Interesting People mailing list archives

IP: Israel,Arutz 7 and the Internet

From: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 17:36:33 -0500

Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 14:58:57 -0500
To: farber () cis upenn edu
From: Richard Mandelbaum <rma () appliedtheory com>

Dave, I think the attached should be of interst both to you and many other
readers of the IP list.
This is an almost classic example of a government , that of Israel, and the
State Prosecutors Office attempting to close down sources of information
which they disagree with.

The state prosecutuon office is annoyed with Arutz-7 for publishing a
transcript of a conversation between the Prosecution Office and the Israel
Security Services which showed complicity between the two in a cover up of
the activities of a Security Services agent provacateur.

The current Israeli government ,which essentially controls all of the print
and broadcast media in Israel is very unhappy at the existence of a channel
of alternative news. This is primarily an Internet channel and the raid on
the  Beit-El Studios which have primary responsibility for Internet based
content distribution as a way to stop, recently legalized,  spectrum-based
broadcasts from a ship at sea would be almost ludicrous if it were not so

Dave, I have been very much involved with the Internet in Israel for about
15 years, providing the Israel University Consortium with its first
Internet connection to the US in the late 80's and helping the Israel
Foreign Ministry get onto to the Internet about 8-9 years ago.
What is happening there as regards the ability to propagate information
which disagrees with the government line is truly shocking

Best Regards


X-Sender: neteditor () mail a7 org
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 18:49:31 +0200
To: arutz-7 () ArutzSheva org
From: Arutz-7 Editor <neteditor () ArutzSheva org>
Subject: Arutz-7 news: Tuesday, December 28, 1999
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id
Sender: owner-arutz-7 () a7 org
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: netnews () a7 org


Hundreds of policemen stormed Arutz-7's offices and studios in Beit El at
9:30 this morning, in an attempt to shut down the broadcasts and confiscate
the station's equipment.  For over two hours, the police wrenched out
soundboard consoles, computers, and other equipment, leaving extensive
damage in their wake.  They deposited these at the front entrance to the
station, but did not attempt to transfer them to their waiting vans, as
close to 1,000 residents of Beit El and other communities had gathered on
the narrow street outside.  The crowd, including many dozens of students of
the nearby schools and yeshivot, intermittently sang, danced, and shouted
"Police State!"

Arutz-7 technicians continue to work intensively to appraise and repair the
damage caused to doors, computers, broadcast consoles, and wiring.  All of
the internet department's computers were operating within 4-5 hours after
the raid, and the live internet broadcast of Arutz-7 was back on the air by
1 PM.  The police were unable, despite repeated attempts, to break down the
doors of one of the station's floors, containing a make-shift studio.
Regular broadcasts continue from that studio; of the four damaged ones,
highest priority will be given to repairing the Russian-language studio.
During the course of the raid, Internet Director Baruch Gordon was lightly
injured, requiring eight stitches in his hand, and student Aharon Amram of
N'vei Tzuf had his hand broken.

Communications Ministry representative Chanan Golan, who was present during
the police action today, told Arutz-7 broadcasters that the raid was
initiated not by his office, but by the State Prosecution and the
Attorney-General.  Jerusalem Magistrates Court Justice Rafael Yaakobi
signed the court order, after approving the State Prosecution's request for
the warrant.  When the police showed the search-and-confiscation court
orders this morning, Arutz-7 management explained that these were based on
false information, and that the Knesset had passed legislation almost a
year ago permitting the station to broadcast.

Some two hours after the raid began, Samaria and Judea Police District
Commander Yitzchak Aharonovitch arrived on the scene.  After meeting with
Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed - the station's Chairman of the Board and Rosh
Yeshivat Beit El - Aharonovitch announced the sudden end of the police
operation.  At approximately 11:45 AM, Rabbi Melamed used a megaphone to
inform the crowd gathered outside, "The police are trying to do their work
honorably, but we have a problem with the Communications Ministry.   We
have come to an agreement, and the equipment is all staying here.  Please
permit the policemen to leave here with honor."

Yaakov (Ketzaleh) Katz, speaking on Arutz-7's newsmagazine today, said:
      "Police Commander Aharonovitch is a smart man, and after a short
time he
realized that he was sorely misled.  He saw that there are no transmitters
here - even though we are allowed to have them here and use them - but he
found nothing of the sort...
      "I think that what happened here today is a mark of shame for Prime
Minister Barak and for Public Security Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami, who claims
to be a man of democracy - but what happened here was not democracy, but
dictatorship, pure and simple... In the end, with the help of G-d, they
finally left, and apologized, and it was agreed that they would say that
they had succeeded in stopping the broadcasts - even though the broadcasts
continued throughout, because we simply phoned over to the ship.  Their
claim that we are an illegal station is simply not true, especially after
the passing of the Arutz-7 law in the Knesset, and that's why Beilin and
Communications Ministry officials are making intense efforts to pass a
different law..."

Ketzaleh announced that following the tremendous financial damages caused
the station by the police violence, Arutz-7 will hold a marathon
fund-raising broadcast this coming Thursday and Friday.  Outpourings of
support, via phone calls, faxes, and e-mails, have already been received at

An excerpt from Aharonovitch's hastily-called press conference:
"The warrant was issued at the request of the Communications Ministry, and
we were simply carrying out this order.  We have fulfilled our mission of
stopping the station's broadcasts, and we are therefore leaving."
Reporter: "But listen, you can hear the broadcasts on the radio right now -
the antennas are not here, they are on the ship.  Arutz-7 is still
Aharonovitch:  "Our mission was to stop the broadcasts here in Beit El.  If
they have other channels, this is not my problem."  [The afternoon
newsmagazine was broadcast from Beit El as usual, from the lone operative
make-shift studio, at 1 PM.]

Veteran Arutz-7 broadcaster Adir Zik spoke to the hundreds of Beit El
residents and students who came to show their support of the station this
morning.  After a rousing round of his show's theme song, "You Won't Defeat
Me So Quickly," the crowd settled down to hear his speech.  Excerpts:
      "When I used to remark that the State of Israel is turning into a
Bolshevik state, I was called 'radical and extreme...' - but here we
plainly see that with a court order one morning, the police can just come
in and raid Arutz-7.  Make no mistake about it: This is a struggle for the
future of this land! They are simply trying to shut our mouths!...  Truth
has tremendous strength, and try as they might, they cannot vanquish our
faith.  The age of internet and instant communications has arrived, and
Arutz-7's Kobi Sela has just broadcast a news report [via] the ship in the
middle of the Mediterranean [in the midst of the police attempts to shut
down the station]...  Don't think for a moment that this is a legal issue.
It's intimately connected to the political goings-on at present. They are
simply trying to shut us up."  Zik later said, "Arutz-7 has been
responsible for a revolution in its media message and in its success at
disseminating Torah in Israel and throughout the world.  It is part of a
wider society that sends its daughters to Sherut Leumi (National Service)
and its sons to the top IDF combat units, of people who have been able to
live a completely observant life while fully participating in modern
society.  This is the deeper level of the conflict:  Because of the high
quality of Arutz-7's news and other programming, because we insist on fully
participating in the society - this has the establishment, the media, and
the political establishment eating its heart out."

Reporters from Israeli television stations were at the scene.  They
protested the fact that they were not allowed to enter the building, and a
Channel Two reporter said, "I access Arutz-7's internet site every day for
scoops.  It's important to make this information and these pictures
available to the public, to see what the police came and did here!"

Deputy Minister of Education Sha'ul Yahalom said that there is no iota of
truth to the police allegations that Arutz-7's broadcasts ever disturbed
airport radio transmissions.  Yahalom, speaking as a former Minister of
Transportation, was reacting to statements by Police Investigations Chief
Supt. Yossi Sitbon, who said that the police raid was carried out because
of such disturbances.

MK Rabbi Benny Elon (National Union), a resident of Beit El, who was also
on the scene together with party colleague and leading Arutz-7 proponent MK
Tzvi Hendel, said, "The truth is that I think the police were led astray by
Chanan Golan of the Communications Ministry and Attorney-General Elyakim
Rubenstein, who have an obsession [with Arutz-7]."

MK Rabbi Chaim Druckman (NRP) said, "The police raid on Arutz-7 is an
anti-democratic scandal, an attempt to shut the mouths of the nationalist
camp, the likes of which is only seen in the darkest regimes."  He
recommended that his party, which reached a budget agreement with the
government only two days ago, vote against the budget in protest of the
raid.  Other NRP Knesset Members said that the raid was an attempt to
silence those who object to a withdrawal from the Golan Heights.

MK Uzi Landau (Likud):  "This raid was a manifestation of State Prosecution
violence."  MK David Azulai (Shas):  "This is a leftist government that
will do anything to shut mouths."

The Yesha Council announced that the Ehud Barak government is defiling the
rule of law via the shutting of its political opponents' mouth.  Professors
for a Strong Israel called upon the government to cease its anti-democratic

Atty. Mordechai Haller:
"There is a general principle that when a legislature legalizes a certain
behavior, all legal prosecution against this behavior is halted, and new
proceedings against it are certainly not begun.  The Attorney-General
simply decides that it is not in the public interest to prosecute these
matters... In this case, the legislature has passed a law legalizing
Arutz-7; the law has not gone into effect yet, though, such that this is a
classic case in which the Attorney-General would normally exercise his
discretion not to prosecute...  All the above concerns the radio.  But the
internet department has absolutely nothing to do with this.  The
publication of internet news is no different than any other completely
legal behavior by Arutz-7 staff, such as preparing a cup of coffee.  If an
Arutz-7 employee prepares a cup of coffee, the police cannot come and
arrest him - just like they cannot do so for the equally-innocent act of
sending news over the internet...  If a judge gave a ruling to confiscate
all the equipment in a building used for allegedly illegal broadcasts, when
the police knew perfectly well that some of the equipment is not used for
broadcasts at all, then that order should never have been given…  I think
it's shocking that a judge would give an order that was so sweeping... I
think the police probably misled the judge in that they did not give him
the full picture…"

Yisrael Medad, head of Israel's Media Watch:
"I think that this raid was a very foolish move that puts Mr. Barak on the
defensive, because he can be seen as approaching dictatorship.  We know
that during the previous Labor administration of Mr. Rabin, some moves on
his part led him to being perceived as someone not interested in the rule
of law and citizens' democratic rights to express themselves...  I think
that Arutz-7 represents a very strong body politic, an important
representative of a major cultural and religious element in Israeli 

Women in Green announced a rally for this evening, in protest of the raid
on Arutz-7.  "In an attempt to assure approval by the voting public in the
upcoming referendum on whatever Golan Agreement is reached with Syria," the
organization announced, "Prime Minister Barak ruthlessly moved this morning
to close down the only effective opposing media source to his policies,
Arutz-7 Radio...  Arutz-7 has had free and open discussion, informing the
public of Barak's subservience to Clinton, and the many faults and failures
of his policies..."  The rally will be held at 7:30 PM opposite the Yakar
educational institute at 10 HaLamed-He St. in Jerusalem, where Atty.-Gen.
Elyakim Rubenstein is scheduled to speak on "Law and Democracy."

Readers who would like to send their comments on today's events to various
public figures are invited to find their fax numbers and e-mail addresses at

Richard Mandelbaum                      Tel:  516.466.8422 ext. 224
President & CEO                 Fax:  516.466.8650
AppliedTheory Communications Inc.

40 Cutter Mill Road Suite 405
GreatNeck NY 11021


A Happy Holiday and a safe New Year

from Dave and GG Farber


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