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Re: security theater is useful, stop abusing it [was: PCI]

From: Benjamin April <ben_april () trendmicro com>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 11:23:56 -0400

A layer of security is nothing more than a
time-delay device. Some layers provide more delay
than others. Very often the so called "security
theatre" provides a delay equal to the time spent
studying it for weaknesses.

Security theatre and security by obscurity suffer
from the same weakness in that once the attacker
know what is going on behind the curtain the
benefit is negated. Either is a valid layer of
secruity IMHO, however it must be accepted that
once breached all value is lost.

 I'll be the first to admit that every time I go
through a TSA check-point and surrender my bottle
of water I keep waiting for the lights to come up
and the TSA staff to join hands and start singing
 and dancing. Thankfully it has not happened yet.
I can smell a production number from a mile away
and  all these folks need is a band.

Anyone who doubts the validity of security by
obscurity as a valid layer need look no further
than confiker. Can anyone doing analysis there
tell me SBO is not an effective tool? Yes its
effectiveness will run out, but at the moment it
is kicking our collective asses.

FTR: I spent about 15 years as theatrical
stage-hand somehow the "theatre" spelling stuck
with me.


Gadi Evron wrote:
Jon Kibler wrote:
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Anton Chuvakin wrote:
same answer: "I don't participate in security theater." I think this
First, I am amazed how people so intelligent can hold opinions so
shortsighted :-)
I unquestionably stand by my assertion that PCI DSS is pure security
theater at its worst. Perhaps you do not understand the concept of
"security theater"?

Security theater does in fact have uses. Secrecy can be a strong line of 
defense and psychological barriers are in fact barriers, as we are 
dealing with human beings. So, security by obscurity is an extremely 
useful tool, the problem is when it is the only one, it then becomes a 
single, lonely, point of failure, and potentially a waste of resources 

Naming misuse of Security by Obscurity "Security Theater" gives it 
negative connotations. It already had enough on its own. I'd be 
interested in how people implement it successfully, as obviously the way 
the industry just disses on it, is raising a generation of security 
professionals who don't understand secrecy or how human nature is 
manipulated positively, rather than just negatively.

I don't see anyone here dissing on the underline concept of egress 
filtering just because most frak it up. Think for yourselves, people.

Semi related, Imri and I wrote an article on how security theater can 
work, and how it in fact helps stop terrorist bombing in Israel. You can 
find it here:
(URL may break, so:

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