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Re: Tor and Porn

From: Kevin McAleavey <kevinmca () nsclean com>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 15:11:18 -0500

 Actually, I'm sitting here beside myself laughing my teat off over the concept ... and surprised that there's folks in 
this business who never quite saw the "real" game going on out there. ZLOB, BUSKY, GROMOZON, VUNDO ... they're ALL the 
same dewds! Different coders hired up for sure, each has their own way of doing things and for most, their very own 
embedded UUID's from Microsoft's "languages" embedded in their code no matter WHAT they wanna rename the "codec" or the 

 That whole "spam thing" that was in the ragazines was hysterical. When they get new "vics" the FIRST thing they do is 
send them for some search engine action with pages so lame, even most "Unmericans" can figure it out. Then comes the 
hoovers for "e-gold" and "paypal" stuff, along with the "YOUR COMPUTER IS INFECTED!" page with the "buy now button.

 But MOST "zombies" recruited by the same "pump and dump" also get to relay spam and even BETTER ... host them pr0n 
sitez! Anyone hoping to trap all of the potential IP's when so MANY of the "pr0n" sites run on Cablemodem and DSL 
subscribers, I have these visions of spoons and oceans.   :)

 These aren't the colored-hat "spy vs spy" days any longer, it's all about the Benjamins. Stuffing a "vic" with all you 
can fling on there, hoping that they figure out their home page got jacked, and when THAT stops, they're home free. And 
for most rubes, it works.   :(

 And the AV's take the weekend off. Own a machine for a couple of days, that's real money even IF you get kicked off 
and have to do another round'o'sploits to build those numbers back WHEN detected. TOR is the least of the issue and 
SHAME on our "law enforcement" if they can go after people who are only guity of being Darwin bait. Fact is, this is 
organized crime, it's EASY to figure out who the players are - their code is TELLTALE as to who wrote it (nobody 
"domestic") and how to predict their next move. That's what I earn my paultry living doing - scroo the code, know the 
PERP! And what they're likely to do next. Works pretty well for me so far with these perps ...

 Wanna buy some MEDZ? Heh.

At 09:05 AM 10/29/06, Unca Ron wrote:
Dude VanWinkle wrote:
Also, does anyone know of a free list or porn servers

No, but if you find one, can you send it to me?  I need it for uhh.....
blocking.  Yes, blocking...

 Kevin McAleavey at your service
 Privacy Software Corporation
 kevinmca () nsclean com

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