, "In a way, the bigger question is how the Chinese will react." While China is not a signatory to the treaty, its arsenal of strategic nuclear weapons is so small — only 20 or so weapons can reach American shores — that Chinese officials fear that the arsenal would be neutralized by a modest American antimissile system built in Alaska or deployed on ships in the Pacific. That could prompt China to speed the modernization of its nuclear forces, something the White House believes it will do anyway.

In contrast, even when Russia reduces its nuclear arsenal to 1,500 or so weapons, a goal Mr. Putin has set, Russia would be able to overwhelm any antimissile system now on the Pentagon's drawing boards.

While White House officials maintain that strategic concerns, not politics, have always been at the heart of Mr. Bush's decision on the ABM treaty, it seems likely some major political calculations went into the timing.

Mr. Bush's approval ratings are as high as ever — nearly 9 out of 10 Americans say they approve of how he is handling his job, a New York Times/CBS News poll released late Tuesday reports — and 75 percent say they approve of how he is handling foreign policy. In the spring, only about half of those polled said they approved.

Other polls show that since Sept. 11, more Americans believe in the need for missile defense, even though the attacks three months ago used airplanes, not missiles. Mr. Bush has argued that the next attack could well come in a missile attack from a rogue state or terrorists.

But the critics of his plan are not persuaded. Many say that Sept. 11 proved that America's major vulnerabilities have little to do with missile attacks. And Senator Joseph R. Biden, Democrat of Delaware and the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement Tuesday evening warning that "unilaterally abandoning the ABM treaty would be a serious mistake. The administration has not offered any convincing rationale for why any missile defense test it may need to conduct would require walking away from a treaty that has helped keep the peace for the last 30 years."

European leaders have also criticized American discussion of abandoning the treaty, saying before Sept. 11 that the administration's treatment of the treaty was a prime example of a worrisome move toward unilateralism. But now administration officials appear to be calculating that the European reaction will be muted, especially if European leaders do not want cracks to appear in the coalition against terrorism.

Mr. Bush's speech at the Citadel on Tuesday was, in many ways, a reprise of a 1999 address on military policy that he delivered there as a presidential candidate. The remarks served as both a marker of the three-month anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks and a call for a more agile, modern military.

The White House also used the event as a kind of "I told you so" about the threat of terrorism, a large theme of Mr. Bush's earlier speech. He warned Tuesday that "rogue states" were the most likely sources of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, and said that they would be regarded as "hostile regimes" if they aided terrorists. "They have been warned, they are being watched, and they will be held to account," the president said.

Mr. Bush cited the American military campaign in Afghanistan as a model for future wars, and said the United States needed to further develop unmanned planes, like the Predator, and precision-guided bombs. Both have been used in Afghanistan.

He also called for rebuilding "our network of human intelligence" as well as new intelligence-gathering technology. "Every day I make decisions influenced by the intelligence briefing of that morning," Mr. Bush said. "The last several months have shown that there is no substitute for good intelligence officers, people on the ground."

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