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IP: Ministry of Silly Talks

From: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 18:36:50 -0700

Reply-To: <kgb () kgb com>
From: "Kevin G. Barkes" <kgb () kgb com>
To: <farber () cis upenn edu>

Too bad Monty Python isn't around anymore.

College guide bans 'lady' and 'history' as offensive words

By Martin Bentham, Education Correspondent

A COLLEGE has banned the use of more than 40 "offensive" words and phrases,
including "normal couple" and "slaving over a hot stove", under equal
opportunities rules that staff and students must follow.

Stockport College, Greater Manchester, has also outlawed "taking the
mickey", "history" and "lady", claiming that they are no longer appropriate
in a new century. Among the groups that college officials claim could be
offended by words on the proscribed list are women, homosexuals and ethnic

A policy document entitled Equal Opportunities - Policy into Practice also
says students should not risk upsetting mentally ill people through the use
of words such as "mad", "manic" and "crazy". The expression "slaving over a
hot stove" is ruled to be inappropriate because it "minimises the horror and
oppression of the slave trade".

To ensure that its rules on language are followed, the college, which has
15,000 students aged from 16, says that it "will make it a condition of
service and admission that employees and students adhere to this policy". It
insists that it is important for staff and students to be aware of the
offence that seemingly innocent expressions might cause.

However, Nick Seaton, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, condemned
the guidelines. "It is amazing that academics are still indulging in this
sort of nonsense. It is political correctness of the worst kind," he said.
"They should be concentrating on teaching their students, instead of trying
to ban words which any ordinary person would regard as an everyday part of
the English language."

The row comes days after a Job Centre in Walsall refused to accept an advert
in which an employer said he was seeking a "hard-working" recruit. Jonathan
Stevenson, the centre's manager, claimed that the phrase could offend the
disabled, but was forced to accept the advert after David Blunkett, the
Education and Employment Secretary, intervened to halt what his aides
described as "insulting nonsense".

The Stockport guidelines concede that concern over language can go "too
far". However, they give a warning that it is easy to create offence and
list "unacceptable language" that staff and students should avoid. This
includes remarks which "insult or put down the other sex" and "comments
which discriminate against or are insulting to lesbian, gay and bisexual

Also prohibited is "language which could offend black people", "words which
imply that older people are not valued", and "remarks which disabled people
may find offensive". The expression "taking the mickey" is described as
"anti-Irish", while the use of "normal couple" is questioned, with the
guidelines asking: "How do you define normal?"

"Lady" and "gentleman" are said to have "class implications". "History",
"postman" and "chairman" are all deemed to be sexist. The list also bans the
words "queer" and "cripple", except where gay and disabled people have
"reclaimed" them.

References to "the blind" or "the deaf" are banned, with "visually-impaired"
or "hearing-impaired" recommended as alternatives. The guidelines state:
"The language we use gives other messages about our attitudes to people as
groups and individuals."

Richard Tuson, a spokesman for the college, which offers about 15 degree
courses in addition to vocational qualifications, insisted that the use of
appropriate language was important. "We vigorously pursue an equal
opportunities policy and we try to be as politically correct as possible,
without being tedious."



Kevin G. Barkes
Email: kgb () kgb com | Web:
1512 Annette Avenue | South Park, Pennsylvania | 15129-9735
Voice: 412-854-2550 | Fax: 412-854-4707
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