Interesting People mailing list archives

a submission from me in response to PEARLS BEFORE SWINE

From: David Farber <farber () central cis upenn edu>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 21:11:20 -0400

In a submission via Interesting People, Willam A. Frezza in a note titled

"Lead by organizations like Mitch Kapor's Electronic Frontier Foundation
and Ralph Nader's Taxpayer Assets Project, supported by a phalanx of
tenured academics long accustomed to public subsidization, and supplied
with emotional ammunition by grass roots workers like Ms. Schneider, these
New Age Intellectual Poverty Pundits are determined to define, create, and
manage a new form of public entitlement. "

As a Board member of EFF I must take serious exception to Bill. EFF has
never as an organization even remotely taken that position or anything like
it. We as an organization pride ourselves on gathering a group of people on
the Board and staff who cover the  spectrum of opinions and political and
economic leanings. We have one thing in common and that is to support the
fundanmental rights of an american citizen as we go into the information
age and to push, shove and tempt the nation to move into this future.

Given this variety of people on the Board and Staff, you will hear
individuals maybe taking such positions as INDIVIDUALS. I have never heard
Mitch take that position nor have I heard that from the Board members whose
statements I have read.

It is certainly not the position of the EFF.

Professor David Farber
The Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunication Systems
University of Pennsylvania      + 1 610 274-8293 FAX
200 S. 33 rd Street             + 1 800 946 4646 PIN # 1097266 PAGER
Philadelphia PA 19104-6389      + 1 215 870 0175 cellular
Home:                           + 1 610 274 8292 Home
POB 424                         + 1 215 898 9672 Secretary - Mike Felker
216 Good Hope Road (for Fedex)  + 1 215 898-9508 Office
Landenberg PA 19350-0424

Primary occupation -- Tele-techno-yenta

Member of the Board of Directors of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Benjamin Franklin

"I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to
say it" -- Voltaire

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For more info about EFF and how to participate in our latest e-mail
campaign for strong encryption, send mail to eff () eff org.

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