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CERT Advisory - Ongoing Network Monitoring Attacks

From: David Farber <farber () central cis upenn edu>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994 14:27:33 -0500

The Computer Emergency Response Team has issued the attached advisory about
a dramatic increase this week in reports of intruders monitoring network
traffic.  CERT notes that tens of thousands of systems have had access
information (account IDs and passwords) captured.

CERT recommends that all users on sites that offer remote access change
passwords on any network-accessed account.  However, at the same time, they
note that until the network is known to be free of network monitoring
software, users run a risk of having their password compromised merely by
the act of changing it.

It would seem that the most prudent course would to be to hold off asking
users to change their account passwords on a wholesale basis, until it is
known with some certainty whether any sites on campus have had the
monitoring software installed.  The more users are subject to wholesale
requests to change  passwords, the less they will pay attention to the

That being said, it would seem to be wise for us to be as certain as
possible that the monitoring software has not been installed on any hosts
at Penn.  CERT notes that SunOS 4.x and Solbourne both support the nework
interface (/dev/nit) which was compromised, so it would seem that those are
the hosts we should concentrate on.  CERT notes that Solaris does not
support the /dev/nit interface, and suggests that customers on other UNIX
platforms contact their vendors to determine their vulnerability.

I suppose I would start by asking that any sysadmins of SunOS 4.x or
Solbourne systems contact me.  If you have the skills and the resources to
follow CERT's detailed instructions (attached) for determining if you have
had the software installed, great.  If you are willing to be available for
some questions from those who may not have the skills, please let me know.
And finally, if you don't have the skills or resources, let me know.  I
can't say now that I can do anything about it, but I'll try.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to find out from other vendors, whether they are
aware of any other platforms which may have been comromised.

As soon as we know whether we have had any sites compromised, we can decide
whether it makes sense to ask any users to change their passwords.

CERT suggests that the long-term solution is to not send re-usable,
unencrypted passwords over the network.  ISC will shortly kick off a task
force to work on this very problem.

One final note.  CERT doesn't say it, but if it was my system, I'd change
root passwords today.


Posted-Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 21:14:40 EST
From: CERT Advisory <cert-advisory-request () cert org>
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 21:14:40 EST
To: cert-advisory () cert org
Subject: CERT Advisory - Ongoing Network Monitoring Attacks
Organization: Computer Emergency Response Team : 412-268-7090

CA-94:01                         CERT Advisory
                              February 3, 1994
                     Ongoing Network Monitoring Attacks

In the past week, CERT has observed a dramatic increase in reports of
intruders monitoring network traffic.  Systems of some service
providers have been compromised, and all systems that offer remote
access through rlogin, telnet, and FTP are at risk.  Intruders have
already captured access information for tens of thousands of systems
across the Internet.

The current attacks involve a network monitoring tool that uses the
promiscuous mode of a specific network interface, /dev/nit, to capture
host and user authentication information on all newly opened FTP,
telnet, and rlogin sessions.

In the short-term, CERT recommends that all users on sites that offer
remote access change passwords on any network-accessed account. In
addition, all sites having systems that support the /dev/nit interface
should disable this feature if it is not used and attempt to prevent
unauthorized access if the feature is necessary. A procedure for
accomplishing this is described in Section III.B.2 below.  Systems
known to support the interface are SunOS 4.x (Sun3 and Sun4
architectures) and Solbourne systems; there may be others. Sun Solaris
systems do not support the /dev/nit interface. If you have a system
other than Sun or Solbourne, contact your vendor to find if this
interface is supported.

While the current attack is specific to /dev/nit, the short-term
workaround does not constitute a solution.  The best long-term
solution currently available for this attack is to reduce or eliminate
the transmission of reusable passwords in clear-text over the network.


I.   Description

    Root-compromised systems that support a promiscuous network
    interface are being used by intruders to collect host and user
    authentication information visible on the network.

    The intruders first penetrate a system and gain root access
    through an unpatched vulnerability (solutions and workarounds for
    these vulnerabilities have been described in previous CERT
    advisories, which are available anonymous FTP from

    The intruders then run a network monitoring tool that captures up
    to the first 128 keystrokes of all newly opened FTP, telnet, and
    rlogin sessions visible within the compromised system's domain.
    These keystrokes usually contain host, account, and password
    information for user accounts on other systems; the intruders log
    these for later retrieval.  The intruders typically install
    Trojan horse programs to support subsequent access to the
    compromised system and to hide their network monitoring process.

II.  Impact

    All connected network sites that use the network to access remote
    systems are at risk from this attack.

    All user account and password information derived from FTP,
    telnet, and rlogin sessions and passing through the same network
    as the compromised host could be disclosed.

III. Approach

    There are three steps in CERT's recommended approach to the

    - Detect if the network monitoring tool is running on any of your
      hosts that support a promiscuous network interface.

    - Protect against this attack either by disabling the network
      interface for those systems that do not use this feature or by
      attempting to prevent unauthorized use of the feature on systems
      where this interface is necessary.

    - Scope the extent of the attack and recover in the event that
      the network monitoring tool is discovered.

    A.  Detection

        The network monitoring tool can be run under a variety of
        process names and log to a variety of filenames.  Thus, the
        best method for detecting the tool is to look for 1) Trojan
        horse programs commonly used in conjunction with this attack,
        2) any suspect processes running on the system, and 3) the
        unauthorized use of /dev/nit.

        1) Trojan horse programs:

        The intruders have been found to replace one or more of the
        following programs with a Trojan horse version in conjunction
        with this attack:

          and /bin/login -  Used to provide back-door access for the
                            intruders to retrieve information
          /bin/ps  - Used to disguise the network monitoring process

        Because the intruders install Trojan horse variations of
        standard UNIX commands, CERT recommends not using other
        commands such as the standard UNIX sum(1) or cmp(1) commands
        to locate the Trojan horse programs on the system until these
        programs can be restored from distribution media, run from
        read-only media (such as a mounted CD-ROM), or verified using
        cryptographic checksum information.

        In addition to the possibility of having the checksum
        programs replaced by the intruders, the Trojan horse programs
        mentioned above may have been engineered to produce the same
        standard checksum and timestamp as the legitimate version.
        Because of this, the standard UNIX sum(1) command and the
        timestamps associated with the programs are not sufficient to
        determine whether the programs have been replaced.

        CERT recommends that you use both the /usr/5bin/sum and
        /bin/sum commands to compare against the distribution media
        and assure that the programs have not been replaced.  The use
        of cmp(1), MD5, Tripwire (only if the baseline checksums were
        created on a distribution system), and other cryptographic
        checksum tools are also sufficient to detect these Trojan
        horse programs, provided these programs were not available
        for modification by the intruder.  If the distribution is
        available on CD-ROM or other read-only device, it may be
        possible to compare against these volumes or run programs off
        these media.

        2) Suspect processes:

        Although the name of the network monitoring tool can vary
        from attack to attack, it is possible to detect a suspect
        process running as root using ps(1) or other process-listing
        commands.  Until the ps(1) command has been verified against
        distribution media, it should not be relied upon--a Trojan
        horse version is being used by the intruders to hide the
        monitoring process.  Some process names that have been
        observed are sendmail, es, and in.netd.  The arguments to the
        process also provide an indication of where the log file is
        located.  If the "-F" flag is set on the process, the
        filename following indicates the location of the log file
        used for the collection of authentication information for
        later retrieval by the intruders.

        3) Unauthorized use of /dev/nit:

        If the network monitoring tool is currently running on your
        system, it is possible to detect this by checking for
        unauthorized use of the /dev/nit interface.  CERT has created
        a minimal tool for this purpose.  The source code for this
        tool is available via anonymous FTP on in the
        /pub/tools/cpm directory or on in the
        /pub/security/cpm directory as cpm.1.0.tar.Z.  The checksum
        information is:

        Filename                Standard UNIX Sum         System V Sum
       --------------           -----------------         ------------
        cpm.1.0.tar.Z:               11097 6                 24453 12

        MD5 Checksum
        MD5 (cpm.1.0.tar.Z) = e29d43f3a86e647f7ff2aa453329a155

        This archive contains a readme file, also included as
        Appendix C of this advisory, containing instructions on
        installing and using this detection tool.

    B.  Prevention

        There are two actions that are effective in preventing this
        attack.  A long-term solution requires eliminating
        transmission of clear-text passwords on the network.  For
        this specific attack, however, a short-term workaround
        exists.  Both of these are described below.

        1) Long-term prevention:

        CERT recognizes that the only effective long-term solution to
        prevent these attacks is by not transmitting reusable
        clear-text passwords on the network.  CERT has collected some
        information on relevant technologies.  This information is
        included as Appendix B in this advisory.  Note: These
        solutions will not protect against transient or remote access
        transmission of clear-text passwords through the network.

        Until everyone connected to your network is using the above
        technologies, your policy should allow only authorized users
        and programs access to promiscuous network interfaces.  The
        tool described in Section III.A.3 above may be helpful in
        verifying this restricted access.

        2) Short-term workaround:

        Regardless of whether the network monitoring software is
        detected on your system, CERT recommends that ALL SITES take
        action to prevent unauthorized network monitoring on their
        systems. You can do this either by removing the interface, if
        it is not used on the system or by attempting to prevent the
        misuse of this interface.

        For systems other than Sun and Solbourne, contact your vendor
        to find out if promiscuous mode network access is supported
        and, if so, what is the recommended method to disable or
        monitor this feature.

        For SunOS 4.x and Solbourne systems, the promiscuous
        interface to the network can be eliminated by removing the
        /dev/nit capability from the kernel.  The procedure for doing
        so is outlined below (see your system manuals for more
        details).  Once the procedure is complete, you may remove the
        device file /dev/nit since it is no longer functional.

        Procedure for removing /dev/nit from the kernel:

        1. Become root on the system.

        2. Apply "method 1" as outlined in the System and Network
        Administration manual, in the section, "Sun System

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