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Interesting webserver intrusion (apache 1.3.31, mod_ssl 2.8.18, php 4.3.7)

From: "nathan c. dickerson" <nathan () pro net>
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2004 11:15:45 -0700


A few weeks ago, a webserver at my location was broken into. I caught the attacker in progress before any damage was done, but the attack itself was quite stealthy and surprising.

At the time, we were using a version of mod_ssl which was venerable to a client certificate buffer overflow(apache 1.3.29 mod ssl 2.8.16). This attack occurred roughly 25 days after the release of the security fixed version. At the time I thought it was too advanced for what the attackers were doing on the system. After patching the hole, and setting all temporary directories on the system to non executable to avoid binary execution from the standard places, I generally thought everything was fine.

We are now running Apache 1.3.31 with mod_ssl 2.8.18, which I thought was secure. However; a few days ago, I noticed another successful intrusion via Apache. Same callback scripts to get around the firewall, same people.

This annoyed me greatly, since they managed to execute commands via Apache.

The standard error of their exploited httpd process would show up in the error log. I believe the execution is done blindly.

sh: line 1: /usr/sbin/apachectl: No such file or directory
sh: line 1: cd: /var/tmp/...: No such file or directory
sh: line 1: cd: /var/tmp/...: No such file or directory
cat: /tmp/cmdtemp: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/cmdtemp': No such file or directory

During the first attack, they uploaded binaries and a perl script in /var/tmp/.../ , but since then, with the addition of non executable temporary directories, they have been simply using a perl script which connects back to spawn a shell on efnet IRC (uploaded in /dev/shm !) -- fairly clever. The IRC callback shell leads me to believe the access is blind. Again, they didn't have time to get root, as a combination of spotting the activity quickly and running the latest kernel.

I have obtained decently accurate time ranges of intrusion from the temp files left around. After searching through alot of logs around those time ranges, the only strangeness in the logs seemed to be (ips somewhat hidden):
64.110.x3x.217 - - [02/Jul/2004:12:04:17 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
64.110.x3x.217 - - [02/Jul/2004:12:04:23 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
216.90.2xx.3 - - [02/Jul/2004:12:20:39 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
142.173.xx.6x - - [02/Jul/2004:17:33:26 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
68.227.xx.2x7 - - [03/Jul/2004:08:16:38 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
68.227.xx.2x7 - - [03/Jul/2004:08:16:38 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
68.227.xx.2x7 - - [03/Jul/2004:08:16:38 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
68.227.xx.2x7 - - [03/Jul/2004:08:16:38 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
80.39.22x.6x - - [05/Jul/2004:07:26:05 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
64.114.2xx.xx0 - - [05/Jul/2004:15:26:18 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
80.39.22x.x1 - - [05/Jul/2004:22:21:03 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
68.63.17x.2x2 - - [08/Jul/2004:07:25:58 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
66.114.14x.17x - - [08/Jul/2004:11:30:55 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 - - - [08/Jul/2004:14:42:14 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
38.119.13x.x2 - - [08/Jul/2004:14:42:14 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
66.114.14x.1x4 - - [08/Jul/2004:17:14:50 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 - - - [08/Jul/2004:17:27:00 -0700] "\x80L\x01\x03" 501 -
217.217.xx.xx - Invalid method in request \\x80b\\x01\\x02\\xbd

This occurred several times from several different IPs at different times, and 30 minutes before one of the scripts was uploaded. However, it makes me wonder if it is a worm. I hope it is a worm, because if its not, they are using a non disclosed apache hole, which is disturbing.

If it is a hole in PHP, or one of the scripts on one of the 120+ sites, it is very difficult to detect. It also wouldn't generate anything in the error_logs (unless they do something silly), and the useful variables GET and POST get tructuated in the access log, making my job more difficult.

If I could get the full GET and POST request data, I could perform searches for interesting execution strings. Does anyone have any suggestions on this?

I am fairly sure the normal-user accessible php scripts on the server do not access exec() type functions, however it is possible since php scripts will write their standard error to the apache error log as well, and I didn't write them all, so I can not be certain they are 100% secure. PHP running is 4.3.7. There are no cgi perl scripts running on the server.

From the scripts, I have confirmed the attackers are a team of some kind, and last night I paid them a visited on IRC. I was kicked from the channel within 5 minutes, and some civil words were exchanged which ended in a decent sized DOS against my ADSL, and afterwords, a brief conversation with one of the intruders.

I set up a acid/snort monitoring system at the router on wednesday which is fairly effective, and have been monitoring for further attacks. The attacks performed did not show up with snorts shell code detection, but then again, I've got to go in and tweak alot of settings still, which points to PHP again. Perhaps I'll look into monitoring all http requests on the network for occurences of the perl, sh, cat, rm and various other commands.

Does anyone have any suggestions or pointers that would help me narrow down the security hole? I have brought the system into a state where system access is fairly complex to achieve with blind access, but not impossible to the dedicated.

I can sleep well again once I find out how these guys are getting in,

Nathan Dickerson
Pro.NET Communications

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