Interesting People mailing list archives

ALERT: Senate speeds towards Telecom Reform bill and Decency ACt

From: Dave Farber <farber () central cis upenn edu>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 06:29:44 +0900


        Update: -Senate changes gears, we're caught with little time
                -What You Can Do Now (US and non-US citizens)

                           June 6, 1995

                 REDISTRIBUTE ONLY UNTIL June 20, 1995

      Distributed by the Voters Telecommunications Watch (vtw () vtw org)

        The Latest News
        What You Can Do Now -- U.S. and non-U.S. citizens
        Senate Contact List
        For More Information
        List Of Participating Organizations


The Senate is ready to act on the Telecommunications Reform Bill this
week, perhaps as soon as Wednesday, June 7th.  We had thought the
Counter Terrorism bill would take all week, but the Senate changed its
schedule without consulting us. :-)

(We sincerely apologize for issuing another alert on the heels of the
prior one, but the Senate's readiness to move on this legislation was
not anticipated.  We'll watch out for such a situation again and avoid
releasing two alerts to close together in the future. We also apologize
for the length of this Alert, but it contains the entire Senate contact

Note that there are few people who don't know about the bill.  However
if you are unfamiliar with the bill, take a moment to retrieve the
materials listed in the "For More Information" section.

WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW -- U.S. and non-U.S. citizens

The Telecomm Reform Bill, will, in all likelihood, include either the
Exon Amendment (formerly the Communications Decency Act) or the Leahy
Amendment. It is essential that the Leahy language be substituted for
Exon's, and therefore it is essential:

1. That all citizens call or fax their Senators as soon as possible.
   There is no time for written letters and email is too easily
   discounted or ignored. Non-U.S. citizens should contact Vice
   President Gore.  Note, if you decide to send a fax, you'll want to
   write an expanded version of the statement below.

   It's very important that you always be cool, collected, and polite.

   U.S. citizens:

        <call your Senators' offices, contact info below>
        "Hello, Senator ________'s office"
        "Hi, I'm a constituent and would like to register my
         opinion on the Telecommunications Reform bill to the
        "Hold On please.  Alright, go ahead."
        "Please vote to remove the Communications Decency Act provision
         (Title 4 of S652) from the Telecomm Reform bill and
         replace it with the Leahy alternative (S714).  My name and
         address is ________."
        "Thanks for calling."

   Non-U.S. citizens:
        <call, fax, or send email to Vice President Gore>
        "Dear Vice President Gore,

         The world looks to the United States as one leader in
         developing a Global Information Infrastructure.  Title 4 of
         the Telecomm Reform bill (the Communications Decency Act)
         imperils that leadership.  Please work to remove it from the
         Telecomm Reform bill (S652) and replace it with Senator
         Leahy's sensible alternative (S714).  I'm calling from

2. Send VTW a note telling us what you did. If you contacted your two
   Senators, send a letter to vtw () vtw org with a subject line of
   "XX ack" where "XX" is your state.  For example:

        To: vtw () vtw org
        Subject: OH ack

        I called my Ohio Senators and expressed my opinion.

   If you contact Senators outside your state, please let us know what
   state you're from.

   If you contacted Vice President Gore, send a letter to vtw () vtw org with
   a subject line of "gore ack".  For example:

        To: vtw () vtw org
        Subject: gore ack

        I called VP Gore and expressed my opinion.  I'm from France.

   An automatic responder will return an updated contact tally.

3. Forward this Alert to relevant forums on other online services and
   BBS's.  Check the letter you get back to see which Senators are
   underrepresented by citizen contacts. Forward the Alert to any
   friends and colleagues in those states.

4. If you haven't yet signed the petition to support Sen. Leahy,
   do so now.  Send mail to vtw () vtw org with a subject line of
   "send petition" for directions.

5. Congratulate yourself!  Your two-minute activism joins that of many
   thousands of others over the past two months.


Vice President Gore can be reached at:

        White House comment line
                Telephone: (202) 456-1111 (M-F 9-5 EST)
                Facsimile: (202) 456-2461 (M-F 9-5 EST)
                Email:      vice-president () whitehouse gov

US Senate Listing:

      D ST Name (Party)               Phone           Fax
      = == ============               =====           ===
      R AK Murkowski, Frank H.        1-202-224-6665  1-202-224-5301
      R AK Stevens, Ted               1-202-224-3004  1-202-224-1044
      D AL Heflin, Howell T.          1-202-224-4124  1-202-224-3149
      R AL Shelby, Richard C.         1-202-224-5744  1-202-224-3416
      D AR Bumpers, Dale              1-202-224-4843  1-202-224-6435
      D AR Pryor, David               1-202-224-2353  1-202-224-8261
      R AZ Kyl, Jon                   1-202-224-4521  1-202-224-2302
      R AZ McCain, John               1-202-224-2235  1-202-228-2862
      D CA Boxer, Barbara             1-202-224-3553  na
      D CA Feinstein, Dianne          1-202-224-3841  1-202-228-3954
      D CO Campbell, Ben N.           1-202-224-5852  1-202-225-0228
      R CO Brown, Henry               1-202-224-5941  1-202-224-6471
      D CT Dodd, Christopher J.       1-202-224-2823  na
      D CT Lieberman, Joseph I.       1-202-224-4041  1-202-224-9750
      D DE Biden Jr., Joseph R.       1-202-224-5042  1-202-224-0139
      R DE Roth Jr.  William V.       1-202-224-2441  1-202-224-2805
      D FL Graham, Robert             1-202-224-3041  1-202-224-2237
      R FL Mack, Connie               1-202-224-5274  1-202-224-8022
      D GA Nunn, Samuel               1-202-224-3521  1-202-224-0072
      R GA Coverdell, Paul            1-202-224-3643  1-202-228-3783
      D HI Akaka, Daniel K.           1-202-224-6361  1-202-224-2126
      D HI Inouye, Daniel K.          1-202-224-3934  1-202-224-6747
      D IA Harkin, Thomas             1-202-224-3254  1-202-224-7431
      R IA Grassley, Charles E.       1-202-224-3744  1-202-224-6020
      R ID Craig, Larry E.            1-202-224-2752  1-202-224-2573
      R ID Kempthorne, Dirk           1-202-224-6142  1-202-224-5893
      D IL Moseley-Braun, Carol       1-202-224-2854  1-202-224-2626
      D IL Simon, Paul                1-202-224-2152  1-202-224-0868
      R IN Coats, Daniel R.           1-202-224-5623  1-202-224-8964
      R IN Lugar, Richard G.          1-202-224-4814  1-202-224-7877
      R KS Dole, Robert               1-202-224-6521  1-202-224-8952
      R KS Kassebaum, Nancy L.        1-202-224-4774  1-202-224-3514
      D KY Ford, Wendell H.           1-202-224-4343  1-202-224-0046
      R KY McConnell, Mitch           1-202-224-2541  1-202-224-2499
      D LA Breaux, John B.            1-202-224-4623  na
      D LA Johnston, J. Bennett       1-202-224-5824  1-202-224-2952
      D MA Kennedy, Edward M.         1-202-224-4543  1-202-224-2417
      D MA Kerry, John F.             1-202-224-2742  1-202-224-8525
      D MD Mikulski, Barbara A.       1-202-224-4654  1-202-224-8858
      D MD Sarbanes, Paul S.          1-202-224-4524  1-202-224-1651
      R ME Snowe, Olympia             1-202-224-5344  1-202-224-6853
      R ME Cohen, William S.          1-202-224-2523  1-202-224-2693
      D MI Levin, Carl                1-202-224-6221  na
      R MI Abraham, Spencer           1-202-224-4822  1-202-224-8834
      D MN Wellstone, Paul            1-202-224-5641  1-202-224-8438
      R MN Grams, Rod                 1-202-224-3244  1-202-224-9931
      R MO Bond, Christopher S.       1-202-224-5721  1-202-224-8149
      R MO Ashcroft, John             1-202-224-6154  na
      R MS Cochran, Thad              1-202-224-5054  1-202-224-3576
      R MS Lott, Trent                1-202-224-6253  1-202-224-2262
      D MT Baucus, Max                1-202-224-2651  na
      R MT Burns, Conrad R.           1-202-224-2644  1-202-224-8594
      R NC Faircloth, D. M.           1-202-224-3154  1-202-224-7406
      R NC Helms, Jesse               1-202-224-6342  1-202-224-7588
      D ND Conrad, Kent               1-202-224-2043  1-202-224-7776
      D ND Dorgan, Byron L.           1-202-224-2551  1-202-224-1193
      D NE Exon, J. J.                1-202-224-4224  1-202-224-5213
      D NE Kerrey, Bob                1-202-224-6551  1-202-224-7645
      R NH Gregg, Judd                1-202-224-3324  1-202-224-4952
      R NH Smith, Robert              1-202-224-2841  1-202-224-1353
      D NJ Bradley, William           1-202-224-3224  1-202-224-8567
      D NJ Lautenberg, Frank R.       1-202-224-4744  1-202-224-9707
      D NM Bingaman, Jeff             1-202-224-5521  na
      R NM Domenici, Pete V.          1-202-224-6621  1-202-224-7371
      D NV Bryan, Richard H.          1-202-224-6244  1-202-224-1867
      D NV Reid, Harry                1-202-224-3542  1-202-224-7327
      D NY Moynihan, Daniel P.        1-202-224-4451  na
      R NY D'Amato, Alfonse M.        1-202-224-6542  1-202-224-5871
      D OH Glenn, John                1-202-224-3353  1-202-224-7983
      R OH Dewine, Michael            1-202-224-2315  1-202-224-6519
      R OK Inhofe, James              1-202-224-4721
      R OK Nickles, Donald            1-202-224-5754  1-202-224-6008
      R OR Hatfield, Mark O.          1-202-224-3753  1-202-224-0276
      R OR Packwood, Robert           1-202-224-5244  1-202-228-3576
      R PA Santorum, Rick             1-202-224-6324  1-202-228-4991
      R PA Specter, Arlen             1-202-224-4254  1-202-224-1893
      D RI Pell, Claiborne            1-202-224-4642  1-202-224-4680
      R RI Chafee, John H.            1-202-224-2921  na
      D SC Hollings, Ernest F.        1-202-224-6121  1-202-224-4293
      R SC Thurmond, Strom            1-202-224-5972  1-202-224-1300
      D SD Daschle, Thomas A.         1-202-224-2321  1-202-224-2047
      R SD Pressler, Larry            1-202-224-5842  1-202-224-1259*
      R TN Thompson, Fred             1-202-224-4944  1-202-228-3679
      R TN Frist, Bill                1-202-224-3344  1-202-224-8062
      R TX Hutchison, Kay Bailey      1-202-224-5922  1-202-224-0776
      R TX Gramm, Phil                1-202-224-2934  1-202-228-2856
      R UT Bennett, Robert            1-202-224-5444  1-202-224-6717
      R UT Hatch, Orrin G.            1-202-224-5251  1-202-224-6331
      D VA Robb, Charles S.           1-202-224-4024  1-202-224-8689
      R VA Warner, John W.            1-202-224-2023  1-202-224-6295
      D VT Leahy, Patrick J.          1-202-224-4242  1-202-224-3595
      R VT Jeffords, James M.         1-202-224-5141  na
      D WA Murray, Patty              1-202-224-2621  1-202-224-0238
      R WA Gorton, Slade              1-202-224-3441  1-202-224-9393
      D WI Feingold, Russell          1-202-224-5323  na
      D WI Kohl, Herbert H.           1-202-224-5653  1-202-224-9787
      D WV Byrd, Robert C.            1-202-224-3954  1-202-224-4025
      D WV Rockefeller, John D.       1-202-224-6472  na
      R WY Simpson, Alan K.           1-202-224-3424  1-202-224-1315
      R WY Thomas, Craig              1-202-224-6441  1-202-224-3230


For more information on the Communications Decency Act, visit the
following resources:

Web Sites

FTP Archives

Gopher Archives:

        vtw () vtw org (put "send help" in the subject line)
        cda-info () cdt org (General CDA information)
        cda-stat () cdt org (Current status of the CDA)


In order to use the net more effectively, several organizations have
joined forces on a single Congressional net campaign to stop the
Communications Decency Act.

In alphabetical order:

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)             infoaclu () aclu org
American Communication Association (ACA)   comminfo () cavern uark edu
American Council for the Arts
Arts & Technology Society                         cyberguy () well com
biancaTroll productions                           bianca () bianca com
Californians Against Censorship Together         BobbyLilly () aol com
Center For Democracy And Technology (CDT)              info () cdt org
Centre for Democratic Communications (CDC)     cshariff () aztec co za
Center for Public Representation (CPR)   mgpritch () facstaff wisc edu
Computer Communicators Association     community () pigpen demon co uk
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility      cpsr () cpsr org
Cross Connections                                   staff () xconn com
Cyber-Rights Campaign                         cyber-rights () cpsr org
CyberQueer Lounge                                tomh () cyberzine org
Electronic Frontier Canada (EFC)         efc () graceland uwaterloo ca
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)                   info () eff org
Electronic Frontier Foundation - Austin          eff-austin () tic com
Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA)            efa-info () efa org au
Electronic Frontiers Houston (EFH)                      efh () efh org
Electronic Frontiers New Hampshire (EFNH)               efnh () mv com
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)          info () epic org
Feminists For Free Expression (FFE)                     FFE () aol com
First Amendment Teach-In                     croth () omnifest uwm edu
Florida Coalition Against Censorship          pipking () mail firn edu
FACTS (Friendly Anti-Censorship Taskforce for Students)
                                        jt885291 () oak cats ohiou edu
Hands Off! The Net                               baby-x () phanton com
Human Rights Watch (HRW)                            infohrw () hrw org
Inland Book Company                               David1756 () aol com
Inner Circle Technologies, Inc.  aka. NovaLink
Inst. for Global Communications                    igc-info () igc org
National Libertarian Party                73163.3063 () compuserve com
Libertarian Party (national) (LP)             lphq () access digex net
Marijuana Policy Project                          MPProject () AOL com
Metropolitan Data Networks Ltd.
MindVox                                          system () phantom com
National Bicycle Greenway                        cycleam () cruzio com
National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC)        ncac () netcom com
National Public Telecomputing Network (NPTN)          info () nptn org
National Writers Union (UAW Local 1981 AFL-CIO)   kip () world std com
Oregon Coast Rural Information Service Cooperative
Panix Public Access Internet                         info () panix com
People for the American Way                      jlessern () reach com
Rock Out Censorship                               TWieseROC () aol com
Society for Electronic Access                           sea () sea org
The Thing International BBS Network (TTNet)    info () thing nyc ny us
The WELL                                              info () well com
Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW)                   vtw () vtw org

(Note: All 'Electronic Frontier' organizations are independent entities,
 not EFF chapters or divisions.)

        End Alert

Current thread: