Security Incidents mailing list archives

FW: Event ID 644

From: Paul Snedden <psnedden () GBMLOGIC COM AU>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 13:57:12 +1100

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I originally sent this message to the How-To Security List (also a
part of SecurityFocus), but didn't receive any reasonable responses.
Perhaps the membership of this list might be able to shed a bit more


Last Friday afternoon (15:59), there is a group of entries in the
Security Event Log of my PDCsaying that my personal domain acct had
been locked out.  This, in itself, is nothing short of odd, but
isn't the reason for this question.  The first three entries were
identical, with the exception of the "Caller Machine", each of
which had a different SID.  My first question is which machines
would this be?  Do I have any way of finding this out?  I'm
assuming one is my PDC, another would be my BDC, but what about the
third?  Other than the PDC/BDC, I also have a RAS Server and a
standalone server running IIS4 as a backend to our corporate
website.  All servers are running NT4/SP6a(RC1.3), my PC is running
NT4WS/SP6a(RC1.3).  So, what would the third entry be?  If there
was 4, I would have assumed that it was the other two servers, but
seeing as there is just one, would the third entry be my PC?

The second half of my question is a bit more bizarre.  As I
mentioned, there were six entries in the event log, in the order of
(what I will call) "SID1", "SID2", "SID3".  These three entries
were duplicated some 23 seconds later, in the same order as above
(SID1, SID2, SID3).  Then, approximately an hour later, there was
another eighteen(18) entries, these being in three groups of three,
then duplicated 22 seconds later (just like it did above).  I will
give details of one of the groups of three:

SID1 had three events logged, one saying my User acct had been
locked out and gave all the relevant details.  Looking at the
"detail" section of the event, the top half of the screen showed
"User" as my login name, and the "Computer" had the name of my PDC
listed.  The bottom half showed the "Target Account ID" as being my
login name, the "Caller User Name" had the name of my domain
listed, and the "Caller User Name" had a hex string listed.

The second and third entries that SID1 had showed the "User" as "NT
AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS", but the "Computer" still had the name of my
PDC listed.  The "Target Account ID" was blank, and the "Caller
User Name" showed a different hex string.

This pattern was duplicated for both SID2 and SID3, then 22 seconds
later, the entire pattern (of 9 entries) was duplicated.


As Monday was a public holiday, I was more than a little surprised
to see this when I came to work on Tuesday morning.  When you add
in the fact that our building got broken into over the weekend, it
just looks a little TOO scary.

Can someone help me make sense of all this?

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