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Chunked encoding worm on tcp/80

From: Bill McCarty <bmccarty () pt-net net>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 16:11:45 -0800

Hi all,

Does anyone recognize this worm code fragment obtained from Objdump? The worm ran through my Class C network, hitting TCP/80 on most hosts. Snort identified it as:

  WEB-MISC Apache Chunked-Encoding worm attempt
  WEB-MISC bad HTTP/1.1 request, Potentially worm attack
  WEB-MISC Transfer-Encoding- chunked

The ASCII dump of this worm bears some resemblance to that of the Gobbles SSL exploit. But, as I recall, the Gobbles exploit targeted TCP/443. So, this seems to be something else. I have class in 15 minutes, which isn't enough time for me to study the disassembly. So, please pardon my dumping of unanalyzed data. But, it'll be tomorrow before I can investigate further.


(Code begins with a long sled of inc %ecx instructions.)

    717:        41                      inc    %ecx
    718:        e7 d0                   out    %eax,$0xd0
    71a:        c3                      ret
    71b:        3f                      aas
    71c:        53                      push   %ebx
    71d:        79 0d                   jns    0x72c
    71f:        00 42 00                add    %al,0x0(%edx)
    722:        00 00                   add    %al,(%eax)
    724:        42                      inc    %edx
    725:        00 00                   add    %al,(%eax)
    727:        00 00                   add    %al,(%eax)
    729:        e0 b6                   loopne 0x6e1
    72b:        05 ce 0a 00 05          add    $0x5000ace,%eax
    730:        69 00 04 82 08 00       imul   $0x88204,(%eax),%eax
    736:        45                      inc    %ebp
    737:        00 00                   add    %al,(%eax)
    739:        34 6c                   xor    $0x6c,%al
    73b:        65                      gs
    73c:        40                      inc    %eax
    73d:        00 40 06                add    %al,0x6(%eax)
    740:        b1 2a                   mov    $0x2a,%cl
    742:        c7 6b 61 24 ca 6c 2a    movl   $0x2a6cca24,0x61(%ebx)
    749:        38 00                   cmp    %al,(%eax)
    74b:        50                      push   %eax
    74c:        30 f1                   xor    %dh,%cl
    74e:        61                      popa
    74f:        e3 39                   jecxz  0x78a
    751:        c5 bb 3d 8b 87 80       lds    0x80878b3d(%ebx),%edi
    757:        10 21                   adc    %ah,(%ecx)
    759:        f0 ba 2c 00 00 01       lock mov $0x100002c,%edx
    75f:        01 08                   add    %ecx,(%eax)
    761:        0a 62 70                or     0x70(%edx),%ah
    764:        55                      push   %ebp
    765:        a3 1a e5 96 c4          mov    %eax,0xc496e51a
    76a:        e8 d0 c3 3f b6          call   0xb63fcb3f
    76f:        3c 01                   cmp    $0x1,%al
    771:        00 ea                   add    %ch,%dl
    773:        05 00 00 ea 05          add    $0x5ea0000,%eax
    778:        00 00                   add    %al,(%eax)
    77a:        00 05 69 00 04 82       add    %al,0x82040069
    780:        00 e0                   add    %ah,%al
    782:        b6 05                   mov    $0x5,%dh
    784:        ce                      into
    785:        0a 08                   or     (%eax),%cl
    787:        00 45 00                add    %al,0x0(%ebp)
    78a:        05 dc 0f c0 40          add    $0x40c00fdc,%eax
    78f:        00 35 06 13 28 ca       add    %dh,0xca281306
    795:        6c                      insb   (%dx),%es:(%edi)
    796:        2a 38                   sub    (%eax),%bh
    798:        c7 6b 61 24 30 f1 00    movl   $0xf13024,0x61(%ebx)
    79f:        50                      push   %eax
    7a0:        bb 3d 8b 87 61          mov    $0x61878b3d,%ebx
    7a5:        e3 39                   jecxz  0x7e0
    7a7:        c5 80 10 82 18 ab       lds    0xab188210(%eax),%eax
    7ad:        0a 00                   or     (%eax),%al
    7af:        00 01                   add    %al,(%ecx)
    7b1:        01 08                   add    %ecx,(%eax)
    7b3:        0a 1a                   or     (%edx),%bl
    7b5:        e5 96                   in     $0x96,%eax
    7b7:        da 62 70                fisubl 0x70(%edx)
    7ba:        55                      push   %ebp
    7bb:        a3 41 41 41 41          mov    %eax,0x41414141
    7c0:        41                      inc    %ecx
    7c1:        41                      inc    %ecx
    7c2:        41                      inc    %ecx

(Code continues with another sled of inc %ecx instructions and another exploit, multiple times. The full TCP stream is about 37k bytes.)

Bill McCarty


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